Crewe Whistle BLOWER (1 Viewer)

Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Blowing a whistle is not bringing attention to the plight of the club. It's making you and your buddy look like an absolute pair of children.

How you can't see this is totally beyond me. I'm worried for you.

Read what I said first I wasn't blowing a whistle.


Well-Known Member
How annoying can this whistle be exactly?

Jesus, I've been asked to sit down for cheering a goal at HR and had many a game at the Ricoh ruined by moany old gits around me and shouts of "Forward!" yet never seen this level of vitriol directed at someone.

Can someone give me a score from late-arrival/early-leaver to child kicking your seat all game through?


Well-Known Member
What great entertainment it is to blow a whistle, I can't think of anything else that I would rather do at a football match than blow a whistle


Well-Known Member
What great entertainment it is to blow a whistle, I can't think of anything else that I would rather do at a football match than blow a whistle

You should become a referee.

Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I know, you said. Yet here you are again talking about a whistle. You are beyond help. Read what I said. Take it in and grow up.

"It wasn't me miss, Billy did it"

So you accuse me of doing something and when I say I didn't do it I am accused of being childish,that is one great argument.


Well-Known Member
So you accuse me of doing something and when I say I didn't do it I am accused of being childish,that is one great argument.

Guilty by association. You've admitted to doing it before. You've mentioned you've "got a spare whistle" in this thread.
The whole situation is childish, that's why I'm telling you to grow up. You can try and take small bit of this exchange and change it around all day.
It is pathetic and you are making yourself look like a total div.
I also didn't directly say you did blow it, it's irrelevant anyway, but you focus on that yeah, ignore the rest of it.
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It's the innocent act now. The whole approach us if you don't like it, somebody did and got shit for it.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Why pair? I wasn't blowing a whistle I was keeping a low profile but as I was standing next to the party that was. I was ever so slightly concerned at the thought of having hot liquid thrown at me. As for attention seeking you are correct I want attention paid to the plight of the football club that I support but I suppose thats wrong so should leave it to all you adults. Just one question the whistles etc have been present since the first game at Sixfields why are they now after eight months is it causing such angst :thinking about:

The big difference is there was no real threat to go scalding people with Bovril. Read what I said in amongst all the others complaining about it who were at the ground as well and you will see it was tongue in cheek.

What wasn't tongue in cheek was the way you both went ballistic shouting to try and identify the 'coward'. I have stayed out of this thread but won't have the likes of you throwing a hissy about Bovril when you were behaving in a far more aggressive manner at the ground.


Well-Known Member
The big difference is there was no real threat to go scalding people with Bovril. Read what I said in amongst all the others complaining about it who were at the ground as well and you will see it was tongue in cheek.

What wasn't tongue in cheek was the way you both went ballistic shouting to try and identify the 'coward'. I have stayed out of this thread but won't have the likes of you throwing a hissy about Bovril when you were behaving in a far more aggressive manner at the ground.

Aggressive? Well that's a surprise. Are these 2 clowns senior trust members? If so then they should banned.

Still the arranged meeting at the casino was clearly a friendly one.


Well-Known Member
The big difference is there was no real threat to go scalding people with Bovril. Read what I said in amongst all the others complaining about it who were at the ground as well and you will see it was tongue in cheek.

What wasn't tongue in cheek was the way you both went ballistic shouting to try and identify the 'coward'. I have stayed out of this thread but won't have the likes of you throwing a hissy about Bovril when you were behaving in a far more aggressive manner at the ground.

It's not like you're one of what some what class the "usual suspects" when it comes to complaining about the whistles or whatever, in fact would say that you're broadly sympathetic to their ends.

They really don't help themselves, seems far more a "look at me" thing than genuine protest now.

Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
The big difference is there was no real threat to go scalding people with Bovril. Read what I said in amongst all the others complaining about it who were at the ground as well and you will see it was tongue in cheek.

What wasn't tongue in cheek was the way you both went ballistic shouting to try and identify the 'coward'. I have stayed out of this thread but won't have the likes of you throwing a hissy about Bovril when you were behaving in a far more aggressive manner at the ground.

So when you say something its "tongue in cheek" when someone gets offended and worried because they dont know its "tongue in cheek" then they are in the wrong? As LAST said we knew who you were anyway were we aqggressive in anyway to you? did we attack you? did we in fact do anything to you?
All I can say is that it was a good job it was me and him and not others who are used to violence because we are not. In fact if we see you again we would buy you a drink because unlike others on here we do not bear grudges or have any anymosity with fellow fans. Now if you or anybody else would like to carry on with this thread you are welcome to it.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Aggressive? Well that's a surprise. Are these 2 clowns senior trust members? If so then they should banned.

Still the arranged meeting at the casino was clearly a friendly one.

Frankly I couldn't care less what organisation people are on if they see fit to behave like that towards people supporting the same club. Sure, if I actually had my mug of crap Bovril on hand and had it menacingly held above someone's head, I'd expect a reaction. The reality is I was getting pissed off by a bloke trying to spoil the game and revelling in it. I don't come to away games to be deafened by a guy there to wind people up.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
So when you say something its "tongue in cheek" when someone gets offended and worried because they dont know its "tongue in cheek" then they are in the wrong? As LAST said we knew who you were anyway were we aqggressive in anyway to you? did we attack you? did we in fact do anything to you?
All I can say is that it was a good job it was me and him and not others who are used to violence because we are not. In fact if we see you again we would buy you a drink because unlike others on here we do not bear grudges or have any anymosity with fellow fans. Now if you or anybody else would like to carry on with this thread you are welcome to it.

The language you were using was pretty damn aggressive no matter how you wish to justify it. It's water under the bridge as far as I am concerned but LAST told me in the first half he does it because it winds people up. What's the point? If it winds up the opposition players who then complain and our club get sanctioned, is it really worth it?

You wanted to be the centre of attention and when somebody tells you they don't like it you get wound up. People have said stronger, and more genuine, things about it than me.

Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Aggressive? Well that's a surprise. Are these 2 clowns senior trust members? If so then they should banned.

Still the arranged meeting at the casino was clearly a friendly one.

No we are not.

Meeting at Casino for ACL protest three of us turned up you didn't we had a banner with ACL OUT in our usual "shouty" manner said ACL OUT realized you weren't joining us and went home. You and you're mate who also couldn't be bothered to turn up to protest then said this was aggressive still you lie about other things so why not this?

Deleted member 5849

I know more about whistle blowing and Bovril now than I know about Anton Robinson.


New Member
The big difference is there was no real threat to go scalding people with Bovril. Read what I said in amongst all the others complaining about it who were at the ground as well and you will see it was tongue in cheek.

What wasn't tongue in cheek was the way you both went ballistic shouting to try and identify the 'coward'. I have stayed out of this thread but won't have the likes of you throwing a hissy about Bovril when you were behaving in a far more aggressive manner at the ground.

I was stood quite close to Brighton sb, my 15 year old son was quite intimidated by whistle blower and his entourage. If the whistle blower knows it annoys people why get so aggressive when somebody makes a comment.
I wish I had asked the whistle blower to stop but didn't really fancy the confrontation.


Well-Known Member
Not bad shows what a mess we are in when we have 10 pages on someone blowing a whistle will take my Bugle next time see haw many more pages we can cover.


Well-Known Member
No I am not or have I ever been a senior trust member and even if I was what has it to do with them, I am also a member of Unite should they ban me to?

Aggressive? Well that's a surprise. Are these 2 clowns senior trust members? If so then they should banned.

Still the arranged meeting at the casino was clearly a friendly one.


Well-Known Member
Oh and even if they did ban me would that change me? No
As for aggressive and a clown typical phrase I would expect from you always trying to paint pictures without knowing what you are even looking at?

Then again you can always change your mind yet again depending on which side you feel like being on.........

Aggressive? Well that's a surprise. Are these 2 clowns senior trust members? If so then they should banned.

Still the arranged meeting at the casino was clearly a friendly one.


Got to page 4 of this then couldn't be arsed.

I really don't get why you would blow a get the fans going you say? How? I'm genuinely confused! I'm not being a nob but whats the thought process behind it?

The only reason I can think of is a protest of some kind because its obviously going to fuck everyone off no?


Well-Known Member
Got to page 4 of this then couldn't be arsed.

I really don't get why you would blow a get the fans going you say? How? I'm genuinely confused! I'm not being a nob but whats the thought process behind it?

The only reason I can think of is a protest of some kind because its obviously going to fuck everyone off no?

I blame lack of evolution with certain individuals


Super Moderator
Neanderthal man

Not sure some have evolved that far.

If it pissing off your own fans didn't make you stop, surely a City player complaining about it to the referee would make you stop? Shows a lack of respect for fellow fans and not even apologetic for it now even when the majority have pulled them up on it. It's just bloody inconsiderate and unsociable.


Well-Known Member
people get a little uppity when words like 'mongs' and 'muppets' are used to describe some of our fans. This shambles of a thread shows that sometimes these words are fully justified.


New Member
The guy that was near me was whistling but he was not using a whistle, he was just very good and loud. Anyway he only did it at the referee and when they were on attack.
No one said anything to him as it was not bothering any of us, or so we thought.


Well-Known Member
The guy that was near me was whistling but he was not using a whistle, he was just very good and loud. Anyway he only did it at the referee and when they were on attack.
No one said anything to him as it was not bothering any of us, or so we thought.

I bolded the key difference for you. ;)


Well-Known Member
The guy that was near me was whistling but he was not using a whistle, he was just very good and loud. Anyway he only did it at the referee and when they were on attack.
No one said anything to him as it was not bothering any of us, or so we thought.

Er he didn't have a whistle? So your point is?

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