Council removing traffic lights (2 Viewers)


Chief Commentator!
Anyone see the article in todays CET about the council removing traffic lights? I couldnt picture where it was but ive just seen a clip on Midlands Today showing its the junction by Cov Uni, where the old Odeon used to be! They've created a junction thats an accident waiting to happen!! Cars and pedestrians coming from 4 directions with no control!


Well-Known Member
i work down the road from add to the 4 directional traffic, you also have students walking over the junction from every angle...very weird


New Member
I've seen so many near misses at this junction in a one week period that it's damn well terrifying. One guy nearly got taken out by a bus, who honked his horn three times before aforementioned man noticed (and then only with the help of his amigo), I nearly got collected by a bus there who had no intention of slowing down for the turn towards the station. I've seen cars and buses just pull out without giving it a second thought, and students just casually wander into the road. And this is meant to be safer? I can understand it makes the place look better, but I don't agree with it being safer down there. Something nasty is going to happen there, it's inevitable.


Active Member
Orange Ken has issued a statement saying " the council will leave no stone unturned to bring in some new temporary traffic lights on loan and there is money being made available to do just that"


New Member
I think the most confusing aspect is the large red square in the middle of the road it almost looks like a pedestrian only zone.

I think it's something that people will get used to. There are signs in all directions saying something like no traffic signals, approach with caution. I think it may prove to be innovative in the long run. I would hope it encourages both drivers and pedestrians to be more considerate and aware of their surroundings.


New Member
Is there a scoreboard for how many points you get for different types of student ?

And if not why not ?


Well-Known Member
It's a 'free zone' which are statistically safer by all accounts. Don't ask me how, I'm sure as hell not driving through it any time soon.


Well-Known Member
This 'system' has been used for years in other cities and countries and it does work fairly well, as nobody has right of way, everybody tends to be a bit more cautious and let others go infront of themselves, I use the junction everyday pritty much and there is alot less traffic then there was with the lights (people could be avoiding it?). There will be quite a few accidents. Only takes 1 inpatient/disracted idot and you could easily see someone being killed soon.


Well-Known Member
I've driven up their a couple of time recently and it's a bit scary, especially as the students just walk out in front of you.


Well-Known Member
In essence I can see the point behind it but that particular location does look like it could cause a few accidents.

The amount of students, including foreign students who have just arrived in the country, crossing over and wandering in and out of the pubs and up to the new Hub just screams of an accident waiting to happen.


Well-Known Member
I got interviewed about this yesterday by the local news. Seems like people are making a lot of fuss about nothing really.

The reporter asked me if I thought it was safe to cross the road, I pointed out I was 31 years old and that if I couldn't cross the road now then I shouldn't be allowed out of the house. Plus there are zebra crossings just 30 yards away from the junction, just use those and common sense ffs.

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