Deegan (1 Viewer)

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New Member
FFS why are you guys so dogmatic? Can't a person make a joke if he/she wants to? You have such boring lives you have follow players around on twitter, that is one sad life. If he made this 'tongue in cheek' comment 15 years ago maybe you have a point but yoohoo it's 2012. The Queen is going to meet old IRA foe. Some of the comments you guys make on here is libellous so stop acting 'hollier than thou'. Why do you expect everyone to be politically correct apart from yourselves?


Well-Known Member
I must admit reading footballers semi literate scrawl on twatter isn t my idea of a night in


New Member
Is there a case for preventing all club employees, including players, using social media? The club wouldn't permit any of this to come out through an official channel - it amazes me the FL hasn't brought out a blanked ban on Twitter/Facebook useage by players.


Well-Known Member
The biggest shock about this is the amount following Gary Deegan on twitter. More CCFC twitter supporters than go to games by the look of it.


New Member
I saw Deegan at The Warwickshire health and Racquets club a couple of years ago with the rest of the squad, let's just say he isn't the brightest from the little I heard of his conversation.

As for getting rid, I'm sure we all have opinions that others may not agree with, but surely a person is entitled to their opinion,whether you agree with it or not?

I am here:


Well-Known Member
I saw Deegan at The Warwickshire health and Racquets club a couple of years ago with the rest of the squad, let's just say he isn't the brightest from the little I heard of his conversation.

As for getting rid, I'm sure we all have opinions that others may not agree with, but surely a person is entitled to their opinion,whether you agree with it or not?

I am here:

You have no morals and are a weak weak man for having common sense

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Well, this is where our 'free speech' laws get a bit blurry. You have the right to say what you want-unless someone gets upset, in which case off to jail you go. Either let racists and homophobes say what they like, or stop calling Britain a proper democracy. Deegan is more than likely just thick rather than malicious.


Well-Known Member
Common sense is good.
The acceptance of offensive terrorist beliefs is shameful.

and him putting some comment on a twitter post, you dont agree with, apologising then removing it, is just as bad as breaking a woman's nose with no provocation

Common sense is very good, you should try it


Well-Known Member
Footballer in being thick shock, he's not the first and won't be the last but there is no need to drive him out of the city with pitchforks in hand.

Someone needs to have a word and no more.


Well-Known Member
Chances are he has no idea what the IRA actually is about. The average footballer is hardly the most politically-aware and it's probably only when he got angry replies that he panicked.

People on here pass comment about things they hilariously don't have a clue about all the time; lower the IQ and increase the volume and you've got Twitter.


Well-Known Member
If you are a pro footballer you need to be aware of what you say in a public domain. I couldn't give a damn what you say in private but on a forum like twitter you have to accept the consequences regardless of how pissed you are or how many Nando chickens you have stuffed down your gullet.


New Member
While I personally abhor the IRA and everything it stands/stood for, Deegan is free to make these comments if he wishes - he hasn't broken the law of the land. The IRA have given up their weapons and are committed, to the fullest extent they can be, to exclusively peaceful means of achieving the political goal of Irish unification. Deegan is within his rights to state his support for them, no matter how distateful he may be.

The announcement that that Queen will meet and shake hands with Martin McGuinness, a former IRA commander but now one of the biggest opponents of further Republic violence, essentially marks the end of the peace process in Northern Ireland, and means that relations between all sides are essentially normalized, although there are some tensions remaining on the ground. It may happen that Northern Ireland leaves the UK and becomes part of an all-Ireland republic, but this will be decided primarily by the residents of NI through purely political frameworks. That is the reality of 2012 - people on both sides made a lot of sacrifices and set aside many genuine grieveances for the cause of peace - we are all agreed that it was worthwhile. We should never forget the Troubles or the atrocities, but that doesn't mean we can't all share in a peaceful future.


New Member
While I personally abhor the IRA and everything it stands/stood for, Deegan is free to make these comments if he wishes - he hasn't broken the law of the land. The IRA have given up their weapons and are committed, to the fullest extent they can be, to exclusively peaceful means of achieving the political goal of Irish unification. Deegan is within his rights to state his support for them, no matter how distateful he may be.

The announcement that that Queen will meet and shake hands with Martin McGuinness, a former IRA commander but now one of the biggest opponents of further Republic violence, essentially marks the end of the peace process in Northern Ireland, and means that relations between all sides are essentially normalized, although there are some tensions remaining on the ground. It may happen that Northern Ireland leaves the UK and becomes part of an all-Ireland republic, but this will be decided primarily by the residents of NI through purely political frameworks. That is the reality of 2012 - people on both sides made a lot of sacrifices and set aside many genuine grieveances for the cause of peace - we are all agreed that it was worthwhile. We should never forget the Troubles or the atrocities, but that doesn't mean we can't all share in a peaceful future.

Good post and craefully though out however, you know and I know Deegan didn't think along the same lines did we?


Well-Known Member
Good post and craefully though out however, you know and I know Deegan didn't think along the same lines did we?

No one knows what he actually thought or why he said what he said, the context of it has not even been put on here. If some one actually knew that that would be nice to see it.

Some one has said he put a tweet saying "up the RA". No idea why, what was this in reply to or anything.

Its sounds like he has made a mistake as he has apologised and closed his twitter accont (apparently)

Anyone on here ever said something they should not have and apologised once they realised their mistake?

Like someone else said his comment is not to everyone's tastes, he has not broken any laws. He could have left it on there if that is what he believes in. However he must realise it was wrong and stupid otherwise why apologise and take it off.


Well-Known Member
Surely he is accountable like you and me for what he said/tweeted or whatever, if he was drunk is that an excuse? truth usually comes out when people are drunk.
So lets say he said up the NF or BNP what responces would their be then to that, even if he deleted his account and apologised afterwards.


Well-Known Member
Rumours going around Deegan has been told to find another club.

I state rumours until something official comes out.


Well-Known Member
"Going around"? Going around where? Twitter? Facebook? Your head?

Rumours going around Deegan has been told to find another club.

I state rumours until something official comes out.


New Member
As another posted pointed out, if some of you get your wish and he is kicked out, who are we going to pick? Our squad is down to the bear bones as it is!

Further on the IRA, the organisation for which Deegan has been catigated for defending:

They have destroyed all their weapons in process validated by neutral international monitors (including a former ANC cabinet minister from South Africa, and the former President of Finland) and signed off on by the British authorities and the unionists

They have confirmed in the Stormont (Good Friday) Agreement, via Sinn Fein (their political wing) their willingness to abide by democratic processes in Northern Ireland, including power-sharing with moderate nationalists and the unionists, and re-approved this in the St Andrews Agreement and the Hillsborough Agreement.

As a result, Sinn Fein candidates are legitimately and democratically elected to council seats, NI Assembly seats, MEP roles and Westminster seats (they abstain from the latter). To the best of my knowledge they have fulfilled these roles reasonably diligently and responsibly.

The IRA recognised the authority of the Republic of Ireland parliament, by sending MPs to attend sessions of the lower house of Parliament, the Dail. This confirms their acceptance of the current status quo, as does their participation in the NI assembly at Stormont.

So although the IRA have a very dark history indeed, we can clearly see that they are now an organisation using peaceful means to achieve their political ambitions, much the same as any other political party.

I have no love of the IRA but engaging and working with them on a shared solution has to be better than continued internecine war.
Let's park this one and move on.


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