Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (6 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Are people sending their kids to school or keeping them off? we have decided to keep them off to help shield our daughter a little longer in case she didn’t catch it from us, my wife had the antibody test of Friday and is waiting for the results.
Keeping mine off. Only one is eligible anyway, two half days every other week so the majority is still home school anyway. Benefit vs risk don’t add up.


Well-Known Member
Great news that the lockdown is being safely eased today! Got a feeling things are going to get a lot better this month


Well-Known Member
The French reckon they had patient zero on Dec 27 th and even mid November from a study of X-ray samples .


Well-Known Member
Of course you’d be disappointed people can safely actually see family and friends after 11 weeks of lockdown
I’m more disappointed that people will never be able to see some of their friends and family again due to the government totally incompetent handling of this pandemic. At least some people can now go have a piss up in the park with their mates though, not like we’re still recording higher daily numbers than anyone else in Europe or anything like that.


Well-Known Member
Imagine what we had then!
I'd like to see some data .
The suggestion is there and requires serious investigation .
For instance me and 5-6 colleagues worked in Paris late June and went down with something like this on our return .
The symptoms and effect on the age groups and ethnicity fit this profile .

Deleted member 5849

I'd like to see some data .
The suggestion is there and requires serious investigation .
For instance me and 5-6 colleagues worked in Paris late June and went down with something like this on our return .
The symptoms and effect on the age groups and ethnicity fit this profile .
It's all pretty likely to be restrospectively imposing something that fits however. Symptoms such as for this virus aren't uncommon in other things, after all.

Deleted member 5849

If we're transitioning from level 4 to 3 (which looking at the numbers I'm not sure we are), then why are we lifting restrictions which weren't supposed to be lifted until we reached level 1?
Ridiculous isn't it. Thing is, they could have shoved all this stuff in level 3 (they made the scales themselves!) and nobody would have batted an eyelid.

Who's wagging who?!?


Well-Known Member
It's all pretty likely to be restrospectively imposing something that fits however. Symptoms such as for this virus aren't uncommon in other things, after all.
Yes, highly likely NW .
It's this theory that we're on the second phase that raised the question for me .
We we're all fatigued after manic months of overtime and flying around .
Probably immune system down and bug's In aircraft Aircon .

Deleted member 5849

Yes, highly likely NW .
It's this theory that we're on the second phase that raised the question for me .
We we're all fatigued after manic months of overtime and flying around .
Probably immune system down and bug's In aircraft Aircon .
Have to say, it all seems highly likely to be wishful thinking to me. Imagine a virus that spreads so fast, and causes so many deaths in relatively benign months... the carnage it would have caused in November and December if allowed to spread unchecked.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Have to say, it all seems highly likely to be wishful thinking to me. Imagine a virus that spreads so fast, and causes so many deaths in relatively benign months... the carnage it would have caused in November and December if allowed to spread unchecked.

I've been trying to find data on flu and pneumonia cases either side of Christmas

I think @shmmeee posted some which suggested there had been no spike but when I've searched I've found a couple of articles that said there had been. The articles were in tabloids though and didn't contain any data.

There is so much anecdotal evidence like @wingy has posted but if it is true it must be backed up by figures somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Of course you’d be disappointed people can safely actually see family and friends after 11 weeks of lockdown

Again you use this word 'safely'. Can you show me the evidence this is the case? Infections still high. Deaths still high.

My only hope is that the virus is now stating to mutate into a less deadly variation. Because if not we're about to see things increasing again, only this time a second lockdown either won't be put in place due to economic pressures or will be ignored by many who just couldn't face the thought of another lockdown. The failure to initiate a proper lockdown first time round for fear of unpopularity and economic damage was a compromise that will end up costing us even more, in terms of lives and money.

Deleted member 5849

I've been trying to find data on flu and pneumonia cases either side of Christmas

I think @shmmeee posted some which suggested there had been no spike but when I've searched I've found a couple of articles that said there had been. The articles were in tabloids though and didn't contain any data.

There is an much anecdotal evidence like @wingy has posted but if it is true it must be backed up by figures somewhere.
Yeah I've seen the same stuff shmmee put up. In terms of deaths, we were actually doing pretty well compared to previous years, then there's a sudden spike.

Anecdotal evidence is easy to fit when looking backwards. My favourite story is the Russian soldiers that people saw during WW1. Here's how Ronald Hutton explains it!



Well-Known Member
I've been trying to find data on flu and pneumonia cases either side of Christmas

I think @shmmeee posted some which suggested there had been no spike but when I've searched I've found a couple of articles that said there had been. The articles were in tabloids though and didn't contain any data.

There is so much anecdotal evidence like @wingy has posted but if it is true it must be backed up by figures somewhere.

Weekly flu reports: Weekly national flu reports: 2019 to 2020 season

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Yeah I've seen the same stuff shmmee put up. In terms of deaths, we were actually doing pretty well compared to previous years, then there's a sudden spike.

Anecdotal evidence is easy to fit when looking backwards. My favourite story is the Russian soldiers that people saw during WW1. Here's how Ronald Hutton explains it!

View attachment 15247

My wife knows a family where 3 members ended up in hospital over Christmas with an illness that gave them respitory issues and they ended up on oxygen.
I just can't get my head round what that was if it wasn't covid.


Well-Known Member
My wife knows a family where 3 members ended up in hospital over Christmas with an illness that gave them respitory issues and they ended up on oxygen.
I just can't get my head round what that was if it wasn't covid.
My sister had a fungal pneumonia, the consultant at Walsgrave said they'd had a few cases of it (early January)

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Well-Known Member
Is it possible it was a form of coronavirus that wasn't quite as lethal as Covid-19 but then mutated to be more deadly?

Deleted member 5849

My wife knows a family where 3 members ended up in hospital over Christmas with an illness that gave them respitory issues and they ended up on oxygen.
I just can't get my head round what that was if it wasn't covid.
Thing is, it does happen though, life is full of risks after all, and we could all drop down dead this very second from something completely different to coronavirus.

Mould, pneumonia, allergic reactions, a different coronavirus and susceptability to it(?) I'm not a medic or, even, a statistician so I can't really answer, and it's not my place to. But ultimately you have to go with the evidence that's available. Currently it's as much a morale boost to hope that more have had it then have. I mean, wouldn't it be great if we *had* all had it without realising, and we *were* all immune?!?

But ultimately, science will out... as long as the government let it, anyway(!)


Well-Known Member
Is it possible it was a form of coronavirus that wasn't quite as lethal as Covid-19 but then mutated to be more deadly?

Not a virologist but don’t they usually mutate to be less lethal so their hosts stick around and infect more people?


Well-Known Member
The failure to initiate a proper lockdown first time round for fear of unpopularity and economic damage was a compromise that will end up costing us even more, in terms of lives and money.

Yes it wasn’t as strict as spain or Italy but it was still a proper lockdown, we were allowed to do one form of exercise for weeks and weeks.... stop going on like we all could still go out and mix


Well-Known Member
Not a virologist but don’t they usually mutate to be less lethal so their hosts stick around and infect more people?

That's why I asked if it was possible, because they tend to become less rather than more deadly after initial transmission across species because weaker forms of it get passed around more because the host lives and contacts more people so that version spreads more.

Deleted member 5849

That's why I asked if it was possible, because they tend to become less rather than more deadly after initial transmission across species because weaker forms of it get passed around more because the host lives and contacts more people so that version spreads more.
Genuine question then, is it worth the entire effort to find a vaccine, if the probability is it blows itself out about as quickly as properly testing the vaccine will take?


Well-Known Member
Genuine question then, is it worth the entire effort to find a vaccine, if the probability is it blows itself out about as quickly as properly testing the vaccine will take?
Well the government couldn’t take that risk could they, imagine the outrage if we weren't investing billions to get one

Deleted member 5849

Well the government couldn’t take that risk could they, imagine the outrage if we weren't investing billions to get one
Why not, if that was what the science said?

They seem quite happy to release us back into the wild anyway, and that's at odds with what you're saying here. What you're actually flagging up is a disconnect between perceptions, actions, and realities.

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