You keep saying it was ignored when paramedics done it. It wasn't.
You're doing what you slate the CET for doing when they report on city.
Make something up to try and get people angry.
Loads of people commented on the London bridge and outside of hospitals breach of guidelines.
It's still worse when the man who wrote the guidelines and told us to stick by them breaches them in my opinion.
I haven't made anything up. I'm pointing out exactly as it was.
As it was applauding the NHS it was downplayed. Let's say 500 city fans gathered in broadgate next week, let's compare the reactions and outcomes.
People like Morgan witch hunting from the start, people going to the pub are selfish and putting lives at risk. Losing his head and going mental about it.
When you step back and have no political bias in it all, it's pretty easy to see.