Thats a very naive view Tony. You've said yourself in this thread there is a lot of interest in rugby, its hardly a marginalised sport that people have no awareness of. It also isn't a sport, compared to something like ice hockey, that is expensive to get involved in and needs specialist equipment or venues. As with football those interested can get a ball and off they go. I dont think expecting a local authority amongst others to promote their City is Naive at all. I would say it's expected.
I do not for a second believe that it is coincidental that as Wasps were being parachuted into the city a public body, Engage Coventry, was setup to promote the sport. Cant say I know the first thing about Engage Coventry so I'll have to take your word for it.
If the council want to promote sport and a healthy lifestyle why concentrate on one sport? What are CCFC doing to work with CCC, C & W CofC, Coventry Uni, University of Warwick, Coventry Schools Union and various non-profit partners with, and in some cases are funded by, the council? It works both ways you know? Nothing stopping the club working in conjunction with all these bodies along with Sphinx and over Coventry based football teams to promote football as a sport and healthy lifestyle.
Above all else its embarrassing. While Wasps may have been welcomed with open arms in the city the move is looked upon by many outside the city in a similar light to Wimbledon's move to Milton Keynes. You can imagine the reaction if just a few months after that move Milton Keynes had self proclaimed that it was the city of football. I think the only thing Milton Keynes proclaim itself as is the City of Concrete Cows but I take your point. Aren't other Coventry based Rugby teams also involved in this including CRFC and Coventry Bears? It seems some posters on here think its all the doing of Wasps and CCC conveniently ignoring all the other bodies on the list of backers. It not a list of 2 you know?
Clearly rugby clubs and authorities have a vested interest in promoting the sport so would be certain to sign up to a scheme like this. If you then look at the remaining partners you have the 2 further education establishments and then various non-profits who partner with, and in some cases are funded by, the council. Its hard to imagine it is coincidence. As well as Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, as well as Coventry Schools Union and unless I'm mistaken Country RFC are also involved arent they? Are you seriously suggesting that all these bodies are in an ellaborite conspiracy to push the football club into the sidelines? A simple yes or no will do. Like I just said the people behind this isn't just a list of 2.