Damien Collins - time to make friends (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Seems the only hope to get some answers around Sisu.

As part of Culture, Media and Sport and a leading MP, I think we need to get him to listen to our concerns on the basis of ruining a football club, community impact etc.

I think the more if us that contact him, this will bring this issue to the forefront.

Brinner - might be worth sending him a mail.

I going to draft an email to him on my concerns.



Jack Griffin

Is that how you spell parliament? Shit I've been doing it wrong all these years!
It also appears I was wrong about the spelling of Damian too, how embarrasing for me.


Good idea to get Damien Collins involved, but I'm not sure what to write, could someone post a draft e-mail that could be used ?

CUS Wyken

New Member
My email went as:-

Dear Mr Collins,
After your recent public objection regarding how football clubs are run and specifically Coventry under control of SISU, i was curious if you knew the latest twist regarding the owners and board of Coventry City. They have now set up a separate company called Otium .

I am not very clued up on how a Business is run but surely this is another farce in what is becoming SISU and the board of Coventry.

I respect you are a very busy person but please on behalf of all Coventry fans, can you continue your findings on SISU and report to us via national newspapers. We really need answers and i feel the only way is through national media not just local and through a high profile person like you.



Well-Known Member
Not sure where to write to him, his house in London or the his other house in london he claims rent expenses on.


Well-Known Member
what a waste of time sisu will give him job on board of directors end of assistance :thinking about::thinking about::thinking about:


Well-Known Member

I have done this as well, and would encourage more people to do it.

Lets not sit on our hands on this one,


Well-Known Member
Apologies mate for being a bit of a c**t on picking you up on the details (though they were rather important :)). I'm going to send him an email too, this is a GOOD initiative, well done for taking it!

That is alright mate. There was a mistake but that is me in a hurry on the iphone going to a meeting!

At the end of the day we can only do what we can. It might work... it might not.

But the idea is if we can get enough fans to email or contact Damian then we could have a chance to get some answers as to what is going on at Coventry.

The fact of the issue is that not only is the club being destroyed but the City of Coventry is being hampered because of this.

A successful football club can be the pinnacle of the city.


Well-Known Member
I have sent mine its copied here

Dear Mr Collins,
I am pleased that you have raised concerns regarding how football clubs are run, specifically Coventry City under the control of SISU and the lack of information as to actually owns Coventry City Football Club. They have now set up a separate company called Otium Entertainment Group Ltd which is owned by current board members and entwined with the Skyblue Sport and Leisure Ltd, CCFC Ltd and CCFC HoldingsLtd.
Details of the company are as below

Name & Registered Office:
Company No. 07612487

I am concerned as to the purpose of the Otium company regarding Coventry City Football Club.
Regarding the previous track record of Coventry city chairman Ken Diliue at CapCon and Vantis and there association with Southampton Football club it might suggest that the intentions of the Otium Entertainment Group are some what mysterious and/or dubious. I would question is Ken Deleiu a fit and proper person to be chairman and just who owns our football club. Some of the details of the history are in the article below

I would be grateful if you could investigate and publicise any findings concerning these persons and there dealings. As football fans we deserve to know the truth and need some one in public office to be our voice

Yours sincerely

Lets pressurise Shitsu we can't stand by and let our club be swallowed up by shitsu and spat out when they have finished with us



Well-Known Member
Well done guys.

I urge as many fans to send a quick email to Damian.

Pls pass onto mates to raise the concerns.
Seems the only hope to get some answers around Sisu.

As part of Culture, Media and Sport and a leading MP, I think we need to get him to listen to our concerns on the basis of ruining a football club, community impact etc.

I think the more if us that contact him, this will bring this issue to the forefront.

Brinner - might be worth sending him a mail.

I going to draft an email to him on my concerns.


He's a Tory MP....where would he see the harm in fleecing the masses to make a dodgy fast buck?

Geoffrey Robinson may have had his 'issues' in the past, but he seems to have taken a financial hit for 'our saviours' SISU...and has raised the issue in his political capacity.


Well-Known Member
He's a Tory MP....where would he see the harm in fleecing the masses to make a dodgy fast buck?

Geoffrey Robinson may have had his 'issues' in the past, but he seems to have taken a financial hit for 'our saviours' SISU...and has raised the issue in his political capacity.
Maybe we should email every MP in Coventry


Well-Known Member
David Conn @ the Guardian who did the other two articles and an inside out docu on Leeds for the Beeb would i'm sure be interested in this.


Well-Known Member
ainsworthr@parliament.uk Bob Ainsworth email

robinsong@parliament.uk G Robinson email

gannond@parliament.uk Jim Cunnigham

Email all of them

Copy if you wish and send

Dear Sir

I and many people of Coventry have concerns regarding how football clubs are run, specifically Coventry City under the control of SISU and the lack of information as to actually owns Coventry City Football Club. They have now set up a separate company called Otium Entertainment Group Ltd which is owned by current board members and entwined with the Skyblue Sport and Leisure Ltd, CCFC Ltd and CCFC HoldingsLtd.
Details of the company are as below

Name & Registered Office:
Company No. 07612487

I am concerned as to the purpose of the Otium company regarding Coventry City Football Club.
Regarding the previous track record of Coventry city chairman Ken Diliue at CapCon and Vantis and there association with Southampton Football club it might suggest that the intentions of the Otium Entertainment Group are some what mysterious and/or dubious. I would question is Ken Deleiu a fit and proper person to be chairman and just who owns our football club. Some of the details of the history are in the article below

The people of Coventry deserve to know the truth especially as the current owners have informed the people of Coventry, via the press, that they intend to purchase a 50% share of the Ricoh Arena in the near future. I am not alone in doubting if the owners of Coentry City FC are fit and proper persons to own such a vital asset that is partly owned by Coventry council and thus belongs to the people of Coventry.

Some may say a football club in our City is of no interst but I would remind you of 1987 and the social effect that a succesful football club can have on our City.

I would be grateful if you could investigate and publicise any findings concerning these persons and there dealings.

Yours sincerely

I do not pretend to be an expert letter writer but we must not just lie down and do nothing

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Jack Griffin

This was posted on the Coventry Telegraph Web Site.. I couldn't understand how SISU got a loan from season ticket sales projections, but this comment about OTIUM sounds like a credible scenario...


7:39 PM on November 11, 2011

The company was set up to loan the club the cash they needed to keep it out of admin in April (despite the club saying at the time that the parent company had put cash in).
The loan was paid back with season ticket cash. Short term loans like these have high interest rates. Where did the interest go? Into a company with you know who in charge!

As for insolvency expertise? Well people involved in companies that are in trouble, do this so they have a softener when it goes bust. As with the loan, where do the administrators fees go if we call them in? You've guessed it ....

Read More http://www.coventrytelegraph.net/co...says-ken-dulieu-92746-29758371/#ixzz1dfqJpa8o


Well-Known Member
i wonder if part of the agreement was so the orange clown got to play chairman to !!!:slap::slap::slap:


Well-Known Member
Nothing sinister over new Coventry City company, says Ken Dulieu

Thats ok then I always beleive everything you say Ken old mate, Your cheques in the post old boy

CUS Wyken

New Member
Just recicved an email of David Conn -

J, thanks very much for the message, I will try to look into this

do keep in touch please if more develops

best wishes



Well-Known Member
Just recicved an email of David Conn -

J, thanks very much for the message, I will try to look into this

do keep in touch please if more develops

best wishes


Good stuff.

Keep going chaps.

I received a reply from David as well.

It will work if we keep asking them in mass.

CUS Wyken

New Member
Good stuff.

Keep going chaps.

I received a reply from David as well.

It will work if we keep asking them in mass.

Exactly, im currently replying to him and i will include the interview Turner had with KD last week. He might like to pick up on certain issues inclduing how the wage bill doesn't add up.

Bennets Afro

Well-Known Member
Without publishing nationwide in the media, maybe this is the response he was hoping for.

A lot of people locally know a lot of what is going on and the MP has no access to these people

Does anyone own a box? Maybe they can invite him down to a game and set up a meeting with concerned fans


Well-Known Member
Emailed Collins, conn and covs 3 mp's although it did seem a bit ironic emailing Robinson about owners ruining cov city for personal gain - wonder if he has a mirror?

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