Do you want to discuss boring politics? (21 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
The way they keep putting the onus on Sue Gray to decide what it is that they have done is making Sue Grays job an impossible task.

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
Green vote is soft as fuck though. Have a look at pre election polling vs actual vote for previous elections. Everyone’s a green until they get in the ballot box.
True, I'd just feel a lot more confident in both the polling and what they'd do in government if it was a broader church.

I don't want a Biden Labour that wins an election, does fuck all then lets a proto-facist in a few years later. American polls are scary AF at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Anyone seen the video of Boris dancing to ´All Night Long´ by Lionel Richie? It was a while ago mind, but what a fucking clown.

The troubling thing is that a big chunk of the country see this and think 'hahah what a lad, with his funny hair and silly dancing, we need a bloke like that running the country!'

Voting for him because you don't like Labour, or don't like Corbyn, is fair enough. But voting for him because he looks and acts like that is just so fucking absurd.
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The troubling thing is that a big chunk of the country see this and think 'hahah what a lad, with his funny hair and silly dancing, we need a bloke like that running the country!'

Maybe if he had taken the light sabre and pretended it was his dick and started waving it about.


Well-Known Member
The troubling thing is that a big chunk of the country see this and think 'hahah what a lad, with his funny hair and silly dancing, we need a bloke like that running the country!'

Voting for him because you don't like Labour, or don't like Corbyn, is fair enough. But voting for him because he looks and acts like that is just so fucking absurd.
Voting for him because you don't like Labour or Corbyn is good. And you're supposed to be the clever one.


Well-Known Member
You've just said it's fair enough

Right. So I didn't say it's good then did I. Glad you agree.

I'm saying if someone chose to vote Tory because they don't like Labour or Corbyn, that's fair enough. I don't agree with it, I certainly don't think it's good. But it's a semi-acceptable reason of sorts.

Voting for some fat twat because he's got shit hair and you think he's a good laugh is not an acceptable reason.


Right. So I didn't say it's good then did I. Glad you agree.

I'm saying if someone chose to vote Tory because they don't like Labour or Corbyn, that's fair enough. I don't agree with it, I certainly don't think it's good. But it's a semi-acceptable reason of sorts.

Voting for some fat twat because he's got shit hair and you think he's a good laugh is not an acceptable reason.

What if you don't like Corbyn because he's a grey twat and not a good laugh so vote for Tories? Fair enough?


Well-Known Member
Right. So I didn't say it's good then did I. Glad you agree.

I'm saying if someone chose to vote Tory because they don't like Labour or Corbyn, that's fair enough. I don't agree with it, I certainly don't think it's good. But it's a semi-acceptable reason of sorts.

Voting for some fat twat because he's got shit hair and you think he's a good laugh is not an acceptable reason.
But that’s exactly what it is… a glorified X Factor style competition…. With a big chunk of the electorate having a hard on for British Empire 2.0 because the King of grifters Nigel Farage makes some angry noises about immigrants.
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Well-Known Member
What if you don't like Corbyn because he's a grey twat and not a good laugh so vote for Tories? Fair enough?

No, and that's my point.

But as @Ian1779 says it's an X Factor type competition and so telling a few jokes on HIGNFY makes you electable but pulling a funny face when eating a sandwich makes you unelectable.


Well-Known Member
The insecurities you display. You’d be a gift to any psychologist.
I'd be genuinely interested to hear what insecurities you think I may have as I honestly believe I'm more rounded than most and not really bothered by much at all. I couldn't give a fek about much at all outside of my family and my football team.

In fact if anything too laid back and trivialise matters others find important and significant - this thread for example, I pop in here occasionally, whilst you're regularly arguing over completely pointless politics and the government, which I'd consider shows far more insecurity.


Well-Known Member
Put on a few pounds over Christmas?
More than a few and I was already round before that!

In fact playing walking footie tonight for the first time. Since I last kicked a ball some 10-15 years ago, my eyesight has deteriorated, my weight increased significantly, and my ankles will be strapped up. Basically an aged, overweight , blind cripple - and I wasn't that great a player even back then so this could be awkward :)


Well-Known Member
More than a few and I was already round before that!

In fact playing walking footie tonight for the first time. Since I last kicked a ball some 10-15 years ago, my eyesight has deteriorated, my weight increased significantly, and my ankles will be strapped up. Basically an aged, overweight , blind cripple - and I wasn't that great a player even back then so this could be awkward :)

Sounds perfect. Can you play LB/LWB?


Well-Known Member
I'd be genuinely interested to hear what insecurities you think I may have as I honestly believe I'm more rounded than most and not really bothered by much at all. I couldn't give a fek about much at all outside of my family and my football team.

In fact if anything too laid back and trivialise matters others find important and significant - this thread for example, I pop in here occasionally, whilst you're regularly arguing over completely pointless politics and the government, which I'd consider shows far more insecurity.
I’m not qualified to diagnose you. Sorry. But seriously, seek professional help.


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
The way they keep putting the onus on Sue Gray to decide what it is that they have done is making Sue Grays job an impossible task.

I think that's now their tactic - continually keep her name involved with it to put pressure and the media spotlight on her. I've no doubt some people will have had a quiet word in her shell-like about ending up with either an honour or unemployed depending on what she reports.


Well-Known Member
I think that's now their tactic - continually keep her name involved with it to put pressure and the media spotlight on her. I've no doubt some people will have had a quiet word in her shell-like about ending up with either an honour or unemployed depending on what she reports.
The express has already deemed partygate a remainer plot.


Well-Known Member
I'd be genuinely interested to hear what insecurities you think I may have as I honestly believe I'm more rounded than most and not really bothered by much at all. I couldn't give a fek about much at all outside of my family and my football team.

And that is why you're a Tory. Except eventually the stuff that doesn't currently bother you or affect you or your family will and by that time it'll be too late for you to actually do anything about.

Just a few posts above this you make a dig at vegans and climate change activists so I don't think you're as laid back as you think you are. And if you do give a shit about your family climate change is something you ought to care about because it's your kids/grandkids etc. that are going to have to live through the shitshow it creates.


Well-Known Member
Didn't realise we had such a wealth of Poundshop psychiatrists who can analyse cause and treat without knowing barely a thing about the patient. if I am genuinely feeling a bit down one day I'll know where to come thanks.

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