Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (60 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
They turned down more apparently.
Where have you seen they turned down more? Most of the reports I've seen suggest they were getting close to a deal only for the government to move the goalposts.

Burnham and Leese (leader of Manchester Council), put out a joint statement saying.
We went into today's meeting with the government with a positive and unanimous view amongst Greater Manchester leaders that we should seek a resolution as soon as possible.

We had been encouraged by earlier discussions at an official level where the idea of a Hardship Fund, to top up furlough payments and support the self-employed, had been tabled by the government.

It was both surprising and disappointing when this idea was taken off the table by the secretary of state.
I quite like Burnham and he’s right to stand up for Manchester, however, he’s been all over the shop over the past few days. The way I read it, he was happy for the whole country to be lockdown down but not for Manchester to go into Tier three and has then subsequently accused the government of manipulating hospital admissions stats to I increase worry/panic (ie suggesting they aren’t that bad) - probably correct ! Which one is it mate ?!
Its all of the above and I don't think that view is inconsistent. He isn't against lockdown, his point is you can't force businesses to close and not support them and their employees.

The thing about hospitals was that No 10 were pushing to the press that Manchester hospitals are imminently going to be overwhelmed but they seem to be doing that without actually consulting with the hospitals who say they ICU occupancy is comparable to this time last year.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
my understanding from what I’ve read, gov said you’re going into tier 3 and heres the support packaging similar to Liverpool, AB rejected saying he won’t support unless they get more, gov concerned that without local mayor support lockdown won’t be enforced/adhered to, continued negotiations, negotiations failed.

a load a politics chucked in but think that’s the long and the short of it.

he should have asked Dido Harding to take over from him, they'd have sent Manchester billions.


Well-Known Member
It looked like a well orchestrated hit job on Burnham. Besides that it showed the data reflecting that students and school kids have passed the virus on to the older age groups so admissions now rising in the latter. Students still are the highest new case demographic
Have they finally given up on claiming schools have no impact on the spread?


Well-Known Member
Where have you seen they turned down more? Most of the reports I've seen suggest they were getting close to a deal only for the government to move the goalposts.

Burnham and Leese (leader of Manchester Council), put out a joint statement saying.

Its all of the above and I don't think that view is inconsistent. He isn't against lockdown, his point is you can't force businesses to close and not support them and their employees.

The thing about hospitals was that No 10 were pushing to the press that Manchester hospitals are imminently going to be overwhelmed but they seem to be doing that without actually consulting with the hospitals who say they ICU occupancy is comparable to this time last year.

in most press about 60m being offered

ps they’ll get that anyway. It’s all just politics bollocks from both sides

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
my understanding from what I’ve read, gov said you’re going into tier 3 and heres the support packaging similar to Liverpool, AB rejected saying he won’t support unless they get more, gov concerned that without local mayor support lockdown won’t be enforced/adhered to, continued negotiations, negotiations failed.

a load a politics chucked in but think that’s the long and the short of it.
couldn't be more wrong


Well-Known Member
couldn't be more wrong

Just saying that’s what I’d read. What’s wrong ? AB wanted more money, government didn’t want to give more support.

ps if you read earlier posts I said I supported his position by the way (apart from that he said he wanted a national lockdown/circuit break which would’ve meant paying off certain sectors of the whole country furlough (whether that would be his 80% or governments 60%) even in areas where there’s low case numbers. Which we can’t afford. I’d rather focus on local lockdowns and support properly. I’ve already written to Andy Street twice about additional support needed for certain sectors

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Have they finally given up on claiming schools have no impact on the spread?

The line is now ‘schools are essential to children’s well-being’ because the ‘save the economy’ line fails if you’re forcing large numbers to stay home anyway.


Well-Known Member
Just saying that’s what I’d read. What’s wrong ? AB wanted more money, government didn’t want to give more support.

ps if you read earlier posts I said I supported his position by the way (apart from that he said he wanted a national lockdown/circuit break which would’ve meant paying off certain sectors of the whole country furlough (whether that would be his 80% or governments 60%) even in areas where there’s low case numbers. Which we can’t afford. I’d rather focus on local lockdowns and support properly. I’ve already written to Andy Street twice about additional support needed for certain sectors
You talk about Andy Burnham as if he represents a private entity looking for a contract, not the mayor of the second biggest metropolitan area and largest city region economy outside London.


Well-Known Member
You talk about Andy Burnham as if he represents a private entity looking for a contract, not the mayor of the second biggest metropolitan area and largest city region economy outside London.

FFS, I can’t win ! I’ve said I support what he was trying to do Fernando, I was texting briefly whilst trying to cook my tea so I can watch the match, sorry if I didn’t present the position in greater detail/more clearly 🤷‍♂️😂

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
You talk about Andy Burnham as if he represents a private entity looking for a contract, not the mayor of the second biggest metropolitan area and largest city region economy outside London.

Who was trying to get the poorest in his region a deal they can live on. It also has fuck all to do with politics as there are some quite right wing tories fighting the same fight with him.


Well-Known Member
Surely you arrange a package of measures for each restriction. Bars closed? Furlough for hospitality kicks in. Etc etc.

There seems to be some weird effort to penny pinch and play politics on this issue when the government can do what it wants. Just grow some balls and take some decisions.
That's certainly your starting point. Although it then gets more complicated as you deal with suppliers and businesses indirectly impacted by forced closures.

Part of the problem seems to be that other countries have been able to tweak already in place systems where we've had to quickly come up with something from scratch. Maybe after all this is over we'll stop saying a life on benefits is an easy ride and look at putting something better in place.

I don't understand how its so random. They were offered £60m and said that wasn't enough so now they get £22m. Its also being reported, although not sure its confirmed, the £22m is all for test and trace, no support for people and businesses impacted.


Well-Known Member
Who was trying to get the poorest in his region a deal they can live on. It also has fuck all to do with politics as there are some quite right wing tories fighting the same fight with him.

Of course it’s politics, all politicians want to even seen to be fighting for their constituents, whatever party they belong to. I also can’t see the government not giving Manchester what was previously offered (if what all reports are saying is correct). As i say, a lot of politics thrown in


Well-Known Member
I know the government seem to be able to do anything and people still support them but surely people have to now start asking questions.



Well-Known Member
Would love to know how they've worked out £22m. It has all the appearance of exactly what Burnham said, the least they can get away with.

Manchester regions gets £22m for 2.8m people. Lancashire got £42m for 1.5m people and Merseyside £44m for 1.5m people.


Well-Known Member
Remember a month ago when Whitty was accused of scaremongering for saying we could hit 200 deaths a day by November without taking action? 213 in England alone today.

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