Revenge sounds a bit strong shmmeee. The underlying thought process doesn’t appear unreasonable although weird that supporting info hasn’t been released. If I was out of work I’d expect to get a job outside of my preference/expertise to earn rather than have benefits. I’m fully able to so why shouldn’t I ?! I reckon most people would as a majority prefer not to be on benefits (which are fuck all) so I doubt the policy change will make a huge difference. I know a fair few who did exactly that, especially during the pandemic and as a nation/western world we have staff shortages so I’m struggling to understand the uproar
It does feel like this has been brought in to divert attention from the shitshow in government though
Edit - an easy win would be to say any savings (as indicate above I think they’d be minimal) would be diverted to boost the amounts given to those that genuinely are can’t work
Well I suppose it's nothing really given that they expect to lose around £21B
from the £70B odd dished out through the business support grants of the last couple of years to bogus claims etc .Sounds like they won't be chasing that.
But you won’t take the bet little Dave?
If you’re so keen on gambling and boasting about how much money you have just pop down the bookies and ask for odds.
Is he doing that weird bet thing he does when he's made himself look a prize twat?
If you’re so keen on gambling and boasting about how much money you have just pop down the bookies and ask for odds.
No I’m just laughing at David a made up cartoon character who doesn’t even have any convictions let alone courage of them
No I’m just laughing at David a made up cartoon character who doesn’t even have any convictions let alone courage of them
100%, if I was to apply for a job today , the closing date might be another 2 weeks away, then interviews another 2 weeks away So thats 4 weeks just to interview. They may be interviewing over a couple of days if they can't do them in all one. Then if you're lucky enough to get it, a lot of employers will want pre employment checks, references could be a week, they will want you to bring in your id and education certificates, and may want an occupational health checks. This information is likely to be in your conditional offer letter which as we know with most HR departments can take a week or 2 to come out. Another week or 2 for those checks, then waiting for HR to send out your conditional offer. And what if the job requires you to have a DBS? That's another couple of weeks.It doesn't sound strong at all, they're sadistic, vindictive cunts.
And the process of getting a job can easily take longer than a month from start to finish.
But as Wingy said, not bothered about recouping the billions fraudulently claimed by businesses. Vermin.
No I’m just laughing at David a made up cartoon character who doesn’t even have any convictions let alone courage of them
Making allusions to other people not having enough money to take part in your world of fantasy charity bets is just dickhead behaviour, sorry.
Considering David accused me of being an unemployed beggar whose only ever job was a “gateman” and the other day accused another poster of having no money and laughed they could afford to take a minor bet - well that’s a very balanced opinion clearly
Well if I'd seen that I'd think him a twat as well
Still I could wear chinosWell if I'd seen that I'd think him a twat as well
Oh dear, Bernard Jenkins.
Can you tell how to appear to not be completely awful cunts while still actually being complete awful cunts.
That one started coming out last week with the old everyone was breaking lockdown rules line.We're now at the stage where we're all savages at heart is a defence.
HAHA! They didn't stick that on the side of a bus
MP steps in human poo in layby on Brexit trip to Kent
An MP on a trip to Kent experienced the traffic difficulties post Brexit first-hand when he stepped in human poo in a
HAHA! They didn't stick that on the side of a bus
MP steps in human poo in layby on Brexit trip to Kent
An MP on a trip to Kent experienced the traffic difficulties post Brexit first-hand when he stepped in human poo in a
Massive delivery of tippex been delivered to no10 as Sue Grays report arrives.
Ita actually lots of mini bottles of vodka like you get in hotel mini bars, easy mistake to make though.
Ita actually lots of mini bottles of vodka like you get in hotel mini bars, easy mistake to make though.