It is quite different though Paxman. OK try this one.
You have a business. It is called Paxmans Dildo's. Your premises are too big for you but good in every other way. They were built for you when you hit hard times. There was a deal you had made where you could have the leasehold cheap. Then have the whole building when you could afford it. It was built for you as your landlord knew how much pleasure local people got from your product
You are in it for the money and not pleasure though and want to get out of the dildo market. Your landlord won't sell it to you for peanuts. You stop paying the rent for 18 months. your landlord is unhappy but still don't kick you out. So you have another plan you had prepared.....
You had started up other sections of your company. Paxmans Black Dildo's, Paxmans Pink Dildo's and Paxmans Blue Dildo's. You transfer all the things that you want to keep into these groups. You then get someone you know to put Paxmans Dildo's into administration. You leave the unpaid rent, tax bill and contract for the dildo factory. You put a bid in from a new company called Optimum. You move everything miles away to another dildo factory and pay rent. Not a problem as they are not as good quality as yours. ....yet. You lose a lot of customers as you can't deliver on the days you used to. But you might get the property on the cheap.