Council and Sky Blues in court tomorrow (3 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Fair enough. Let's get on with the JR.

Simon Gilbert @TheSimonGilbert · 45s CCFC not able to access documents from individual councillors including Mutton and Duggins judge rules.


Well-Known Member
Another big if is people on here state that if SISU got the Ricoh then they would liquidate the club. Doesn't stop them using it as a cast iron fact.

Only people that want to see SISU get the Ricoh on the cheap seem to be the ones that make the accusations that ANTI SISU supporters make comments that way. I am not anti SISU in that way. I want to see them gone as I see the damage they are and have done to our club. I see that they could liquidate our club. They have been threatening to liquidate our club for a couple of years now. All we are getting is stupid court cases wasting lots of money when they could get round a table and sort their differences out. But it isn't the SISU way.

Liquidation is always a possibility. Only an idiot would say differently.


Well-Known Member
I guess this outcome doesn't matter too much and nothing has changed from before this court date so we go into the JR still on june 10th. I didn't hear it was indeed pushed back which would be a blow for everyone including us fans.

I like everyone else want ccfc back at the ricoh and there has to be a deal to be done that everyone benefits from. I hope the JR is what its building up to be but im a cov fan and it could just be another anti climax.


Well-Known Member
This bit is interesting. I always thought that CCC didn't borrow the money but used funds they already had in reserve?

The Council to use its prudential powers to borrow the s
um of £14.4 million.

The Council to provide a loan of £14.4 million to Arena Coventry Limited.

Basically I think this means that the only way that this is going to cost the Coventry council tax payers is if sisu succeed in distressing ACL (if that is indeed what they're trying to do, my lawyer's have asked me to say) to the point that ACL go tits up leaving CCC and the Coventry council tax payers to cover the loan.


Well-Known Member
CCFC QC states desire to retain June 10th JR date....

CCFC QC wants 2500 documents to be considered, it's important for context....

Maybe a slight contradiction.. ??


Well-Known Member
I guess this outcome doesn't matter too much and nothing has changed from before this court date so we go into the JR still on june 10th. I didn't hear it was indeed pushed back which would be a blow for everyone including us fans.

The talk of it being pushed back was because SISU wanted access to so many documents. If they had been give access I suspect they would have been given more time to go over them resulting in the JR being delayed. Can't see any reason now that things won't go ahead on schedule.


Well-Known Member
A lot of things are a possibility but I don't go round worrying about them.

Liquidation is always a possibility. Only an idiot would say differently.

Deleted member 5849

IS someone not looking for a resolution here ?

A resolution would be fabulous, but I honestly can't see this JR being the resolution.

More another step on the path to hades.

James Smith

Well-Known Member
Nitpicking surely? There is still a £14M sized hole in the councils' coffers.

Yes I suppose it is nit picking but then that's what court cases can hinge on.

Deleted member 5849

I think the idea is that the loan is secured against an asset (the lease) and should SISU default the council gain possession of an asset of greater value than the outstanding balance.

I assume typo ;)


Well-Known Member
Application to submit Miss Seppala's 110 page statement and 1,000 pages of illustrations dismissed by judge

Looking bad for sisu folks.


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Simon Gilbert @TheSimonGilbert · 8s Application to enter expert CCFC evidence which suggested ACL deal was a bad one dismissed.


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Simon Gilbert @TheSimonGilbert · 50s Judge says it's not relevant and came late. If he'd accepted would almost certainly have delayed June 10 JR


Well-Known Member
Glad it wasn't accepted in that case. I think it's important the JR is heard asap.

Simon Gilbert @TheSimonGilbert · 50s Judge says it's not relevant and came late. If he'd accepted would almost certainly have delayed June 10 JR


Well-Known Member
Simon Gilbert @TheSimonGilbert · 1m Costs will be decided at end of JR. Including costs of today's hearing.


Well-Known Member
wingy are you a ccfc fan or a council fan?

never seen you this happy when cov 3 up(although that might be because we will lose such a lead more often than not)


Well-Known Member
Yep the whole relevance of the JR ,we can't answer only the judge and it looks possible to be kicked again Into the long grass .

IS someone not looking for a resolution here ?

In fairness at the point of the original application for the JR it was reported that the Council wanted as early a court date as possible. From reading Simon Gilbert's tweets the SISU QC seems to be pushing for the same. I think both sides want this to get in front of a judge, which perhaps suggests they both think they've got a fair shout of a result.

It does sound as if SISU haven't quite got their way today: They've been given access to the ACL minutes from Aug 2012 (which the Council volunteereed at the start of the hearing). However they haven't been granted access to the notes from individual Councillors (Duggins and Mutton), they haven't been allowed to submit Joy Sepalla's 110 page statement(!), and they haven't been allowed to introduce expert evidence from their side supporting their contention that the ACL deal was a bad one.

Costs for this hearing, and the JR, to be decided after the JR.

All courtesy of Simon Gilbert's twitter feed this, I should say.


Well-Known Member
Simon Gilbert @TheSimonGilbert · 1m Costs will be decided at end of JR. Including costs of today's hearing.

important to state that the costs aren't 1m.... that was the time since Simon tweet ;)

fook me, just checked simons tweet and its just gone up to 5m..!!
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