Last 2 episodes were fantastic, the metal dog kev made and derek sticking up for kev.
Also the way they approached dereks dad dying.
Not sure how he does it but he always manages to make you empathise with his characters. Dont think he should do anymore, Karl Pilkington is a massive loss
I do usually empathise with his characters, Daz, David Brent, Andy Millman, but with Derek, he just seems to pull the face that spotty 12 year olds would pull if they wanted to take the piss out of a disabled person. For me it is just a gurning, silly pulled face, the likes one of the Chuckle Brothers would pull just for comedic effect.
The fact then that this is a disabled person he is portraying therefore doesn't sit at all comfortably for me. The Derek he portrays is a stereotyped disabled person of the exact sort that ignorant people take the piss out of.
Get the feeling if he had been a blind person he would have had him in very dark sunglassess with a white stick ambling round a room with his hand out to stop bumping into things.
Very poor characterisation for me and that's a shame, because I usually really like Ricky Gervais.