Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (10 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
What a shock- UK & Sweden now recording more deaths than the rest of Europe combined, and Sweden's top epidemiologist admits that their approach was wrong. Nobody here will make the same admission, they'd rather lie about figures and tell us all how well we're doing. I'd say its pretty much beyond doubt now that the plan never changed from herd immunity, partly because if it wasn't then we have the most inept government of all time who have been more stupid and wrong than even I could credit them with. In fact if you want to judge their strategy, you probably have to ask that question in terms of whether herd immunity has been a success, because thats what they've tried to do. Follow that and they don't seem so stupid... just terribly & horribly wrong, and directly responsible for thousands of needless deaths now that we've seen that herd immunity was wrong.

Man Behind Sweden’s Controversial Virus Strategy Admits Mistakes

Ring any bells? “For months, critics have been consistently dismissed. Sweden has done everything right, the rest of the world has done it wrong. And now, suddenly, this,” Akesson said.

Macron went on live television and addressed the nation to apologise for their mistakes in handling the virus.

Can you imagine Johnson doing the same?

As you say, no acceptance of fault, just lies and massaged figures about how brilliant we're doing.


Well-Known Member
So 3 months and 60,000 deaths later Boris finally decides to get off his fat lazy arse and do something.

Aren't we lucky to have such strong leadership.

What a joke.

Somehow he's subtly trying to pretend that he wasn't in charge. I think we already had this debate at the beginning where some people on the thread were trying to claim that the scientists were.

I mean they have done this shit with Brexit as well, the whole "Boris is getting involved now", i think it's about creating some sort of image of him as somebody who gets things done. He doesn't. He is a useless lump of lard and it is to this country's immense shame that he is the Prime Minister.


Well-Known Member
Somehow he's subtly trying to pretend that he wasn't in charge.
Think this is most likely. Sick leave and then maternity leave and now this. You could very easily draw the conclusion that they want to give the impression that everything that's happened up till now is not Johnsons fault.

Then hope that things get better from here on in and the people saying no second wave our right. Present Johnson as the hero who came in and saved the day rather than a bumbling idiot who caused tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths.


Well-Known Member
Somehow he's subtly trying to pretend that he wasn't in charge. I think we already had this debate at the beginning where some people on the thread were trying to claim that the scientists were.

I mean they have done this shit with Brexit as well, the whole "Boris is getting involved now", i think it's about creating some sort of image of him as somebody who gets things done. He doesn't. He is a useless lump of lard and it is to this country's immense shame that he is the Prime Minister.

So they either lied before saying Johnson was in control or they're lying now saying he's taking control because he already has it?


Well-Known Member
Think this is most likely. Sick leave and then maternity leave and now this. You could very easily draw the conclusion that they want to give the impression that everything that's happened up till now is not Johnsons fault.

Then hope that things get better from here on in and the people saying no second wave our right. Present Johnson as the hero who came in and saved the day rather than a bumbling idiot who caused tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths.

Problem with that being he'd have been the one that delegated it to incompetent fools in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Johnson getting utterly destroyed at PMQs.

He is genuinely pathetic.

How can anyone watch this and have confidence in him as a leader?

Ring Of Steel

Well-Known Member
Somehow he's subtly trying to pretend that he wasn't in charge. I think we already had this debate at the beginning where some people on the thread were trying to claim that the scientists were.

I mean they have done this shit with Brexit as well, the whole "Boris is getting involved now", i think it's about creating some sort of image of him as somebody who gets things done. He doesn't. He is a useless lump of lard and it is to this country's immense shame that he is the Prime Minister.

Its not subtle though, its obvious- everything up to now is not his fault, thats the message & just like was called out on here someone will get thrown under a bus. Its hard to get wound up over at this stage, because thats just "politics" & gameplaying, you'd see it in every walk of life where someone is trying to absolve themselves of responsibility, how many times have you seen a manager say that he "inherited a weak group" and all that stuff even though they've been in charge ages?

This is why Starmer needs to do something (anything?), Cummings is already yesterday's news after being the devil incarnate a week ago- just another example of how he is up against a powerhouse of a machine that- whether you like it or not- is massively efficient and is going to trample all over him unless he seriously starts understanding just what it is he is up against.

Ring Of Steel

Well-Known Member
Johnson getting utterly destroyed at PMQs.

He is genuinely pathetic.

How can anyone watch this and have confidence in him as a leader?

Do you think Boris cares though? Its over 4 years until an election- he might be a bit uncomfortable in there but I doubt he really gives a toss aside from being annoyed he has to spend some of his valuable personal time attending these annoying meetings, I don't think it matters to him what Starmer or anyone else says to him in there.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Got to say, I think Johnson has been shredded today.

He was asked why we're introducing quarantines now when cases are on the way down and other countries are lifting them

'Because we want to avoid a second rise of cases'

Bullshit, total bullshit

Ring Of Steel

Well-Known Member
He was asked why we're introducing quarantines now when cases are on the way down and other countries are lifting them

'Because we want to avoid a second rise of cases'

Bullshit, total bullshit

The quarantine thing I don't get at all.

When you assume that its all been about herd immunity then everything they have done sort of now makes sense- it has been textbook in fact in terms of pretending you want a full lockdown approach but in reality wanting to get herd immunity- planes coming in, half arsed & late lockdowns, terrible testing, care homes, Cummings and all the rest- they have been walking the line between aiming for controlled herd immunity and simultaneously presenting the facade to the public that they want something different & much more publicly palatable. There are anomalies to this but there are 67m people in the UK, you can't control everything & everyone all the time. But when you look back at the 'failings' and then analyse them against the backdrop of a herd immunity strategy, makes much more sense. Either that or they really are the thickest, most stupid, most inept bunch ever- and I don't think you can say they are all unintelligent people. The pile on is justified but it also hides something much bigger which is what did they actually want to achieve? Go with herd immunity and it all makes a lot more sense. It also makes them culpable for thousands of deaths so don't expect any admissions any time soon.

But I don't get how this quarantine fits in, unless they've worked out that it genuinely would swamp the NHS this time.


Well-Known Member
Absolute madness. Fine to have crowded beaches and parks. Fine to open non-essential shops up. But somewhere like Chester Zoo, with 128 acres, not allowed to open.



Well-Known Member
The quarantine thing I don't get at all.

When you assume that its all been about herd immunity then everything they have done sort of now makes sense- it has been textbook in fact in terms of pretending you want a full lockdown approach but in reality wanting to get herd immunity- planes coming in, half arsed & late lockdowns, terrible testing, care homes, Cummings and all the rest- they have been walking the line between aiming for controlled herd immunity and simultaneously presenting the facade to the public that they want something different & much more publicly palatable. There are anomalies to this but there are 67m people in the UK, you can't control everything & everyone all the time. But when you look back at the 'failings' and then analyse them against the backdrop of a herd immunity strategy, makes much more sense. Either that or they really are the thickest, most stupid, most inept bunch ever- and I don't think you can say they are all unintelligent people. The pile on is justified but it also hides something much bigger which is what did they actually want to achieve? Go with herd immunity and it all makes a lot more sense. It also makes them culpable for thousands of deaths so don't expect any admissions any time soon.

But I don't get how this quarantine fits in, unless they've worked out that it genuinely would swamp the NHS this time.

I genuinely wonder if it’s merely a response to other countries that have said they won’t accept arrivals from our country because our infection rate is too high and not under control.


Well-Known Member
Can't say Starmer isn't effective.

Who'd have thought that a bumbling, lyingm blustering fool would not fare well up against one of the country's most successful QCs.


Ring Of Steel

Well-Known Member
I genuinely wonder if it’s merely a response to other countries that have said they won’t accept arrivals from our country because our infection rate is too high and not under control.

I wondered that, is it tit for tat- who knows. Makes no sense though to do it now all of a sudden.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what you are trying to hint at with that comment?
Johnson complaining about people not being positive when we have one of, if not the, highest death rates in the world. No working track and trace. Testing numbers still tens of thousands below the level promised.


Well-Known Member
Absolute madness. Fine to have crowded beaches and parks. Fine to open non-essential shops up. But somewhere like Chester Zoo, with 128 acres, not allowed to open.

No reason why it couldn't reopen at reduced capacity, it isn't as if you're that close to each other anyway

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Well-Known Member
Do you think Boris cares though? Its over 4 years until an election- he might be a bit uncomfortable in there but I doubt he really gives a toss aside from being annoyed he has to spend some of his valuable personal time attending these annoying meetings, I don't think it matters to him what Starmer or anyone else says to him in there.

No election, but a Tory party that’s shown its keen to jettison leaders who aren’t looking like winners. If Starmer can peel off enough support then the 1922 committee will do the rest.


Well-Known Member
Boris nailed it when he said starmers policy is ‘agree, criticise and u turn’ it’s all he ever seems to do....

He wanted the restrictions lifted a few weeks ago and now he’s against it

Ring Of Steel

Well-Known Member
He wanted to see a strategy, the government since told vulnerable people they can go outside without any clear explanation why. I think that is the opposite of a strategy.
Hancock gleefully opened up horse racing before he addressed over 2m over 70s, which pretty much sums up the "humanity" of this government.

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