Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (5 Viewers)


Deleted member 4439

Accrington Stanley owner badly wants the league to be called off. Looking at their run-in they could well find Southend catching them up.

peace ndlovu

Well-Known Member
I don’t think Leeds would be too happy either. They’ve been outside the top flight almost as long as we have, and they’ve never been this close to returning.


Well-Known Member
Can't happen and surely will not happen.

Suspension for a few weeks, or behind closed doors is the only way to go.
I really hope your right on this.

Just read that in the Italian league they are considering a few options for their top flight.

Playoffs to decide who wins he league and who relegates and promotes.

Calling the table final as it is

Not having a champion

Apart from just calling the table final it would be so so wrong. Also we have statistical modelling available now that could simulate the rest of the matches based on some very solid data. Given how close we are to the end of the season this would be the best way.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it has a significantly higher rate than 'seasonal flu' but not significantly higher than the 2009 swine flu pandemic. Again, swine flue rate was 0.8%, the figures in the article you quote vary from 1-4% to 2.3%. Again, context is important 1% of the world caught swine flu, of which 1% died
The 2009 swine flu pandemic infected between 11 - 21% of the global population and had a mortality rate of 0.01% to 0.08% We don’t yet know what proportion of the global population will become infected by Coronavirus but the mortality rate appears to be at the very least 10x this and possibly many times more.

Im not sure which rate you are saying was 0.8% for the 2009 swine flu pandemic. The figures I read are an R0 rate of between 1.4 and 1.6 and a mortality rate of 0.01 to 0.08% which lead to around a billion people getting infected and 150,000 - 575,000 deaths. If the mortality rate had been even 1%, well — do the maths.
2009 flu pandemic - Wikipedia

What Is R0? Gauging Contagious Infections


Well-Known Member
I don’t think Leeds would be too happy either. They’ve been outside the top flight almost as long as we have, and they’ve never been this close to returning.
It simply can't happen if their is any justice. As I said above simulate the season based on advanced modelling used by betting companies and the like.


Well-Known Member
Watching Valencia v Atalanta in champions league being played behind closed doors. Weird to be able to hear everything the players, ref & benches saying.


Well-Known Member
The chances of catching co-vid 19 are far lower than anything else, Italy just released today's numbers 1000 new cases 150 dead there healthcare must be terrible that or they have as lot of elderly people with health issues, let's be real the governments are to blame not closing travel from China when it got slightly out of hand there now everyone else is paying for it, and I know there totally different viruses but they act the same way and are prevented the same way, as soon as Italy have it under control I don't think it will be to bad as sk China and Iran are gaining control.
You're all over the place, if it isn't that contagious why are you advocating closing borders?

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
I really hope your right on this.

Just read that in the Italian league they are considering a few options for their top flight.

Playoffs to decide who wins he league and who relegates and promotes.

Calling the table final as it is

Not having a champion

Apart from just calling the table final it would be so so wrong. Also we have statistical modelling available now that could simulate the rest of the matches based on some very solid data. Given how close we are to the end of the season this would be the best way.
Luckily the uk is unlikely to get as bad as Italy as we seem at the moment to be doing a far better job in the containment stage. The stage that Iraly failed at

Sky Blue Harry H

Well-Known Member
Fogetting us (for a minute), Leeds/West Brom - in particular - would be suing the *rse out of the football league. Aggregating points (based on those achieved to date) and adding them to evreybody's totals seems the only fair way to do it at a point where games can't take place. They should announce it early so everybody knows where they stand should the plug be pulled.


Well-Known Member
Things you should know.
1. Every western country is on exactly the same track as Italy, the only variable is the date of the first case. So in two weeks time UK likely to be like Italy today
2. Only one western economy breaks this rule - Japan, which is curious given the age of the population
3. Italy has a death rate of 8% - but it too has an elderly population
4. Euro's likely to be put off so that domestic competitions can be completed.
5. China's cycle from start to finish was around 8 weeks.
6. An open air football stadium has a low contamination risk. BUT WHO advice (not yet done by HM Govt) is for over 60's not to go (bugger)
5. It hasn't finished, the rate of spread has slowed but after they've taken the sort of measures idiot Johnson would describe as 'draconian'


Well-Known Member
Of all the things, of all the years, they would call off the season and completely disregard our league position. It just sounds like the most Coventry thing ever.

Are you a Sunderland fan in disguise? Grow a pair, we arent even promoted yet.


Well-Known Member
Think Shrewsbury will be the last game, for a few months, we attend. By the weekend we play Lincoln I expect games will be behind closed doors. And a week or two after that a suspension of games for a month

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Hope it puts a stop to that bloody foghorn they play when they get a corner.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully we'll be able to get a couple more games under our belts before things really get mental. The less games to play the more likely it is they just call the season there. Worst possible scenario for us is the teams in tight relegation battles kicking off if they're automatically relegated with 10 games to play. Could come down to who can hire the best lawyers out of Leeds/West Brom and Villa/Bournemouth/Norwich.


Well-Known Member
Two things...

1. (again...) There's absolutely no way they'll just end the season or cancel it...too many clubs would want to sue the arse off the EFL. Can you imagine SISU missing out on the revenues that go with promotion to the Championship.

2. I had swine flu as it happens whenever that was about 12-14 years ago. Had tickets to go and see Muse in Dublin but had to cancel it and have a doc come out and see me through the night. Horrible but I have asthma which didn't help. Hey ho.


Well-Known Member
So if this season is abandoned and starts from scratch next season, will Bolton start on 0 points and will Bury apply to be reinstated?

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