You fear the worst with that...Gary Speed was coached by Barry Bennell in his youth, wonder if that contributed to his demons
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Sounds very wise what you’ve done there. Think anywhere where there is a power imbalance it really needs a clear safeguarding process. Just disastrous that any kids were able to be on their own with an adult not their parent. Crewe have a lot to answer forappalling what ordeal them lads went through and felt like they had no one to talk to either cant imagine the suffering they had to endure inside, i am reluctant to say but had an experience myself at a young age lucky wasn't to an extent as them and was able to talk to my mum and dad which help massively, said to my son I will always have all the time in the world for him however big or small the case maybe. fucking monsters and sounds like its going to get worse.
Clearly lying as well the fucker. The FA basically doing nothing after the documentary in 1997 is absolutely damning. I wasn't aware of that until I watched last nights episode.Just watching it now, the lads are so brave. I feel such sorrow for them.
John Bowler the Crewe chairman ought to be strung up. His flippancy over the issue is sickening.
I watched the first episode last night. Very sickening and grim.
Well done to Andy Woodward et al for having the bravery to come out.
I wonder who will be the first real high profile player will come out with this, ot necessary Bary Bennell (I mentioned Gary Speed above who unfortunately has passed)
Will watch episode 2 later on
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Yes that's true looking at his playing career. I must admit I hadn't heard of him, then again he played for Spurs before I was born. I guess when I said high profile I meant majority of career in first division, multiple international caps and still in the public eye whether its management, punditry etc...Paul Stewart was pretty high profile.