Sky Blue Kid
Well-Known Member
Anyway.. Goodnight, God Bless, and Peace out guys 
Lost in the sea of arguements but it seems to me that what's apparent is that we are already ran in the same manner as fan ownership now. Except with people whose priority is another company?
For those who could attend the meeting, Is this the case?
nothing wrong with "break even" if it's done right. sisu don't do it right.The only thing similar between ourselves and Portsmouth is the label that we are run at "Break Even". Their model of break even is a lot different to Sisu's.
So. Haven't read the thread as it seems like an absolute shit fest, but for shits and giggles, who would you nominate as President/Chairman of CCFC if it was fan owned?
Would have to be someone who has been nowhere near this mess. Sillett? Oggy? Cat Bin Lady? Random fan no one has heard of?
Given that the club in its present format is worthless. Given that anyone coming in would buy the assets (not much value in the squad) which don't have massive value and won't fluctuate greatly. Given that the potential remains the same its just the length of time that varies depending on L1 or L2. How does this devilish plot by the shadowy Trust (who according to many have no idea) actually greatly change the value of the club or its assets. Ccfc actually owns very little and no one in their right mind would take on the otium loans and preference shares - including the trust
It isn't about the value of the club it is about what Sisu want to settle out their investment and how. Whether or not that is an open market deal or an administration..... both of which Sisu are in control of
SBK without doubt.
Yet another quality addition to the discussion from Grendel.
If anything having competition would surely increase the value?
It's just Reid shit stirring for profit, I wouldn't worry about it.
The trust have been working on this for two years we are told. I would expect after two years for them to have something to show for it. That's not unreasonable when they start talking about people putting money into escrow accounts and committing to buying shares is it?
This is the point isn't it. They need to be completely separate yet you have
That was the thing that struck me. A lot of what was being said by the Supporters Direct / Pompey representatives could have been straight out of Fishers mouth. Said in a less antagonistic way but still the same thing which will have the same end result. I wasn't really clear on how fan ownership would really change the way the club is run. Yes you'd have people who cared about the club involved which is obviously a good thing but if you have £1m to spend now or £1m to spend with fan ownership you're getting the same end result.
There was a vague notion that you'd get more sponsorship and more people turning up with fan ownership but IMO that's a long way from guaranteed.
The trust have been working on this for two years we are told. I would expect after two years for them to have something to show for it. That's not unreasonable when they start talking about people putting money into escrow accounts and committing to buying shares is it?
This is the point isn't it. They need to be completely separate yet you have David Johnson up on stage at a Trust event about fan ownership. You have the Trust posting things about JHW protests on their website and you even had Moz getting the two mixed up. They very clearly aren't separate and they need to be.
Before the fans takeover they average 12.232 in L1 despite being bottom and getting relegated. Simple fact is they are a better supported side than us, in a much smaller city. If you then look that they required a large council loan and several individuals to put in large amounts it shows you what we are up against. And that was buying out of admin, unless we're saying push the club into admin we would need a lot more finance.
Pomepy's business plan for the first couple of years post fans takeover had 7 figure losses budgeted. They've since had to dilute their ownership as additional funds have been required.
That was the thing that struck me. A lot of what was being said by the Supporters Direct / Pompey representatives could have been straight out of Fishers mouth. Said in a less antagonistic way but still the same thing which will have the same end result. I wasn't really clear on how fan ownership would really change the way the club is run. Yes you'd have people who cared about the club involved which is obviously a good thing but if you have £1m to spend now or £1m to spend with fan ownership you're getting the same end result.
There was a vague notion that you'd get more sponsorship and more people turning up with fan ownership but IMO that's a long way from guaranteed.
I could not agree more with what you say and that is what is needed all voices to be heard for a united frontI don't think for one minute the trust currently have a plan to take over the club.
What I gleaned from last night is that they are starting to look into the possibilities.They could definitely do with getting their findings out there for people to look at.
Pompey trust started looking into the various scenarios that could befall the club in the year they won the cup! While most fans were celebrating there were a few who were looking at the finances and seeing that they weren't adding up.
I think that' s what the trust are trying to do now, look at the various scenarios. To try and have some sort of strategy for what ever fate befalls the club in the next few years.
I'm not a member and went in last night with an open mind but with the situation we are currently in I don't think any effort to try and bring about a way of improving things should be dismissed.
It would be great if people like yourself CD, you makes some very salient, well thought out points went along to the next open meeting. All voices need to be heard.
Whet a charming chap you are. To suggest this aggression is triggered by my "abuse" to you is laughable. You have run ins with everyone - it's Nomark, battery boy - everyone who disagrees with you gets a verbal volley of repetitive expletives. The whole thread has become a side show of abuse, wrong facts, wrong accounts, misdirection
You seem to mention me in every post you make.
Beyond a joke really.