What a pillock, honestly listen to yourself!
'Im bringing ideas yo the table, discussing nuances' Haha!
You've been banging on all week about playing Simms and Wright, it didn't work, now you're performing mental gymnastics to try and justify calling for our top scorer to be dropped,

absolute buffoon.
I’ve spoke at length about 5 at the back, I’ve talked about various formations we could try, I’ve talked about how our midfield is the main issue we face, I’ve suggested ideas for moving Lati into midfield (which we saw today I think), I’ve talked about what sort of play style should we be aiming, are we a pressing team or are we a counter attacking side? should we play with two strikers high up the pitch? should we look at the box? etc etc. I use the word nuance because our game is exactly that, we’re so close to being a great side but something’s not quite there yet.
I’ve not heard a single thing from you other than something along the lines of “haha your idea’s shit” and “godden godden godden”. That’s literally it. All you do is come on here and talk shit either about other fans or about our players. What are you’re actually contributing to the discussion? Seems like absolutely nothing atm.
It‘s so easy to resort to calling people “buffoons” when you’ve got no original ideas of your own. I’ve tried to be amiable with you on previous posts, multiple times I’ve said things “yeah fair play, good point” or “yeah that’s fair enough but…” etc because I genuinely respect other people’s points of view. I don’t have an ounce of fucking time for people that insult others and show no respect to anyone’s ideas. If you don’t like my ideas then fine, I don’t like your ideas but I don’t insult you, just have a bit of fucking respect before you shit all over other fans ideas.
I’ve said my bit and I’ll leave it there, as I’ve said before I know it seems personal but I don’t feel anything personal against you, we just have very different views. Up to you but to save hassle I’ll avoid reacting to your comments and I’d appreciate it if you do the same to me. I can’t be arsed to keep arguing over what is effectively pointless shit. We get what Robins delivers, that’s the end of the story really.