Do you want to discuss boring politics? (90 Viewers)

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
From having a wager on whether Tories or Labour win the election to a wager on whether Tories can even make it to opposition.

You love to see it.
Oh the old "I can't win the argument so I'll pretend to want to bet you" flex?

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
In all the fun I didn't spot Labour have a record 17 % lead in the Redfield and Wilton poll out today


Well-Known Member
This is exactly why people on a football forum have every right to call them thick

They are.

Don’t call them thick. They went skydiving, remembered the backpack but deliberately didn’t pack the parachute because they thought they knew better. BuT tHeY wEnT tO OxFoRd.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Unfortunately going to be a lot of pain for the average working man and woman before these wanks are kicked out, let's hope the usually cuckold cap doffers remember it going forward and long into the future.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately going to be a lot of pain for the average working man and woman before these wanks are kicked out, let's hope the usually cuckold cap doffers remember it going forward and long into the future.
Just popped over to the Daily Mail to see their take on the really important news that is affecting the whole of the UK



Well-Known Member
But those wanks have degrees from Oxford and Cambridge so we must kneel before them.
I had a boss who had degrees coming out of his ears and who was supposed to be very intelligent.

Didn't stop him sawing a plank of wood on the top of his garage, with him on the wrong end of the plank .

The plank was overlapping the edge of the garage and he was sitting on the end about to be discarded, so if his son hadn't have shouted him, he would have sawn through, fell to the ground and probably broken his neck.


Well-Known Member
But those wanks have degrees from Oxford and Cambridge so we must kneel before them.

Genuinely rather Mr Bean and half the cast of Monty Python of we’ve got to pick Oxbridge grads.


Well-Known Member
Nice to see how selective you were, having clearly searched my messages for her name, to point score and referenced an obvious joke, versus the one I've quoted where I defended Diane for the same reason. That post didn't get ridiculed in the same way, because guess what she's not Tory. The difference is I can be balanced unlike most of you on this cesspit with cheap pack mentality.
Or are we just a bunch of individuals who all have the same thoughts on the subject? Thoughts which seem to be shared by numerous economists, the BoE and the IMF.

I couldn't give a fuck what other people post. Sometimes I will agree with them, sometimes I won't. Some I'll probably agree with more than others. But I still have my thoughts on the subject and I'm not going to change that just because they might be different to what some other people might think.


Well-Known Member
I teach how fracking works to GCSE students, including case studies of what’s happened in the USA already. Most were baffled we were even considering it never mind going ahead.

Would fancy their chances of debunking Mogg on the topic
You should stop being so unpatriotic and talking down our economic opportunities. Frankly you deserve to be sacked.


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