I thought he was as usual shite. 100k tests a day? Yeah right
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It’s a massive rod for his own back. I’d have just said 50k if it was me !
Ok, I know you can't depend on it and there are no guarantees, but to this outsider it does look like they're trying to keep you.Thanks gents and thanks NW.
My boss has said that we'll stay in touch and have scheduled a call once a month to check on updates. I can't assume there'll be a position for me in July though...whilst I know for a fact that there's about 3 positions from 60 in our greater team that are currently in need of filling (which I could do for all 3), I'm not sure if the structure in July will look like what it did in January.
I need to have income though post July so I'll put some feelers out on LinkedIn from next week asking about opportunities from July onwards and start a feasibility study into whether I could fly solo in the same industry (ie Sports accommodation).
Trying to be upbeat and think that everything happens for a reason. Just a bitter pill to swallow that I get no redundancy or any decent send off after 10 good years service, due a sh!t siutation. Like I said though...others in much worse situations than I though.
It’s a massive rod for his own back. I’d have just said 50k if it was me !
There’s actually nothing he can say that makes this type of national embarrassment any better. He may as well have stood there and told a few jokes or sang a song, he couldn’t have looked or sounded any less ridiculous and it would have been more fun.
He could’ve brought on some stunning strippers and you would’ve found something to complain about ie their tits were too big or small
ps you know out of everything my bugbear has been NHS worker testing (together with PPE distribution) more than the other issues/concerns/complaints so maybe you won’t be surprised that I found getting more info on it useful
20kIt’s a massive rod for his own back. I’d have just said 50k if it was me !
It was just more of the same- we’re going to do this, we’re planning to do that, we will stop at nothing, we will ramp it up- total and utter hot air. They’ve achieved nothing.
Did you watch first half an hour ? (I’m not being a dick, it was just that that’s when there was a detail around what’s been done)
I’d like your thoughts on this. The Welsh parliament is sitting and Scottish parliament is sitting. It was supposed to be PMQs today, but Boris is hiding somewhere as he always does when there are questions to answer. So England gets a stage-managed press conference fronted by Hancock with a few press questions. You ok with the way English ‘democracy’ is heading?
I’d like your thoughts on this. The Welsh parliament is sitting and Scottish parliament is sitting. It was supposed to be PMQs today, but Boris is hiding somewhere as he always does when there are questions to answer. So England gets a stage-managed press conference fronted by Hancock with a few press questions. You ok with the way English ‘democracy’ is heading?
Maybe I’m gullible but I believe he’s got coronavirus (be crazy if he hasn’t - I know you’re a lover of conspiracy theories so appreciate you might not)
Disagree ROS, press briefing was probably the most useful they’ve done of late, more detail around the challenges and proper plan. Never been a big fan of Hancock but he’ll obviously (you’d hope anyway !) have a far better understanding of NHS challenges etc than a Gove or Raab. Giving the questioner the chance to reply has been useful as well.
“hear me out”Oh dear tinfoil time
it's too late for plans and what we're going to do. They've been bullshitting for weeks, failed to deliver on what they promised on testing and PPE, this is serious now. They have to start delivering.
There’s actually nothing he can say that makes this type of national embarrassment any better. He may as well have stood there and told a few jokes or sang a song, he couldn’t have looked or sounded any less ridiculous and it would have been more fun.
Maybe I’m gullible but I believe he’s got coronavirus (be crazy if he hasn’t - I know you’re a lover of conspiracy theories so appreciate you might not)
“hear me out”
“Taxi for Robins”
“Get Hiwula on”
“Russia now control the streets of Italy”
“The Chinese infected Lombardy from 200m away”
“Herd immunity is the right approach”
Antibody tests with an immune certificate? Would be great if you’ve already had it because you could get back to normal but what about those that haven’t had it
Johnson seemed well enough to have zoom meetings (amusingly leaving the meeting key visible to millions) and Hancock is now able to conduct meetings in person, even dear old Prince Charlie recovered and is out and about.
So where is Boris? Don’t you think he should be a tad more visible to lead his country?
"Social media hyperbole"
"We're on nothing like the same curve as Italy"
it's too late for plans and what we're going to do. They've been bullshitting for weeks, failed to deliver on what they promised on testing and PPE, this is serious now. They have to start delivering.
He could’ve brought on some stunning strippers and you would’ve found something to complain about ie their tits were too big or small
ps you know out of everything my bugbear has been NHS worker testing (together with PPE distribution) more than the other issues/concerns/complaints so maybe you won’t be surprised that I found getting more info on it useful
This is the type of thing which dilutes some genuine points you have. He’s still in self isolation (I know you think he’s faking it but do you really think he did knowing that he’d come across as a prick after am saying about shaking hands etc a couple of weeks before). A couple of other ministers and witty had it, who actually caught it first, who knows. Symptoms can appear at different times but all accounts
Yes, lots of potential issues. But if you haven't got it and need to get it to get some level of immunity then you need to carry on with your life to catch it which makes the concept a bit redundant? Possibly useful for international travel but then does that mean people with a cert are more valuable and earn more? Would there be a black market for fake certs?
Don’t disagree that it’s time to deliver Clint.
they've been bullshitting about testing and PPE for weeks Steve.
Even I praised them for calling the lockdown and said all they need to do now is sort the PPE and ventilator situation. Thought they'd been a bit slow on that count but honestly expected the to sort it out. Two weeks later and they've fucking failed miserably. It's not fucking good enough.
And if you keep believing their plans then maybe I've overestimated you. They fooled me two weeks ago, I'm not going to let the cunts do it again.
This is the type of thing which dilutes some genuine points you have. He’s still in self isolation (I know you think he’s faking it but do you really think he did knowing that he’d come across as a prick after am saying about shaking hands etc a couple of weeks before). A couple of other ministers and witty had it, who actually caught it first, who knows. Symptoms can appear at different times but all accounts
it's way past that. Hancock should have stayed in isolation he's a fucking cretin. Someone should draw a face on a weetabix and given it his job it couldn't be any worse.
Hancock has coronavirus too.
do the rest of the government have it? What makes the Scots and the Welsh able to convene to discuss the biggest crisis in peace time?
In fairness didn't Hancock announce he had it the same day, or day after Johnson, in which case why is he at the briefing? Also, it seemed his point was why can't he do a video address if he is chairing meetings that way (plus he announced the lock down via prerecorded video).
The assemblies are restricted and sturgeon has tried and failed to introduce legislation that would have taken democracy back to pre Magna Carta days