Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (6 Viewers)

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
You are frothing and obsessed and want people locked down and no doubt fined or imprisoned if they do not and by locking down I mean actually venturing out

Italy are breakdown these restrictions every day - so what would you do? Tazor them? Shoot them? I won’t be disappointed as you’ll get your wish soon so hope you enjoy it
There have been 40,000 fined over the last week, I would wager it will be a lot more for the upcoming week.
Earlier you claimed the Russian military were enforcing the lockdown, so I am not sure you are a reliable witness for what is going on here.


Well-Known Member
The WHO guy today said probably at least 18 months for it to work - are you ok with that?
The more people ignore what they're being told isn't that going to mean the longer the restrictions are in place?

If the option is social distancing for 18 months or thousands of unnecessary deaths I know which one I'd choose.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
It's Now its rammed with people sitting around in groups drinking, having picnics etc. They aren't gong for a walk to get a bit of exercise / air. Not to mention there's now loads of rubbish and broken glass where they can't even be bothered to clear up after themselves.

I fucking despair for this country I really do.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
More like two weeks, though today’s numbers are hopeful, we’ve had days like that before only to shoot up afterwards. Let’s hope Italy have peaked and that means we can probably get away with four weeks total lockdown. Of course it’s once they take the restrictions off and how fast it rises that determines how quickly the restrictions will need to go back on again. I’m hoping a month of lockdown means people take the less serious measures more seriously after, but wouldn’t be surprised if people take a “Make the most of it while we can” attitude.
A month is being optimistic, I am afraid.


Well-Known Member
What about those who don’t? How long do you think it’s going to be needed? The WHO guy today said probably at least 18 months for it to work - are you ok with that?
Lockdown and it won't be long. Carry on as we are and we will have constant deaths with the NHS not being able to cope.

But you know this.


Well-Known Member
You have no regard for the severity of this situation or any compassion for human life and are happy for people to die to protect the economy and because you want to go the park.

Go fuck yourself.

I have huge compassion for human life and well being - I’m amazed you are so obsessed with state control - I’m sure this will make you very angry as well but read it and attempt to understand it

PETER HITCHENS: Is shutting down Britain REALLY the right answer? | Daily Mail Online


Well-Known Member
The more people ignore what they're being told isn't that going to mean the longer the restrictions are in place?

If the option is social distancing for 18 months or thousands of unnecessary deaths I know which one I'd choose.

No he didn’t say that actually he said that it is likely that as soon as restrictions that are as Draconian as Italy they are as likely to flare to again - he said it will be a ongoing process which will last a long time


Well-Known Member
It's like with the supermarkets, if people just acted as normal we'd be fine but people are acting like selfish pricks.

I walk the dog in the memorial park all the time, before all this you'd only see a handful of people unless it was a bank holiday or some event. Now its rammed with people sitting around in groups drinking, having picnics etc. They aren't gong for a walk to get a bit of exercise / air. Not to mention there's now loads of rubbish and broken glass where they can't even be bothered to clear up after themselves.

Unfortunately Dave, there appear too many that are thick as pigshit and selfish, not a great combo.

ps how many times do these journalists want to ask the same question about social distancing/curfews. Same answer each time - Tougher measures are coming, especially if the fuckwits keep ignoring the advice


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Hahahahaha Peter Hitchens, what a surprise. The guys a contrarian imbecile.

He’s a civil libertarian and shares many views with those you’d associate on the left


Well-Known Member
Posting articles from the Daily Mail to back up your claims is not a good idea.

It's not being obsessed with state control, it's wanting to preserve human lives ffs.

Hitchens is a member of liberty and you haven’t read it


Well-Known Member
The Daily Mail?

Fuckaduck... you don’t do yourself any favors m8

Exposing himself as a real thicko and a nasty piece of work to boot.

Imagine posting a DM article to back you up! Daily Mail ffs.

What next, a quote from Jeremy Clarkson?


Well-Known Member
To be honest my bone of contention all along was that we seemed to be ignoring all medical approaches in preference of a scientific one, so this is not some new social media thing that’s spooked me- it was always what I hated about it.

It took 3 months to get to 100,000 cases
It took another 12 days to get to 200,000 cases
It’s taken 3 days to get to 300,000 cases

Whatever metric you want to look at, wherever else you look, you have to come to the stark conclusion that herd immunity with no vaccine & no lockdown whatsoever was a catastrophic, irresponsible & fatal error.

Not really too concerned about which one of them made that error or if it was groupthink or whatever happened, it’s not a personal witch hunt, but this might end up being the biggest & most dangerous error made by the U.K. for decades, and I just hope that nobody forgets what these people were doing as this virus was spreading throughout the country.
Thats what’s called exponential growth which is what happens with epidemics/ pandemics.


Well-Known Member
The Daily Mail?

Fuckaduck... you don’t do yourself any favors m8

The article actually appeared in the Mail On Sunday and that is a different publication


Well-Known Member
One thing I don’t understand is how the peak was 12 weeks away and now is only 2, is it because of how quick all of these tough measures have come in? When they would have been slowly brought in within 12 weeks


Well-Known Member
Being left or right doesn't make you right.

Constantly acting like an idiot certainly doesn't make you right.

Im not even sure what your opinion is you seem to change every day


Well-Known Member
The article actually appeared in the Mail On Sunday and that is a different publication



Well-Known Member
For those in other countries- is U.K. any worse right now than other countries for flouting the advice and packing out markets, shops etc? Seems like Cov is quiet but you don’t have to look too hard to see pics and reports of big groups out in force like nothing is going on. Are we worse or is there a degree of sensationalism going on?
Hungary. People generally showing self-restraint. Was panic buying but has calmed although a lot has been because shops/supermarkets have struggled to restock. Plenty of empty shelves for certain products.

Has been a struggle across the country getting over 70s to stay in. Not deliberately defiant just a stubborn mindset.
But if a full lock down comes (is anticipated) it will rigorously enforced. Police and army won't mess about. Only state in EU classified as an authoritarian regime. Control nearly all traditional media forms.

Pictures of UK crowds, social distancing etc. on news and social media here being met with a bewilderment at such seemingly chaotic and antisocial behaviour.

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