CWR Ian - Is he real 2 (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Not a great game, but we won and our keeper didn't have a save to make.

Feeling good about the result, tune in to CWR for the drive home. Then that plank comes on.

Time to turn over to listen to the rugby.

Big Cyrille

New Member
Platt does his best every time he plays but he is very limited. I just wish our midfield got round him when the ball is played up to him. MOM - Richard Keogh - Again!


Well-Known Member
It tells you a lot about football, if he didn't score he would not be man of the match and the abuse on here would be at a different level. His view was reflective of many others until the last minute though he does put it across in an over the top way.

You definately gave me the impression with the above comment that, you dont think Platt should get a MOM for that performance. He did not score against Leeds and he was my MOM then. He did exactly the same role and same performance. Just because he did not score then I think people still rated his performance. I think Nimely may have got the overall man of the match by most, as he also put in a superb performance. Sheff scored the 2 goals and he was a little below par on that day, in my opinion. So yes I do disagree if Platt had not scored he would still have been my MOM. However I do agree that there would not have been a seperate thread about him on here. Personally though Platt has always done what is asked of him when I have watched him. He is someone where I really do have to give AB credit great player to bring to the club.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Platt was never intended to be any more than a bit part squad player. He's the only target man we have left which raises his workload further- and though his job is a simple one he can do it very well on his day. He clearly can't play twice in a week-but our tiny squad gives little respite; which some posters here either forget or choose to ignore.


Well-Known Member
With respect KD Plat's performance was surely better than "OK" - check the consensus of people rating each player six out of eleven rated him MOM - PLUS he took out at least two players when receiving high and short balls to head, chest and feet.

Please give some credit to a guy bursting with CCFC leffort and commitment.


Yes he was better than OK that was badly worded and I agree with your'e whole statement.

The point I am trying to make is regard to the initial thread which attacks Ian calling the show. Yes he moans, yes he is over the top (which I think has almost become a bit of a joke between him and the presenters) but the basic preface of what he says is right.
What I find quite funny is that people on here question why he is on the show. He has had several threads dedicated to him (more than most of our players) and 900 views on this one alone. Never heard the saying "no publicity is bad publicity"? For a sad show like the phone-in Ian is good box office.


Well-Known Member
Yes he was better than OK that was badly worded and I agree with your'e whole statement.

The point I am trying to make is regard to the initial thread which attacks Ian calling the show. Yes he moans, yes he is over the top (which I think has almost become a bit of a joke between him and the presenters) but the basic preface of what he says is right.
What I find quite funny is that people on here question why he is on the show. He has had several threads dedicated to him (more than most of our players) and 900 views on this one alone. Never heard the saying "no publicity is bad publicity"? For a sad show like the phone-in Ian is good box office.

Fair comment, glad you do think Platt did better than OK. I usually disagree with your views even if I can see where you are coming from. However on this one i really thought how could someone watch that performance by Platt and say he did ok nothing more, I really started to think you are just contraversial for the sake of it, clearly not :p


Well-Known Member
He is just honest, the game was shockingly devoid of any quality. Both goalkeepers may as well have been on holiday. We scored. Good. As a spectacle it was still rubbish.

But why is he deserved of the airtime to spout the same viewpoint week in, week out. Sure he's entitled to his opinion. But why the same jaundiced one every week? Not democratic and representative is it?


Well-Known Member
But why is he deserved of the airtime to spout the same viewpoint week in, week out. Sure he's entitled to his opinion. But why the same jaundiced one every week? Not democratic and representative is it?

Because people listen to him and its nearly midnight on Saturday and we are talking about him! Answers the question really.

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
It's nearly midnight now though! ;) (23.55)


Well-Known Member
tobe fair to ian he actually spoke alot of sense today(bar platt stuff)

its crazy how many people change their opinion of a 90 min performance based on a last min goal...kinda pathetic actually


Well-Known Member
Not a great game, but we won and our keeper didn't have a save to make.

Feeling good about the result, tune in to CWR for the drive home. Then that plank comes on.

Time to turn over to listen to the rugby.

It was cricket with me :D


Well-Known Member
tobe fair to ian he actually spoke alot of sense today(bar platt stuff)

its crazy how many people change their opinion of a 90 min performance based on a last min goal...kinda pathetic actually

Disagree somewhat. The commentators agreed that it was awful for about 60 mins or so, but then said that it then got a lot more exciting after that. Ian completely disagreed with that, but I thought as soon as we began to turn the screw and put them under pressure the game was a lot more excitng. Not the most entertaining game by a long chalk but things did improve dramatically when we had them pinned back and were starting to fire the ball in from all angles.

Thing is with Ian, you just knew he was going to be on the air first and you just knew he was going to moan and there have been occassions in the past where we have played well and he has still moaned.

He just comes across as incredibly negative about everything and for him to say Platt was just average was plain ridiculous. He did also say that he would be totally amazed if anyone said Platt was MOTM. The commentary team made Plat MOTM and caller after caller after that and texters too all pretty much made Platt MOTM.

It's the negativity after pretty much every game that gets everyone down with him. I recall one game last season under AB where we played really, really well, had something that 24 shots on target, but lost, and Ian came on and said we were rubbish.

I agree with MMM on this one. He''s like a broken record and offers nothing new and it's the same old moan in week in, week out.


Well-Known Member
He talks bollocks mostly but it gets people coming back all of the time so it's all good to cwr! Platt was excellent today, he hassled their back four and helped create chances. This would not always work against a more accomplished defense but it certainly worked out well today
But why is he deserved of the airtime to spout the same viewpoint week in, week out. Sure he's entitled to his opinion. But why the same jaundiced one every week? Not democratic and representative is it?

I think the issue is that very few people phone in, so CWR have little choice but to put on air anyone who phones in...or the other option is to hear Linell describe us like a cross between the Harlem Globetrotters and the Herbert Chapman Arsenal team of the 1930s.

Ian gives one side of the argument...a negative one, possibly overly negative, but that's the same as when you hear Linell and Eakin describe a performance as being good/acceptable when you have been to it - especially the away ones - and you know that we were awful. I still think that SISU have had a word with CWR...if they can tell Reading to stifle protest, they can easily do the same to the local media.


I still think that SISU have had a word with CWR...if they can tell Reading to stifle protest, they can easily do the same to the local media.

I'm positive that SISU have made threats to many people. Never hear from Brinner do we.

They even make away stewards take anything with 'SISU out'. That is censorship and they have no right to do so at away games.
Disagree somewhat. The commentators agreed that it was awful for about 60 mins or so, but then said that it then got a lot more exciting after that. Ian completely disagreed with that, but I thought as soon as we began to turn the screw and put them under pressure the game was a lot more excitng. Not the most entertaining game by a long chalk but things did improve dramatically when we had them pinned back and were starting to fire the ball in from all angles.

Thing is with Ian, you just knew he was going to be on the air first and you just knew he was going to moan and there have been occassions in the past where we have played well and he has still moaned.

He just comes across as incredibly negative about everything and for him to say Platt was just average was plain ridiculous. He did also say that he would be totally amazed if anyone said Platt was MOTM. The commentary team made Plat MOTM and caller after caller after that and texters too all pretty much made Platt MOTM.

It's the negativity after pretty much every game that gets everyone down with him. I recall one game last season under AB where we played really, really well, had something that 24 shots on target, but lost, and Ian came on and said we were rubbish.

I agree with MMM on this one. He''s like a broken record and offers nothing new and it's the same old moan in week in, week out.

Otis, I know Ian very well, and there are 2 points that everyone should know which may explain his tone/views after each game;

1) He has had approaching a dozen pints of Carling (Extra Cold) when he rings the radio
2) His job is as a Health & Safety advisor...hence the always looking for negativity/problems/issues/concerns/improvement

I just thought that this background may soften some posters' attitude to the Big Man....he has followed the lads since the 60s and goes home and away (when his missus lets him) above everything, he is a fellow CCFC fan, so a bit of respect due, perhaps?


Well-Known Member
I think equally he needs to respect the team and the three points. Enjoy It whilst it lasts!


Well-Known Member
I would respect him if he stopped whining like a girl.

Everytime I hear is voice I want to get a shotgun and blow my brains out.

When people phone in and Eakin asks them what they thought they usually give constructive sentences like "Well I was pleased with the result and thought we put in the effort and worked really hard, but i wasn't happy with the formation etc. etc. etc.

No word of a lie, what we get with with Ian is; "So what did you think today, Ian?"

Answer: "Awful" And that is it, FULLSTOP. It is always a one word answer followed by a fullstop. It is then back to the presenters and Clive Eakin has to ask him to explain what he means and only then does he go into detail.

It's a broken record and must dirve many a fan to contemplate suicide after his calls. If he keeps on phoning like this my on/off button is going to get turned firmly to off!
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I agree, Stu.

Each fan can change his view on a game by game basis if they choose...we play well, and we should praise the lads, play badly and have a go and point out where they went wrong...there's nothing wrong with that at all, it's called opinions and situations change, therefore so can opinions.

However, even on here, we have the two 'sets' of fans...those that come out on a Saturday after a (rare) win, and have a 'pop' at those who generally post after a defeat (which is most weeks).

I think it's clear which side Ian is on...and maybe CWR knew yesterday that we were going to get calls from those just saying 'what a great 3 points, we were great, weren't we?'...and yes, this is true, and at this stage of the season that is all that matters...results.

However, Ian was right to highlight that the performance for an hour - at home - in a must win game, against a poor mid-table, nothing to play for team, was poor.

His view was no more distorted than those who think all is ok because of that late goal....our position in the league shows that all (on the whole) must not be ok......

For the record, I thought the performance was generally below what we would expect from a team scrapping for their lives, but the goal masks that for me...we needed and got 3 points, let's move on to the next game, which as someone has stated on another thread is another 'cup final'.
I would respect him if he stopped whining like a girl.

Everytime I hear is voice I want to get a shotgun and blow my brains out.

When people phone in and Eakin asks them what they thought they usually give constructive sentences like "Well I was pleased with the result and thought we put in the effort and worked really hard, but i wasn't hally with the formation etc. etc. etc.

No word of a lie, what we get with with Ian is; "So what did you think today, Ian?"

Answer: "Awful" And that is it, FULLSTOP. It is always a one word answer followed by a fullstop. It is then back to the presenters and Clive Eakin has to ask him to explain what he means and only then does he go into detail.

It's a broken record and must dirve many a fan to contemplate suicide after his calls. If he keeps on phoning like this my on/off button is going to get turned firmly to off!

Otis, Ian is a bloke who sees little/no grey's either black or white...shite or fantastic.

I know that this is wrong...everything has a degree of negative/positive....however, that isn't how he sees it.

Even if we lost 5-0, you may be able to identify a positive, unfortunately, some fans (yes, Ian is one of them), will not see it that way.

As for yesterday, and being sat next to him I had an idea of what his thoughts were (!), the first half was dire, Barnsley made changes, we didn't (sorry, I don't count bringing on Bell as making any noticeable change) and Ian's view was cemented.


Well-Known Member
I agree with him that it was awful for at least 65 mins yesterday.

Guess it all boils down to us winning in the last minute to win the game and the obvious euphoria that comes with that and then for the first words to come out of the first caller to be "awful."
I am surprised that no-one has highlighted the all-time classic Ian phone was transcripted on the Cov Telegraph forum....after another defeat!

Eakin "We have Ian from Shipston on the line, Ian, what have you got to say after that?"

Ian "Clive, I just don't know what to say after that performance."

Eakin "Ian, how would describe the way we played."

Ian "I just can't describe how bad that was today."

Eakin "So Ian where do we go from here?"

Ian "I just don't know what to say, Clive, I'm speechless."

Eakin "Ian, this is a phone in, so what are your thoughts?"

Ian "After watching that Clive, I just don't know what to think."

Eakin "Thanks, Ian, and next on the line we have...."


Well-Known Member
Hilarious and that is why he is on. The programme is a dud. Dispite his machine gun stammer and hysteria Clive is at least a proper broadcaster who tries to hold it together. Declined sharply once the sycophant linnel came back. Foster is now reduced to muttering one liners with thorn afterwards. That is not listenable.
So at least Ian sets the tone for debate as an agent provocateur and he is naturally funny. If everyone cane on and said great all that would happen is linnel would gush even more, mention Bobby Gould and the boys of 87 every 10 seconds and I would throw up in my car on the trip home.


Well-Known Member
I'm positive that SISU have made threats to many people. Never hear from Brinner do we.

They even make away stewards take anything with 'SISU out'. That is censorship and they have no right to do so at away games.

You may be right, perhaps brinner is sharing Michael McIndoes safe house. Hope he leaves is wallet at home.

Either that or you're paranoia may just be going a teeny bit too far.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
You may be right, perhaps brinner is sharing Michael McIndoes safe house. Hope he leaves is wallet at home.

Either that or you're paranoia may just be going a teeny bit too far.

No, I am sure that SISU have resorted to abducting people.
Has anyone considered that Ian may be 'planted' by CWR??? An 'insider' who calls to stir debate, promote the significance of the show apart from the drudgery that we have from Eakin/Linnell et al????

I shall say nothing more.....


Well-Known Member
Has anyone considered that Ian may be 'planted' by CWR??? An 'insider' who calls to stir debate, promote the significance of the show apart from the drudgery that we have from Eakin/Linnell et al????

I shall say nothing more.....

I would say that is fairly obvious to me.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone considered that Ian may be 'planted' by CWR??? An 'insider' who calls to stir debate, promote the significance of the show apart from the drudgery that we have from Eakin/Linnell et al????

I shall say nothing more.....

Planted? Always said he was a weed. :D

Jack Griffin

He talks bollocks mostly but it gets people coming back all of the time so it's all good to cwr! Platt was excellent today, he hassled their back four and helped create chances. This would not always work against a more accomplished defense but it certainly worked out well today

Exactly, that is why they let him on, because they know his contrary views will provoke a few more people to ring in or text to disagree with him.

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