It's funny that we are supposed to move on from a franchise moving to the city, yet for some reason the same posters then bring up our owners.
Surely they themselves should be looking at moving on as well?
It's funny that we are supposed to move on from a franchise moving to the city, yet for some reason the same posters then bring up our owners.
Surely they themselves should be looking at moving on as well?
If you think that we should move on and not mention what SISU have done wouldn't that also mean that we should move on and not mention what CCC have done?
I am all for debating what has gone on. But why try and ignore one of the main reasons why we are homeless other than renting off an out of town rugger club? Some say that we shouldn't debate what SISU have done because they are a hedge fund that does their own thing and have done things wrong. But Wasps are also said to be a hedge fund that has done things wrong. Hypocritical or what.
Most probably will when our owners do, it's a bit hard to move on when they're still here. Was that too easy for you to work out by yourself?
Personally I'm looking forward to the day that they move on if for no other reason than I'll never have to mention them again. Unlike the posters who keep yakking on about the council despite them not being our landlords for well over a year now.
Yes it is hypocritical, glad we agree.
So you are now going to have a go at SISU as much as Wasps and CCC?
Didn't think so.
So why don't you challenge the comments that call for people to stop complaining about the franchise? I though that hedge funds moving sports teams was not ok? Surely you want them out of the city as well?
I can never understand why what sisu offered for the Higgs share is a pittance when the same offered(and accepted) from Wasps isn't.
Especially as they hadn't paid around £10million in the previous years to ACL.
I only 'have a go' at them due to the fact that some like to defend them and deflect away any criticism of them.
Luckily no one is defending sisu, despite what some like to claim.
Was that the donation to Higgs as the arena was worthless?
And who paid the 10m?
Never wanted them here in the first place. Something I've had to point out to you on numerous occasions so why you're asking me "surely you want them out the city as well" is beyond me because surely you already know my answer to that one.
People don't complain about the franchise, they cling onto every little bit of news that comes out about them and try to show it as reasons why they're failing. The gates being a prime example. When you pointed out that the gates aren't as important because they have other revenue streams I get called a wasps supporter for pointing out the obvious. Something that has been proven right by their interim accounts recently made available. The reason I know I'm right. Simple, even without reading OSB's posts explaining it you just have to look at who isn't posting on the thread i.e. you, grendull chief Dave, Nick etc. So does me pointing out the obvious make me a wasps supporter? No, it just means my head isn't buried in the sand.
When most people are telling you to move on where wasps are concerned it's because there is absolutely nothing at this point in time to show they're going anywhere. Does that please me? No, not in the slightest but I'm not going to jump on the read something into everything that isn't there camp so I can fool myself into thinking what I want to happen will happen camp that you and others have firmly buried there head in. When there's something to show otherwise I'll gladly rub my hands together with glee, until then perhaps you'll forgive me and some others who if in a roundabout way tell you to move on because there really is despite your "expert analysis" nothing to see. After all we're actually doing you a favour, or at least trying to.
Bollocks. They have no direct legal action against wasps you dripWhilst SISU are in charge and are currently in never ending legal battles surrounding the Ricoh I doubt WASPS would be willing to deal. Hopefully an extended run in the championship may allow us to negotiate from a position of strength. SISU won't build a new stadium. Our most realistic option is a new owner hoping for WASPS to fail is another option but may take a decade. Its very depressing.
It isn't defending anyone by the vast majority. It is pointing out how much attacking of anyone bar SISU that gets most people going.
That is an outrageous comment even for you.
What are you doing about it? What would you have us all do? complain loudly on Sky Blues Talk or something equally as effective.
You come out with this rhetoric but have no viable plan yourself, or are you suggesting we all just go and watch Wasps like you do? or just offer simpering plaudits?
Dont criticise others if you are not bringing something to the table yourself
The club have acknowledged the problems with ticketing and said they are changing to a new system over the summer. That's why it doesn't need a massive discussion.
There are more important things coming up that will significantly impact on the future of CCFC far more than a CT advert, events that happened over 14mths and more ago, or name calling of fellow CCFC supporters.
Every thread on here seems to descend into bickering over the same old often inaccurate crap![]()
I think pretty much everyone hate and despise SISU, I just supsect many like me dont think we can make any difference to getting shot of them, and constantly banging on about it on the site has made no difference.
I like others also feel their are other protagonists to blame, with the majority of blame obviously being at SISU's door, and of course all I want is to be shot of SISU. If Wasps followed shortly after I wouldnt say no either.
My ire in the above post wasnt aimed at you personally, more others, named and nameless.
I've said things to do many times but on this forum it's not wanted. All this forum does iOS criticise everybody except Sisu. Ok Sisu are mentioned in the 'Sisu are not blameless but ..... ' comments.
Things I've said, all of which have been slammed on here.
1. Work with Wasps to get what we want from them.
2. Get the Legals out the way as its stopping any working relationships.
3. Utilise Ricoh facilities to get economies of scale for both Wasps and Sisu.
4. Commit to a long term rolling 10 year deal.
5. Realise where we are and work on the finances based at the Ricoh.
I'm sure there are many more.
Of line I have offered my services FOC to the club to improve the interface between the club and disabled fans. Acknowledged and ignored last year. I retried into the fans forum (SCG or whatever it is). Jonathan Strange acknowledged he would pick up and feed in. But again ignored.
I'll keep prodding this board as well but the admin and a few others just tackle the effects but not the cause.
I put it down to their way of tackling the dire situation but sometimes I wonder.
There are more important things coming up that will significantly impact on the future of CCFC far more than a CT advert, events that happened over 14mths and more ago, or name calling of fellow CCFC supporters.
Every thread on here seems to descend into bickering over the same old often inaccurate crap![]()
Bollocks. They have no direct legal action against wasps you drip
Fine, I'll just bow out of this discussion and watch you, Tony, Captain Dart, Shy Whateverhisname is NOT defend Wasps.
Funny, being a shouty kind of fella I thought you'd be bothered about us not being allowed to play Fulham for JH.
We did in rent over the years.Was that the donation to Higgs as the arena was worthless?
And who paid the 10m?
I agree but when people get shouted down that they dont hate SISU enough, or dont blame them enough etc etc, it just irritates me inherently, as they just cant see past the blinkers that it doesnt change anything.
What these people miss is the irony that we can all hate them as much as we want, and post as such everyday, but it doesnt make a jot of difference, nor bring any ideas to the table on how we move forward and lose SISU.
I know it works both ways on whoever you blame and how much you blame them, but the self righteouness of those that tell everyone they should solely hate/blame SISU, is absoloutely ridiculous as it has made no difference to anything.
Or being called a Wasp Fan!#$#$#
And being told they are the sole problem.
Like you said both ways.
I only 'have a go' at them due to the fact that some like to defend them and deflect away any criticism of them.
Luckily no one is defending sisu, despite what some like to claim.
Or being called a Wasp Fan!#$#$#
And being told they are the sole problem.
Like you said both ways.
So lets all attack SISU, every poster day in and day out.
After we all get bored of that what will it have achieved?
We all hate SISU but as I mentioned earlier in this post, no one (including those that smugly seem to Champion themselves as the righteous SISU haters on the board) has come up with a remote idea of how we can rid of them, and of how, stating we hate them everyday, will make a blind bit of difference.
* The above isnt a reference to you.
What you fail to notice that it is our job as supporters to hold SISU as custodians of the club accountable on any forum available to us. The SCG is clearly governed at the top by SISU yes men who are more interested in attacking the largest supporters group than challenging SISU's decision making and how that has and continues to effect the club.
If as fans we fail to voice our very real fears about what's happened and continues to happen to the club on any media possible we are failing the club we support. Whether that media be fans forum, newspaper websites, facebook, twitter or anywhere else you can do that publicly. Why give SISU places to hide? They haven't earned that right so why gift it to them?
It's funny how the ones who traditionally have a go at anyone who has a go at SISU saying things like it won't change anything so what's the point (a very typical response from one person especially on here during the whole Sixfields debacle) are the most vocal about wasps to the point where they're trying to read things into every detail about Wasps that they can find that simply isn't there in an attempt to prove they're failing and then don't pass comment on the very real and obvious issues at the club other than to call people wasp fans or haters of CCFC who will be happy when the club fails. Something often inaccurately levelled at myself.
It's because I don't want CCFC to fail I hold SISU accountable and express that opinion wherever and whenever I can as I see it as my duty as a CCFC fan.
It's just a shame that those apparent CCFC fans who spend all their time shouting down wasps don't turn some of that energy to holding our own owners accountable.
Sickboy is right about other fans from other clubs laughing at this site and some of it's posters. What he's wrong about is he thinks that laughing at the ones who hold the owners of CCFC accountable (or as he sees it, wasps supporters or posters who apologise for wasps behaviour) no, they're laughing at the posters who are obsessed with a Rugby team on a football forum.
Seriously I wouldn't have a clue what was going on with wasps if it wasn't for certain posters on here and even then when you look at their interpretations of whatever it is it's usually so far of the mark it's laughable spin to make something read what they want it to say rather than what it is saying and then start name calling anyone who actually can see it for what it is and usually it's insignificant.
Same for the CT. The only time I go on their site is because the ones always moaning and spinning something insignificant about wasps, council basically anyone but SISU keep putting links up so they can moan about it. They then keep asking where is SG, he's probably pissing himself at morons moaning about the story he's covered and then making sure sure it gets a good hit rate by linking them all the time.
Some people keep talking about hypocrisy. Well there's nothing more hypocritical than failing to hold the clubs owners you apparently support to account and attacking anyone who does while at the same time holding a club you apparently don't support accountable on a site for the club you're supposed to support.
If this site is not to hold the club as a whole and it's owners accountable whether that be the decisions made on the field to congratulating a player, the team, the manager even the owners for good things to holding the owners accountable on the decisions they make of field that directly effect the club then I don't know what this site is for. It's pretty clear in certain posters eyes you're only allowed to hold the owners accountable if it's a good news story, if it's a bad news story and you do it it's because you hate CCFC and love wasps, the council, the CT etc.
Who is attacking people who hold SISU to account? Who has ever said you can't? I think the fact people are so quick to defend and justify Wasps and the council is why you get more about them. Whereas nobody is going all out like that with SISU.
Why is that I wonder? Who keeps all these wasps threads going Oh and who is it that always brings them up in each thread?Exactly this. If someone posts that SISU are useless or Fisher is an idiot you get a few posts of people agreeing and then the thread dies. Everyone agrees so there's no debate to be had.
However whenever anything about Wasps is mentioned there are a few regulars who immediately post to justify anything they do. That's why so many threads end up with the same old argument. We get pages and pages until the classic 'it's different' gets thrown out.