New Member
Remember the Maine Road thing being in the papers (notably The Sun) and seeing one or two faces in the photos. Whenever I travelled I used to see a dark haired guy with a pony tail (in the Sun photo) who always seemed to be part of a middle aged crew. Saw him at Notts County away last year, and when I described him to one or two old City fans who travelled a lot, they instantly knew him as some sort of 'leader' of a crew - he looks like he's had a drink or two over the years, judging by the ruddiness (no offenceif you're some mad axeman!). Anybody know who he is? Seen him all over the place over the years - Southampton, Sheffield, Swindon (anywhere beginning with an S!)
Not sure who the guy described above is, but do know that if you're planning on going to Swindon away this season (21st December I think) bring your hard hats.
We have developed a bit of a rivalry with them, they are seen as the new QPR (after the incidents in the Ibizia tournament few years back). Last season as the Ricoh Swindon took about 200 nutters down to an arranged 'meet'.
Police were on top of things on this occasion, thankfully. But I'm under the impression future fixtures with Swindon will be interesting.
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