That's bullshit.
Just guessing. A possibilty?
That's bullshit.
Just guessing. A possibilty?
I will help out the council haters with a thought !
If Acl have appealed is this just a delaying tactic from having to pay up straight away ?
Are they struggling cash flow wise ?
Or there maybe just another simple explanation !
Excuse me for being a bit thick on this one, but...
Although CCC do not set the business rates, as half of ACL and also collectors, would they have known all along that the rate was too high?? Or is this an easy genuine mistake to make?
No need for the ML 'dingy' comment btw. Playing the poor old SISU card again me thinks. Pathetic.
SISU out/ACL out
Do you see what happened here?
Let me help you out.
Sisu appealed to the correct authority and got a justified result for minimum effort and outlay. No expensive trips to court trying to obtain evidence, no expensive hearings to see if a JR is warranted, no expensive appeal when the first hearing failed, no expensive failed return to court trying to obtain the evidence you weren't granted in the first place and no expensive JR with a football team of lawyers.
Now remind me again why sisu just didn't go to the European commission for England with their grievance over the ACL loan. I say remind me, you never told me in the first place.
Because there is no such thing as the European Commission for England. The only way to claim against a state aid is through the courts.
Because there is no such thing as the European Commission for England. The only way to claim against a state aid is through the courts.
Maybe not a million tbf skybluesam but your point is a good one and more money in the coffers and could be spent on the team and a fair rent of 100-150k rent with loads left over for that investment in the team and dare I say it even a promotion? It makes me so sad, angry and frustrated. It just seems so easy to me.
LC - circa 1million
Arsenal game say 250-500k
Cheque paid 399k
All of the above was within a week and its almost 2 million pounds with say the rent free offer or reduced 150k rent then there is a lot to invest and get a good team together instead of spunking it all away. Not to mention increased season tickets sale and merchandise, sponsors....... arrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
and breathe.
Oh please don't spoil my fun. He read one bbc item on Swansea. Its making me laugh and laugh.
Because there is no such thing as the European Commission for England. The only way to claim against a state aid is through the courts.
Every country has a European commission and part of their responsibilities is policing state aid especially where state aid is provided to private companies (such as ACL) which has stringent rules regarding unfair competition. This is why the European commission for wales has/is investigating two clubs and their ground funding from local authorities and the European commission for Spain is looking into 7 club's, IIRC, for the same reason.
In all cases the investigations were triggered by complaints about unfair advantage in the market place meaning that the state aid could be illegal. Sounds tailor made for sisu's complaint over the funding of ACL to me.
Just to add. Claim what? The JR doesn't have the jurisdiction to award compensation.
Do you see what happened here?
Let me help you out.
Sisu appealed to the correct authority and got a justified result for minimum effort and outlay. No expensive trips to court trying to obtain evidence, no expensive hearings to see if a JR is warranted, no expensive appeal when the first hearing failed, no expensive failed return to court trying to obtain the evidence you weren't granted in the first place and no expensive JR with a football team of lawyers.
Now remind me again why sisu just didn't go to the European commission for England with their grievance over the ACL loan. I say remind me, you never told me in the first place.
There is one European Commission. It is the responsibility of member states to police state aid, hence this going through the British courts.
It's going through the British courts because sisu have pursued a British local authority through the British courts. Nothing to do with the European commission at all.
It's going through the British courts because sisu have pursued a British local authority through the British courts. Nothing to do with the European commission at all.
It always would go through the British courts, the state aid rules are enshrined into British law. The case could find it's way to the commission eventually depending on what happens.
And why am I an idiot?
Lets see if you can come up with an explanation tonight or are you just going to call me a fuckingagain by way of counter?
PS. Ssshhhh, adults are talking.
Fucking. Go complain to the European commission. I've said it before but you refuse to listen, any party that feels wronged can take legal advice. Sisu's legal advice was to go through the English judicial system. I'm sure if their legal advice was to go through the European commission they would have taken that route. But they didn't. But don't let that stop you boring on because you obviously know better than Sisu's well paid and educated legal team. Your years of experience of being a
obviously takes precedence.
Please provide evidence to support this statement.
Or us this just more pathetic bullshit and lies? No doubt the accountant had to pass a fitness test. Lol.
Oh do fuck off, James. It's gone 11 and Tony's a fucking idiot.
No the accountant did not look like he could pass a fitness test, looked unfit to me. As your reply is the normal shit you write to slag off the fans who post on here, all i can say is you are just on here to take the piss out of people who post and put up stories to hook people to reply, so you can carry out a piss take. It is your entertainment in life. I still do not belive you are a city supporter and know you are not from coventry.
I think No Future With Sisu has failed a fitness test. Mucas will be meeting him in the morning with some serious physio - it couldn't happen to a nicer troll.
You are the TROLL on here makeing out ACL owed the owners of the club money when is the council who holds the money. Get your facts right before you write. Let me guess you love printing lies so will just carry on any way.
You are the TROLL on here makeing out ACL owed the owners of the club money when is the council who holds the money. Get your facts right before you write. Let me guess you love printing lies so will just carry on any way.
You are a moron, a fantasist and a bulshitter -- actually you did make one football thread which was bullshit
So who owed it them if acl are footing the bill?
So please provide evidence to back up your statements. Or stop lying.
Please also provide ONE post which you have made which is football related. I think you actually have never made one.
I was born in the hospital now a rather poor hotel on the Tamworth Road. So retract that lie as well little man
The club paid the council the rates and as they overpaid the council have refunded them some on the rates. Now the council will bill ACL for the rates and they will appeal. ACL never owed money to the club as your mate Grendel keeps telling every one. The rates were paid to the council, which means the council billed the club for the rates and the club paid the council not ACL. Grendel hate of ACL seems to be greater than his hate of the council.
You could have picked a hospital in coventry, so i was right you are not from coventry. You have to go to solihull if you want your birth records and i think you are bullshitting about the hospital as my mum was there and I knew the name of it which you seem to have forgot, it was Keresley Hospital.
Fucking :censored . o complain to the European commission. I've said it before but you refuse to listen, any party that feels wronged can take legal advice. Sisu's legal advice was to go through the English judicial system. I'm sure if their legal advice was to go through the European commission they would have taken that route. But they didn't. But don't let that stop you boring on because you obviously know better than Sisu's well paid and educated legal team. Your years of experience of being aobviously takes precedence.