Do you want to discuss boring politics? (17 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
This is how PMQs should be.

Serious questions demanding serious answers.

Not dodging questions while a load of twats bray and cheer and nothing actually gets answered.
My thoughts exactly.

PMQ's is nothing more than a circus.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if part of him would go ‘fuck it, if you want me gone I’ll call an election let’s see how you get on’

He may well try, the question is would Her Madge let him?


Well-Known Member
😳 I didn't even know he had been on a reality show.

I am guessing "I'm a Celebrity?" Never seen it or followed it.

Was he popular on there then?

it was many appearances on TV shows like comic relief celebrity apprentice , top gear and hosting have i got news for you he became almost celebrity like and his past was forgotten


Well-Known Member

To the extent that a PM can be personally responsible for a vaccine rollout, then maybe?

I’m just curious why you specifically think that the rapid distribution of a vaccine which you thought so potentially dangerous that you refused to take it was suddenly a plus for Johnson? You weren’t singing anyone’s praises about it last year, why now?


Well-Known Member
it was many appearances on TV shows like comic relief celebrity apprentice , top gear and hosting have i got news for you he became almost celebrity like and his past was forgotten
Oh okay. I wasn't aware. I used to always watch HIGNFY, but stopped a few years ago. Also haven't watched Comic Relief for about 20 years.

We are strange folks, us humans, aren't we.


Well-Known Member
Campbell is a dick but he is spot on with this

Its what I’ve never got my head around with Johnson. He must know his failings and yet he surrounded himself with shat* That wouldn’t work long term in the best of times, let alone when there’s a pandemic and post Brexit challenges

*I know some have said the better ministers wouldve refused to work for him but I think for his first cabinet he could’ve pulled a far better team together
He surrounded himself with shat because he cares not a jot about ability or governing, just his own power and so fills it with people who he thinks are most likely to be loyal to him, or can be duped with empty promises.

Of course anyone would tell you that it's a strategy that's bound to fail eventually, either because of terrible performance, or that even the most stupid people cannot be fooled indefinitely.

But for that the answer is simple. Boris has absolutely no concept of thinking more than five minutes into the future.
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Well-Known Member
Nothing like having a bit of patience, there are trade negotiations going on right now, until they are concluded and the effects of them measured over time its rediculous to make any assumptions, although I know that doesn't fit in with the lefties current hysteria over everything Boris related.
There aren’t enough sovereign nations in the world to do trade deals with to replace what we’ve lost yet alone replace it with interest. You can be as patient as you like but the numbers simply aren’t there.

Latest figures are since we actually left it’s cost us 11 years of contribution to be in the EU and that’s going to keep mounting. According to some studies the damage it done to the economy since just voting leave in 2016 is more than an entire contribution to the EU since we joined.


Well-Known Member
Ruthless bunch the Tories, aren't they? Why now? Want to keep their seats but zero principles.
Johnson hasn't changed so if they backed him they share his failures.
Will people fall for another Tory rebrand?


Well-Known Member
How many of this week’s resigning MP’s voted for him in the confidence vote the other week, I wonder.


Well-Known Member
Ruthless bunch the Tories, aren't they? Why now? Want to keep their seats but zero principles.
Johnson hasn't changed so if they backed him they share his failures.
Will people fall for another Tory rebrand?
It will depend probably how the rebrand shapes up against Starmer, who will also have to rebrand to respond in all likeliness.


Well-Known Member
Ruthless bunch the Tories, aren't they? Why now? Want to keep their seats but zero principles.
Johnson hasn't changed so if they backed him they share his failures.
Will people fall for another Tory rebrand?
Yes. I think they may will.


Well-Known Member
Ruthless bunch the Tories, aren't they? Why now? Want to keep their seats but zero principles.
Johnson hasn't changed so if they backed him they share his failures.
Will people fall for another Tory rebrand?

Combination of things I’m guessing. Higher numbers against in no confidence vote, followed by two bad by-election results and then the hole pincher situation that once again showed not only horrific judgement but that he’d not learned from his previous efforts to bullshit his way out of situations (and sending our ministers to support before changing story)
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Well-Known Member
All these Tory MPs coming out now and saying Johnson is incompetent. How can it possibly have escaped their notice until now?
It's quite bizarre.

They think they should be left in charge when it's supposedly taken them a few years to realise what most of us knew the second he got the job.

In which case they're all poor judges of character and therefore their ability to govern has to be massively in question.


They knew all along and went along with it for their own ambitions.

In which case they have no integrity and therefore their ability to govern has to be massively in question.


Well-Known Member
Combination of things I’m guessing. Higher numbers against in no confidence vote, followed by two bad by-election results and then the hole pincher situation that once again showed not only horrific judgement but that he’d not learned from his previous efforts to bullshit his way out of situations (and sending our ministers to support before changing story)
He's definitely shown poor judgement on a number of occasions, but that's not news, he has life long form for that, just look at his personal life before becoming PM.

But I wish people would detail which of his policies are so abhorrent.
Just saying he's a c**t isn't enough to oust him from office as he's the same c**t who won a landside election victory, you can't say we wernt warned.


Well-Known Member
Combination of things I’m guessing. Higher numbers against in no confidence vote, followed by two bad by-election results and then the hole pincher situation that once again showed not only horrific judgement but that he’d not learned from his previous efforts to bullshit his way out of situations (and sending our ministers to support before changing story)

"Hole pincher" may yet turn out to be the typo of the year.

Oh dear, sorry mate, your points as ever are well made but this has got me giggling. Apologies...

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