Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (83 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Wish covid would just fuck off now, this lockdown is becoming painful especially on the weekend it’s depressing as fuck
What's depressing me is seeing how other countries have dealt with this and now seem to be coming out the other side. We seem as clueless as we were on day one and are just randomly opening things and hoping for the best.


Well-Known Member
What's depressing me is seeing how other countries have dealt with this and now seem to be coming out the other side. We seem as clueless as we were on day one and are just randomly opening things and hoping for the best.

It boils down to poor leadership, they, themselves don't even know the rules. End the furlough scheme, get everyone back to work, no one is following the social distancing any more, everyone is just carrying on as normal now.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
What's depressing me is seeing how other countries have dealt with this and now seem to be coming out the other side. We seem as clueless as we were on day one and are just randomly opening things and hoping for the best.

The spike in Greek figures has come mostly from tourists bringing in the disease. Poor buggers


Well-Known Member
What's depressing me is seeing how other countries have dealt with this and now seem to be coming out the other side. We seem as clueless as we were on day one and are just randomly opening things and hoping for the best.

Yep.They just make it up everyday as they go along. Whoever does the briefing just gets to spout the first thing in their head and that becomes the latest policy. It's like they're not paying any attention at all or looking at what others did/are doing to improve their response. Pure pig headedness, refusal to accept they made mistakes or sense of superiority that they know best?

Apart from the more sinister idea that it's all intended to get the virus as farspread as possible hidden under a veneer of incompetence?

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
1425 infections Italy France Spain all down to low hundreds. My mum 79 and copd is coming over tomorrow in my sisters car who works at the hospital. I said she can’t it’s against the rules. Her response is they are only advisable!! Ffs. What can you do ??


Well-Known Member
Think it's time to go reginal with lockdowns.
If people want to get together to gather for protests (BLM) , celebrate promotion (CCFC) etc then you are risking infecting people who just went shopping after being locked up for months and happened to go to the same supermarket as you the next day (like my parents who have not been out since January apart from shopping).
People seem to be forgetting that this virus exists and going for it (it won't be me, so who cares).

Why should a small village that has obeyed the rules, go back into lockdown because thousands of idiots have kicked of elsewhere?

If people want to risk death, let them (to me, the real crime is that they then mix the next day) with innocent people who try to do the right thing and then get infected (went shopping etc)), how many people will die as these large gatherings will only push up the infection rate.

If i was in charge, i would now be hard on people and say that "if you want to gather in large groups you will no longer be furloughed" see how many then want to gather, knowing that they will blow the family benefits and that's being kind (for me if you get infected doing this and then infect other people who die (then it should me manslaughter)).

You all know the virus is here, you all know you should distance.
Deal with it and the virus will die off as it has in most of Europe.
Keep on like this and you will keep on feeding the virus and killing innocent people.


Well-Known Member
Safe to say come Friday the proofs in the pudding.

If all these large gatherings from the last week and today dont result in a spike, i cant see any reason for any sort of lockdown.

You're looking at the best part of a million people maybe more in the uk over the last week or 2 in close contact.

If we dont spike, fuck it all off. If we do, then shows how retarded we are as a country


Well-Known Member
Safe to say come Friday the proofs in the pudding.

If all these large gatherings from the last week and today dont result in a spike, i cant see any reason for any sort of lockdown.

You're looking at the best part of a million people maybe more in the uk over the last week or 2 in close contact.

If we dont spike, fuck it all off. If we do, then shows how retarded we are as a country
You're conflating an outdoor gathering with mass return to work with close proximity indoors, not really comparable.

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Well-Known Member
You're conflating an outdoor gathering with mass return to work with close proximity indoors, not really comparable.

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Seems like you're saying that just to suit your narrative of the second wave being inevitable. You're also forgetting that people, lets be honest, have not given a shit about measures for over 4 weeks. People have more than 6 round. And not just in a garden. People dont social distance as much as possible at work (seen it with my own eyes). So you're saying if there's no spike in cases and deaths after millions of people around the country have had close contact we must still keep pubs cafes etc closed?

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
Safe to say come Friday the proofs in the pudding.

If all these large gatherings from the last week and today dont result in a spike, i cant see any reason for any sort of lockdown.

You're looking at the best part of a million people maybe more in the uk over the last week or 2 in close contact.

If we dont spike, fuck it all off. If we do, then shows how retarded we are as a country
Takes 2 weeks

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Post lockdown restrictions been over for a few weeks now and seems to be holding up fine, most companies are now back in offices and I will be back in ours full time a week tomorrow, unfortunately!!
I think from tomorrow the borders open up to non EU countries as well.
It’s still much quieter though and will take a while to return to normal, the psychological aspects of it all will last for a good while yet.


Well-Known Member
I just feel what better evidence is there? Been large groups for over 4 weeks. Nothing seems to be spiking. Time to get normality back if we reach the end of the month ok

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
I just feel what better evidence is there? Been large groups for over 4 weeks. Nothing seems to be spiking. Time to get normality back if we reach the end of the month ok

Outdoor gatherings are different to indoor.

There's plenty of evidence for this. Look at South Korea, they had a small spike caused by one man visiting 5 nightclubs in a night.
It will be a long time before things return to normal. Though if they amend the social distancing recommended distance to 1 metre that will help and I think that's coming.


Well-Known Member
Seems like you're saying that just to suit your narrative of the second wave being inevitable. You're also forgetting that people, lets be honest, have not given a shit about measures for over 4 weeks. People have more than 6 round. And not just in a garden. People dont social distance as much as possible at work (seen it with my own eyes). So you're saying if there's no spike in cases and deaths after millions of people around the country have had close contact we must still keep pubs cafes etc closed?

Been 3 weeks since we saw people covering beaches up and down the land

If you look at our cases and deaths as a trend against other nations ours are decreasing at a much slower rate. Why? Quite probably because our attitude has changed towards the distancing measures, so that is the 'spike'. It's also been unseasonably hot (hence the crowds) and these are conditions that apparently the virus doesn't like - high UV acts as a natural cleaner on surfaces etc so it doesn't linger as long.

The fact the trend is still predominantly downward is encouraging given this, but had we stuck to the rules I reckon we'd be seeing cases in the hundreds and deaths in single figures.


Well-Known Member
The advice for the review is being given by economists as well as medics, so it's inevitable. I'd be happier if it came just from medics however!

I don't mind them having a say - it is an aspect that has to be considered and the effect of potential hardship and mental health from it. But it should be massively weighted towards the medics - it is a health crisis. When it comes to economic decisions we don't really see much from the health profession, enironmental etc. Why do economists get to stick their oar into everything if those people don't get afforded the same privilege in return?


Well-Known Member
Glad to see the 2M rule is going, we need to get back to normality and halving it will allow most things to reopen

Disagree a bit. Yes, we do need to make sure people can earn money but returning to 'normality' isn't the way forward. We've had first hand experience of the difference the change in behaviour has led to pollutant levels, air quality etc and we need to look at ways that would allow us to preserve as much of that as possible.

We've got a prime opportunity to change our way of working and thinking. To go back to how things were is wasting it.


Well-Known Member
Disagree a bit. Yes, we do need to make sure people can earn money but returning to 'normality' isn't the way forward. We've had first hand experience of the difference the change in behaviour has led to pollutant levels, air quality etc and we need to look at ways that would allow us to preserve as much of that as possible.

We've got a prime opportunity to change our way of working and thinking. To go back to how things were is wasting it.
It is the way forward, we’ve struggled for months now and the country is in a right mess financially is the time to safely get back to normal like other countries are doing


Outdoor gatherings are different to indoor.

There's plenty of evidence for this. Look at South Korea, they had a small spike caused by one man visiting 5 nightclubs in a night.
It will be a long time before things return to normal. Though if they amend the social distancing recommended distance to 1 metre that will help and I think that's coming.
Who is this pimp?


Well-Known Member
It is the way forward, we’ve struggled for months now and the country is in a right mess financially is the time to safely get back to normal like other countries are doing

It really isn't. Look at the mess the world is in. That's where 'normality' has led. It needs to change. This is the opportunity.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
China cases are surging again

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Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
Iran cases are surging. Ours are sticking at 1500 but deaths are flattening out. Outside stuff does seem to have much reduced risk. Coombe very busy today lovely weather

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Lmao right wing. Haven't voted for the last 10 years shower of shit on each side. Just not a serial panicker

Not serial panicking is it. It's just being cautious and realistic.
While I was in Broadgate celebrating and acting the twat Tuesday my wife got a call telling her a 22 year old nurse she knows had contracted the virus and was in intensive care.
She subtly let me kmow I was an arseholes.
Early days but the girl has started improving but it bought it home that 5his thing is real and still out there.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
0 to 50 isn’t surging ffs
ffs just listen to yourself

Why are you so desperate for things to return to normal when it's not safe as per the experts? It can't be for economic reasons as any 2nd shut downs will have a greater effect on the UK economy than waiting a week or two?

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