Coventry avoid squad crisis.... (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Yes but the contracts they offered the above would have been league one contracts which is what the new players would be offered.
Baker strikes me as a nice bloke but a bit daft.
Maybe he was threatened with this the day he met Mr sky and vented.
Or maybe he us the OP and this is his daft way of getting it out :)
Maybe I am getting a little bit too excited about conspiracy theories.
I think there is some truth in it but wish it was a load of tosh.
Just hope it creates a siege mentality as oppose to instability.

I think they were all offered significant contracts an increase in Bakers' case - McSheffery, Bell and Baker will be among the bigger earners at the club and certainly well above the average the new players will be getting - and none of them are first team regulars. It's a joke - if they all had left as free agents in the summer only McSheffery would be missed anyway and he is not irreplacable.


Well-Known Member
My dads just got back from work. He's an engineer for SKY and fitted Carl Bakers SKY TV today. Before any of you comment, my dad has zero interest in football so there's be no reason for him to make this up. He wouldn't even know what he was talking about if he wasn't told it.

Carl told him that he may be dropped to the bench for this entire season. This is for wage reasons. Each player was asked to take a 20% wage drop, to which only 4 accepted (Carl being one of them). They have then asked all the players to give up their bonuses.

Baker told my dad that he was told that if he does not sign the new contact without the bonuses then he will be dropped to the bench for the entire season. He said he would drop the bonuses from his contact, if he were to get the 20% of his original wages back.

This is true folks.They had a meeting last Friday for over a hour trying to sort it out. If they can't they will be loaned out before the end of the month.


Well-Known Member
This is true folks.They had a meeting last Friday for over a hour trying to sort it out. If they can't they will be loaned out before the end of the month.

Well we will know tomorrow won't we?


New Member
This is 100 percent true I've also been told this today by a player and he has signed it. He has also been put on the transfer list and the other players have been threatened with that also, bit greedy if you ask me constidering they played there part in us getting relegated. They can't transfer list everyone so they will have to come to some sort of arrangement!


New Member
This is 100 percent true I've also been told this today by a player and he has signed it. He has also been put on the transfer list and the other players have been threatened with that also, bit greedy if you ask me constidering they played there part in us getting relegated. They can't transfer list everyone so they will have to come to some sort of arrangement!

If he signed it why was he transfer listed?


Well-Known Member
I was told players were asked to take cuts on standard wage more than 6 weeks ago and as none of the under contract player have left apart from obvious thought all had been sorted. Also with new players coming in must of been put on this new wage structure which fell into line with what the club had set.. So although i do believe something has been said i don't believe the club would 1 mess about with any incentive to win and 2 call a meeting a week before the season starts to ask players to give up more..

You take away the players money incentive to win you are pretty much committing football suicide and as much as i don't like SISU they are not that stupid to have the PFA jumping all over them right now or take losing more money by staying in league 1... So for me all this i take with a pinch of salt but with both eyes open to what could unfold over the next week or so....


New Member
Well said chipfat totally agree its insane, but that's what's going on 100 percent. And yes I'm sure the PFA will be over it like a rash very very soon.


New Member
Also thorn has actually indicated to the players not to sign it. Its out of his hands, its behind the scenes of our club that has told the players.


Well-Known Member
I understand and agree with a pay cut for the existing players but if this is true i would expect every player who agreed a different contract with bonus included which is now being changed, to stop training and refuse to play until the PFA get involved. What is it with Sisu not feeling that a binding contract is legal,,,seems trouble is not far ahead again..


Well-Known Member
It is true in my book
Lynch has proven on three seperate occasions that he has the inside track.
Let's hope the players just refuse. They don't take it personally. They play for AT, the fans and not SISU in their eyes and get promotion. Then we can afford their wages.
The worry would be. If we are doing well come January. How many will be sold.


Well-Known Member
Frankly your all getting worried about news from a guy whose dad apparently fitted sky for baker and who knows nothing about football but the conversation some how ended up with them talking about a meeting between sisu and the players about wage cuts also he says only four players have agreed to take the cut and one is baker. However baker won't lose his bonus so will be forced to sit on the bench surely that means that the rest of the squad who haven't taken the wage cut will be on the bench aswell. It might be true but it's a very unreliable source we will find out with the team line up on tuesday but this is worrying
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New Member
Cheers dongo for the backing! I was told not to say anything on this one cus its a serious subject but now someone else has now brought it up and found the truth out so I can confirm. Just want the club to go back to how it was before :(


New Member
The stupidest thing about this thread is how many people denounce the original poster by saying "Baker came here 2 years ago, he got Sky then" as if they know anything about him at all. "All footballers have Sky..." - whatever

Anyway, if this is true then it's no bad thing. We need to cut costs, so it's reasonable to ask the players to make a sacrifice when it was partly their fault that we went down. Baker is just as responsible for anyone, I still haven't forgiven him for his reprehensible performance at Southampton. I can see the players' point of view though.


New Member
Well each to there own opinion FRY. But its the truth we have problems over the bonus of these players,and cutting costs.

Not going to say anymore on this thread :).


Well-Known Member
Cheers dongo for the backing! I was told not to say anything on this one cus its a serious subject but now someone else has now brought it up and found the truth out so I can confirm. Just want the club to go back to how it was before :(

I've got ur back on this one mate hence my thread the other day. Either more than one of players are going around telling fans the same story for a laugh or its true.


Well-Known Member
Well each to there own opinion FRY. But its the truth we have problems over the bonus of these players,and cutting costs.
It is worrying and hopefully not true but I believe it could be just the way covkingchris put it sounded stupid


Well-Known Member
Confirmed by someone who told use the names of the last 3 players we have had trial before it got out in the public domain.

So either the sky man story is completly made up. Very bizzare concept to make up surely?
About a company whose behavior would mean such action, should not come a shock to you.
Also a source who has provided info on three other times that was correct each time. Has suddenly decided to trash his reputation and confirm the pie in the sky (man) story.

If were a betting man...........


Well-Known Member
BS or truth,, everyone relate it to your place of work and in the same situation would the company produce good results with a depressed work force.. This is wrong on so many levels and if true AT should be out standing by his players and stating why the players are not going the extra mile to win games... And i know they get paid to play but 99.9% treat football as a job the same as we do when we go to work in the morning so the feeling for the players will be the same..

Very poor by SISU and this could be the worst decision and timing that they have ever made while in control of this club..... As for Lynch i was told by an agent that all players were asked to take cuts ,, so i know something was going on but thought it was dealt with weeks agooo so have no reason to doubt you or disbelieve you ..


For an employment law perspective I would say they could do this to a player if they wanted to quite legally

Absolutely they could, I am afraid UK employment law gives virtually no protection.

And presuming this is true and if Lynch says it is I have to believe it as he is spot on so often just imagine this for a second... your boss comes to you and says sorry but I am going to have to cut your wages or the company will go under....most people would bulk at the thought but would consider what they were going to earn by staying in employment and say ok I can cut my cloth to live within my new budget....if the company then comes back and says actually we got our sums all wrong and now we want you to drop even more you are going to think...hang on a minute am I being taken here or do they really need to do this..people get upset because fottballers earn so much but the truth is its the club that agree to pay them the amount to start with and not the players fault


Well-Known Member
The public sector have all had cuts and freezes forced on them.
Their pensions are getting changed half way through what they signed up for.
Problem is with footballers there are plenty clubs out there willing to pay the stupid wages for a free transfer.
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Well-Known Member
The public sector have all had cuts and freezes forced on them.
Their pensions are getting changed half way through what they signed up for.
Problem is with footballers there are plenty clubs out there willing to pay the stupid wages for a free transfer.

I doubt many will pay stupid wages for Carl Baker.

Diehard Si

New Member
It's just typical SISU. We finally get a squad together, there is a cautious optimism going into the season for the first time in years.

Right before the season kicks off they do this ( and the rent ).

They really just are totally clueless and inept at running this club. Regardless of whether people feel people are over paid or what, this will destroy morale and be a hammer blow to the players motivation.
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Well-Known Member
It's just typical SISU. We finally get a squad together, there is a cautious optimism going into the season for the first time in years.

Right before the season kicks off they do this ( and the rent ).

They really just are totally clueless and inept at running this club. Regardless of whether people feel people are over paid or what, this will destroy morale and be a hammer blow to the players motivation.

A few years ago I was told to sign an agreement which effectively reduced my pay by £6,000 a year over-night. Didn't like it but it didn't effect my performance in the role.


Well-Known Member
I'm not mad on this in terms of morale but it might just motivate them to get back where they've come from and earn their rise back ,Wonder If AT took his Hit?


Well-Known Member
I'm not mad on this in terms of morale but it might just motivate them to get back where they've come from and earn their rise back ,Wonder If AT took his Hit?

My boss didn't! Similar situation I guess. I was told to agree to the reduction and sign it -- or else.....


Well-Known Member
My boss didn't! Similar situation I guess. I was told to agree to the reduction and sign it -- or else.....

In all reality I guess he was on around a third of the average squad rate ,then win bonuses + double for the away win bonus . SISU must be feeling highly confident for the coming Campaign if they think they'll pay out on these.

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