Crawley songs (1 Viewer)


New Member
If we can get these going it'd be class.
Viva Carl Baker.

To the tune of ‘The Felix Theme’
ooooh, ooooh, ooooh
Leon Clarke will always score goooals
any chance that he’ll get
he’ll put the ball in the net
cos Leon Clarke will always score goooals

I am a City Fan
And I am a Coventrian
I know what I want, and I know how to get it
I want to destroy, sisu and Joy
Because we want to be, in Coventry!



Well-Known Member
Fisher, you're a c*nt
Fisher, Fisher you're a c*nt

We want Fisher out
Say we want Fisher out

We hate you Fisher we do..

You get the jist. I imagine these types of songs will be sung before the game and soon as we go 1-0 down.

P.S I hate Fisher


Well-Known Member
Fisher, you're a c*nt
Fisher, Fisher you're a c*nt

We want Fisher out
Say we want Fisher out

We hate you Fisher we do..

You get the jist. I imagine these types of songs will be sung before the game and soon as we go 1-0 down.

P.S I hate Fisher

One the whole family can join in......:)


Well-Known Member
I think admin should remove that last bit about Fisher

That I hate Fisher? I'm just being honest,. I can't class him as a friend right now.

If you're referencing the naughty songs, in my defence I did enter the edited version hence the asterisks. Apologies if naughty words are against your religion, ill put 50p in the swear jar


New Member
It's nothing to do with religion. It's to do with this site and whether someone will sue it or not. You cannot go around calling someone a this or a that. Sometime the smallminded element on this site really makes it bad for everyone else.


Well-Known Member
It's nothing to do with religion. It's to do with this site and whether someone will sue it or not. You cannot go around calling someone a this or a that. Sometime the smallminded element on this site really makes it bad for everyone else.

Oooooooooooooooooh... I do apologise your royal highness!

I forgot that this site was meant for nothing but serious debate. Forget banter and tongue in cheek comments. God you must be boring!

Asking the admin to remove a post? Jobs worth (please don't sue me for this) Besides I'm sure the lovely Tim Fisher would have thousands in line before he got to me..And although I wouldn't put it past him i don't really give a sh*t! He's one of the main reasons we currently don't have a football club to support in the city in which we live so I'm past caring!
How about, to the tune of knees up mother brown...............

We ain't got no ground
we ain't got no ground
we ain't got no
we ain't got no
we ain't got no ground.........................I'll get me coat.........:pointlaugh:


Well-Known Member
Away Away Away
We have to follow the City Away
By Train or by Car
But Northampton's too far
To watch all our home games Away...


New Member
Home and Away theme tune
You know we belong together
You and I for ever and ever
No matter where you are
You're my guiding star
And from the very first moment I saw you
I never felt such emotion
I'm walking on air
Just to know that you're there
Hold me in your arms
Don't let me go
I want to stay forever
not at Home just away
With you each day
Let me be the one that you turn to
Someone you can rely on
Closer each day
not at Home just away


Well-Known Member
Away Away Away
We have to follow the City Away
By Train or by Car
But Northampton's too far
To watch all our home games Away...

Away, Away, Away
We'll follow the City away
Until SISU Fuck off
and we're back in Cov
We'll just follow the City away..


Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
I like that 'calling someone a paedophile' can be shrugged off as banter these days.

All hail banter!

You seem like you've got good banter Zzzzzz.

I'm pretty sure that Arsene Wenger isn't a paedo but it hasn't stopped hoards of opposition fans calling him one over the past twenty years.

I'm also pretty sure that most referee's aren't w*nkers...but guess rhymes! You stick to chanting 'sky blue army' for the rest of your life.


New Member
You seem like you've got good banter Zzzzzz.

I'm pretty sure that Arsene Wenger isn't a paedo but it hasn't stopped hoards of opposition fans calling him one over the past twenty years.

I'm also pretty sure that most referee's aren't w*nkers...but guess rhymes! You stick to chanting 'sky blue army' for the rest of your life.

Just going to leave this here.

Also, let's give the Villa a break and change it to "Shit on the Fisher".


Well-Known Member
@ skybluepm2

Could I just ask you to clarify...

Is this sentence banter or serious?

I'm also pretty sure that most referee's aren't w*nkers...but guess rhymes!
:thinking about:

Hugh Jarse

Well-Known Member
Oooooooooooooooooh... I do apologise your royal highness!

I forgot that this site was meant for nothing but serious debate. Forget banter and tongue in cheek comments. God you must be boring!

Asking the admin to remove a post? Jobs worth (please don't sue me for this) Besides I'm sure the lovely Tim Fisher would have thousands in line before he got to me..And although I wouldn't put it past him i don't really give a sh*t! He's one of the main reasons we currently don't have a football club to support in the city in which we live so I'm past caring!

Ignore japandy, everyone else does!


Well-Known Member
Sorry Nick! :wave:Will bear that in mind in future...(tell the grumpy farts to lighten up a bit though ey?) :sleep:


Well-Known Member
I saw a sea of sky blue
on our greatest day
As we walked up Wembley Way
Now again we have a sky blue wave
For our club we need to save
singers,Bantams now Sky Blues
Jimmy sang we will never lose.
More memories we hope see
From the team of our city.
People like Tim or Joy
will not take our club and destroy.
We will still be here
and we'll make it clear
Hitler didn't kill us
and neither will you
because we are Coventry
The City that's Sky Blue.
Why waste time writing that when no one will ever sing it????????


Well-Known Member
It's nothing to do with religion. It's to do with this site and whether someone will sue it or not. You cannot go around calling someone a this or a that. Sometime the smallminded element on this site really makes it bad for everyone else.

Trust me. Nobody will be getting sued over a messageboard. Not happening.

Johhny Blue

Well-Known Member
I like the Brazilians "Ole, Ole, Ole, Ole, Brazil Brazil

How about Away, Away, Away, Away, Sky Blues Sky Blues


Well-Known Member
Libel doesn't cover parody satire or humour FFS. Stop letting legal assholes ruin all the fun.

In that spirit:

(To the tune of Kyle's Mums a Bitch from South Park)
Fishers a c**t
He's a big fat c**t
He's the biggest c**t in the whole wide world
He's a stupid c**t if there every was a c**t
He's a c**t to all the boys and girls

Or for the family:

In our Coventry homes
We speak with an accent exceedingly rare
If you want an arena we've got one to spare
In our coventry homes

PS: if someone who doesn't know the libel law comes across this from the club, here's my supporter number, you have my details, these views are my own and not Nicks 1060289
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