It does offer the potential for excuses however. Interest rates and inflation rises? Well, it's Covid innit. Unemployment goes up? Well, it's Covid. Conversely, keep it AOK, and you look even better than usual. The question is how many people are willing to excuse fuckups as not their fault guv - and it seems that's a fairly solid amount, that will take a lot of whittling down. What Johnson does have is a bit of the Thatchers about him, that it doesn't matter if a sizeable amount think he's a vacuous dishonest fraud... as long as he can keep his support base relatively solid. Whether you approve of him or not, it's fair to say he's good at playing politics in that respect, better than most.
What you need is a Liberal Party along the lines it was under Ashdown and Kennedy (arguably, you want it more like Clegg's tbh, but it needs that pair's credibility, that vanished into the night once they joined in coalition!) to fight the south, while Labour focus on a more traditional brand of social democracy to fight the north... before they join together in one harmonious Blairite compromise.
And yes, I know that intransigence and internal bickering will mean that'll never happen...