DO NOT boo the knee (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
If you really do believe that taking the knee is political that’s your prerogative. Just make sure you’re on the right side of the political divide. ie the one that doesn’t side with racism. In other words if you can’t support taking the knee don’t boo it.
You supported the fuck out of your mate when he was shown up to be posting racist shite on social media, to the point where you suggested we should turn a blind eye to racism to support a march in support of a change in CCFC ownership. What has changed your view?

long way home

Well-Known Member
Given that so many player have come out and said that it is not a politically affiliated gesture, and have been quite clear that it is about taking a stand on racism, then I don't really understand your point. The gesture itself, as has been pointed out, predates recent events. There may be some people who take the view that you put forward, but to me that seems to require quite a lot of mental hoop jumping. The outcome of booing is very symbolic in itself. The players are taking a stand against racism, if you express your discontent (vocally or otherwise) with that, then the message you are sending is also quite clear.

I would also suggest anyone interested in this topic do some research into the origins of this gesture. It was never affiliated to a specific political movement (aside from the broad theme of highlighting racism and inequality).

Yeah I understand what you are saying about players saying it's not connected. And I'm not doubting what they think, I just think they could do something different instead of having to explain themselves. For them to answer that question, they know some are connecting, otherwise they would say nothing. Does that make sense, this also come at a time when BLM signs were all over stadiums around the world, they attached themselves very closely to this. So I maybe wrong, but I would say no connection is a loop the loop as well.

Anyway, I wouldn't boo the players, I would agree if they walked off if abused during a game. It has to stop, no need or use for it in any walk of life. But said it before, just some like to pick certain things up..


Well-Known Member
You supported the fuck out of your mate when he was shown up to be posting racist shite on social media, to the point where you suggested we should turn a blind eye to racism to support a march in support of a change in CCFC ownership. What has changed your view?
Jesus Christ. I hear Hollywood are looking for new script writers. You should give them a call.


Well-Known Member
It’s a fact that BLM are run by trained Marxists (communists).
Mans just ignorant. No better than anti vaxxers or 5G nuts. We shouldn’t use morons and the mentally ill as entertainment TBH.
You’ve just listened to a black man tell it how it is, he’s obviously looked into BLM and hasn’t taken this decision lightly, and you call him ignorant, a moron and mentally ill.

Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.

Deleted member 5849

It’s a fact that BLM are run by trained Marxists (communists).

You’ve just listened to a black man tell it how it is, he’s obviously looked into BLM and hasn’t taken this decision lightly, and you call him ignorant, a moron and mentally ill.

Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.
And numerous black (and white) men and women tell you they are taking the knee as a gesture against racism.

Let them do that.


Well-Known Member
It’s a fact that BLM are run by trained Marxists (communists).

You’ve just listened to a black man tell it how it is, he’s obviously looked into BLM and hasn’t taken this decision lightly, and you call him ignorant, a moron and mentally ill.

Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.
Guarentee 9/10 people who say “I don’t support Marxism” have never read Karl Marx

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
It’s a fact that BLM are run by trained Marxists (communists).

You’ve just listened to a black man tell it how it is, he’s obviously looked into BLM and hasn’t taken this decision lightly, and you call him ignorant, a moron and mentally ill.

Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.
Can you tell me where you go to train as a Marxist?


Well-Known Member
Exactly. They just use it as a smokescreen for their actual views.

They don't have a fucking clue what Marxism even means but by saying it they can be racist without actually admitting they're racist.
I once asked someone when they read Karl Marx and was met with “who?”

stopped the convo right there

long way home

Well-Known Member
All this has to get to a point when something changes. Since doing this has it stopped, nothing has changed remarks, abuse, hand gestures by fans.

for most we want to see something make a difference for racism to stop. I'm not sure if owners, players, police or fans get something going. If players think kneeling brings change thats up to them, but sooner or later it effects nothing. It all becomes false gestures and empty words.... Bit like writing on here.


Well-Known Member
It’s a fact that BLM are run by trained Marxists (communists).

You’ve just listened to a black man tell it how it is, he’s obviously looked into BLM and hasn’t taken this decision lightly, and you call him ignorant, a moron and mentally ill.

Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.

what the fuck have Marxists got to do with people wanting to show support for one of our players who got racially abused.


Well-Known Member
It’s a fact that BLM are run by trained Marxists (communists).

You’ve just listened to a black man tell it how it is, he’s obviously looked into BLM and hasn’t taken this decision lightly, and you call him ignorant, a moron and mentally ill.

Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.
How many players need to say that taking the knee is a peaceful protest against racism before you believe them?

I'd actually say the height of ignorance is peddling this BLM Marxist bullshit to justify your own prejudices.


South West Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
This is a wider societal problem - racism. There's little point here about grandstanding. I'm sure Dabo's name on Saturday will get a bigger cheer- I certainly hope so.
If the original post wanted to pass a message or begin a debate then this has dragged on. I think he wanted to pass a message that very few would disagree with.
This thread has evolved now though. I'm no big fan of BLM due to its stated aims of "defunding the police" and the radical actions of a small minority. However what group in history hasn't had a few idiots in, so I'm probably being harsh.
I would never boo those taking the knee. I would like to understand the reasons behind why some people do boo. In order to understand that you may have to listen to them, rather than shout down / insult them.
If there's anyone here reading that does boo- please tell me why and I might understand where you're coming from. For most people (myself included) it just comes across as racist. I accept that the reasons for taking a knee are varied, and if it was publicised as simply an anti-racism gesture- it may have more public support.


Well-Known Member
All this has to get to a point when something changes. Since doing this has it stopped, nothing has changed remarks, abuse, hand gestures by fans.

for most we want to see something make a difference for racism to stop. I'm not sure if owners, players, police or fans get something going. If players think kneeling brings change thats up to them, but sooner or later it effects nothing. It all becomes false gestures and empty words.... Bit like writing on here.

The thing is, change of this magnitude doesn't happen over night. So if we want to bring about change, one of the things that has to be done as a society is to make it clear what is acceptable and what is not. Taking a knee will in all likelihood have very little measurable impact on ingrained and systemic racism on its own. But it's one of many things that can be done to highlight the issue. Sadly, issues such as racism tend to be generational. It is very rare that someone with such a firmly held belief is able to completely change them even when confronted with compelling evidence/arguements. These are large socio-political issue which are hugely impacted by individual physiological and social factors such as confirmation bias, back fire effect, economic disparity etc. Making links to Marxism is (in my opinion) a deliberate attempt by some to obfuscate and draw attention elsewhere. The alternative would be to not try, at which point you have already lost, or or come up with an alternative more impactful campaign
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Well-Known Member
This is a wider societal problem - racism. There's little point here about grandstanding. I'm sure Dabo's name on Saturday will get a bigger cheer- I certainly hope so.
If the original post wanted to pass a message or begin a debate then this has dragged on. I think he wanted to pass a message that very few would disagree with.
This thread has evolved now though. I'm no big fan of BLM due to its stated aims of "defunding the police" and the radical actions of a small minority. However what group in history hasn't had a few idiots in, so I'm probably being harsh.
I would never boo those taking the knee. I would like to understand the reasons behind why some people do boo. In order to understand that you may have to listen to them, rather than shout down / insult them.
If there's anyone here reading that does boo- please tell me why and I might understand where you're coming from. For most people (myself included) it just comes across as racist. I accept that the reasons for taking a knee are varied, and if it was publicised as simply an anti-racism gesture- it may have more public support.
They have publicised it. Multiple times. People turn round and ignore this.

South West Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
They have publicised it. Multiple times. People turn round and ignore this.
You are right, but it has been contradicted and nuanced by so many different people to make it far more complicated than it needs to be. There are still many BME players who refuse to "take a knee".
Potentially, fans out there booing (I think highly unlikely though) because they feel making a symbolic small gesture like taking a knee is insufficient and more need some to be done. Or because football and politics can't be mixed (another weak argument in the circumstances).
That's why I want to hear from the horse's mouth in case there's anything I'm missing.
That being said - I don't disagree with your point.


Well-Known Member
You are right, but it has been contradicted and nuanced by so many different people to make it far more complicated than it needs to be. There are still many BME players who refuse to "take a knee".
Potentially, fans out there booing (I think highly unlikely though) because they feel making a symbolic small gesture like taking a knee is insufficient and more need some to be done. Or because football and politics can't be mixed (another weak argument in the circumstances).
That's why I want to hear from the horse's mouth in case there's anything I'm missing.
That being said - I don't disagree with your point.
People boo it because they’ve taken the media’s word for gospel - BLM, Marxism etc. Most people who boo have no idea what When kneeling started or what Marxism is.

more than happy to listen to someone if they find me a clip where a footballer says they’re kneeling for Marxism and BLM.

they won’t - the kneeling is to highlight racial injustice. Taken from Colin Kaeperneck who started kneeling for the same cause.

as stated above, most people have no idea what they’re booing about - I’ve got no time for anyone who can’t evidence why they’re booing. The fact that Dabo is getting racially abused in this day an age is evidence enough as to why the players are doing it


Well-Known Member
You are right, but it has been contradicted and nuanced by so many different people to make it far more complicated than it needs to be. There are still many BME players who refuse to "take a knee".
Potentially, fans out there booing (I think highly unlikely though) because they feel making a symbolic small gesture like taking a knee is insufficient and more need some to be done. Or because football and politics can't be mixed (another weak argument in the circumstances).
That's why I want to hear from the horse's mouth in case there's anything I'm missing.
That being said - I don't disagree with your point.

wrong- it has been contradicted and nuanced by racists and conspiracy theorists, they are the people who have made it more complicated than it needs to be.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
It’s a fact that BLM are run by trained Marxists (communists).

You’ve just listened to a black man tell it how it is, he’s obviously looked into BLM and hasn’t taken this decision lightly, and you call him ignorant, a moron and mentally ill.

Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.
trained marxists? you plum


Well-Known Member
A rendition of the Dabo song straight after the knee would be perfect, but surely the point doesn't need emphasising and we then treat him like everyone else because quite simply he is like everyone else. We show him we support and don't tolerate, but to then keep highlighting imo is the wrong message.

Yorkshire SB

Well-Known Member
I sense those booing aren’t all racists. Just the most stupid, ill informed and impressionable amongst us.

It’s the same group of people who froth about everything else, anti-vaccine, anti lockdown, hard Brexit, BBC license fee, Meghan Markle, the Union Jack being on display.

We have an obsession with Great Britain and the Empire, it’s built into the national psyche. Influential figures take advantage of that and people become warped by it. Brexit and the desire to return to former glories is the most obvious example of it, but it manifests in other ways.

Ultimately some people become nationalists, and racist as a consequence. I think with some they get there easily and with many it’s a slower path, and perhaps it’s an unconscious bias than pure racism.


Well-Known Member
Who is the numpty in that video after Lyle Taylor talks?

Is it an old video perhaps? We have now gone way past BLM, as clubs and players have clarified the reason they are taking the knee. It's an anti racism stance and not a pro BLM stance.

I'll be very disappointed if that's not an old video.
I believe that is Darren Grimes.

A horrible little shit…in my humble opinion.


Well-Known Member
It’s depressing that this has to be spelt out. The people organising the stance have said it’s simply a statement about opposition to racism. If you’re anti anti-racist I’ve a fair idea what you are.

Politics is about power, who has it, who doesn’t abs why.

Taking the knee is a political gesture in the same way that wearing a poppy and having a minute’s silence during games nearest Remembrance Sunday is. If you’re booing taking the knee how would you react to a bunch of fans booing the silence in November?

Clap in support of Dabo and the City with the longest history of multiracial diversity in the country or shut the fuck up. Booing isn’t simply parading ignorance it’s an incendiary act.
This a million times


Well-Known Member
It’s a fact that BLM are run by trained Marxists (communists).

You’ve just listened to a black man tell it how it is, he’s obviously looked into BLM and hasn’t taken this decision lightly, and you call him ignorant, a moron and mentally ill.

Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.

What a surprise, the guy that parrots information without doing any research is at it again

Seriously mate, you need to get out of your anti Vax conspiracy bubble and actually read some accurate stuff before it's too late and your misinformation negativity affects someone you care about in a bad way


Well-Known Member
Racism stinks but taking the knee to some is an act of being subservient, why can't they stand together with a banner declaring their feeling's towards racism?

The football World want inclusion and equality yet everyone is happy to send a team to Qatar?
Aren't human rights abuses still prevalent.

For me I won't boo or clap, democracy allows us our free will which unfortunately means those who disagree are entitled to display it.

Racism needs stopping but not sure kneeling achieves much when it should be inherently installed in people as core values, along with kindness, empathy and equity


Well-Known Member
Usual applause followed by a five minute rendition of Fankys song. Anyone who thinks or does otherwise is a c**t.

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