Will tag this on here. Daughter is talking about a “keyboard and mouse computer” again and I’m very keen to move her off iPads and onto proper computers. Was thinking about building one but haven’t been keeping up with PC stuff for years as I’ve been Mac only work and home.
I want a funky case an 8 year old would like, some funky accessories, then enough capacity to upgrade if she moves beyond Roblox and Fortnite for gaming or wants to get into video editing or similar. For now though it doesn’t need to do much more than browsing, very light programming, and very light gaming (think low settings Roblox and Fortnite not Far Cry 6)
I’m fine other than picking a motherboard CPU and GPU, but haven’t been following to know what combination of those is best and gives me enough headroom for upgrades.
Can use this website to have a play around. This is just a few parts and it gives you prices compares them to other national shops.
(You might need to.vhange location to UK under the lil man at the top)