Absolutely - i thought you meant for work purposes, which might not be the same thing. You can cover your face with any old sock to comply with the coronavirus control measures - your FFP2 will set you streets ahead of most other people (provided you don't wear it on your forehead or your neck!).
I've not heard of anyone being fined for not wearing one - most shops have been encouraged not to challenge, and to assume that people not wearing one has a valid exemption.
If you are wearing an FFP2/3 for work purposes (i.e. controlling an inhalable hazardous material) you have to have a face-fit test, but that don't matter with coronavirus as no other face covering is intended to form a tight seal to the face like that needed for genuine respiratory protection, so it's all a bit pointless really (hence my negative stance towards the whole facemask issue that you may have seen elsewhere).
Followed a woman into Lidl the other day - she remembered she didn't have a mask, so just grabbed the collar of her t-shirt and pulled it up over her face. And THAT, my friends, is compliant!
Also got a nice flash of her tits