Doug King Takeover (2 Viewers)


Deleted member 5849

Look il be honest I have no idea what to think .

I'm just going to see what happens today in court , a place where sisu smash people


25mill baby


Sky Blue Harry H

Well-Known Member
I mean it all seems surreal, yet pretty clear they can buy the stadium and at a better cost than what ashely has bid too ..won't look good on the administator or the council (who let's be honest have a finger in it ) if they flat out say no

.......and sell Gyo, Hamer and O'Hare to pay for it

Deleted member 5849

I also don't want to point out the painful obvious as it's probably not the best time , but I'm going to .

This proves the new stadium was a load of shit , which we all knew
They can get out of that though, as it's a new owner who decides they want CBS, not SISU.

SISU would still head for the new stadium, right?


Well-Known Member

hasn't paid anything as yet, he's just reached an agreement. (That's my understanding)
My guess is the agreement "could" depend on him securing the Arena. If he fails to secure the Arena then all bets may be off.
Can’t help but feel that’s the actual plan. MA is successful in court today, buys ACL straight out of admin, Doug pulls out, SISU blame council, back to court.


Well-Known Member
tbh it's exactly why I wouldn't be 100% confident that Ashley's deal would go through either. Every chance he could get difficult after finding out the true state of affairs, isn't there.

But yeah '£25 mil, look at me with my £25 mil!'

I might be wrong but I got the impression from comments on here /Gilbert that Ashley’s deal would be immediate if (and it’s now a big IF) court sanctions administration/sale today

Deleted member 5849

I might be wrong but I got the impression from comments on here /Gilbert that Ashley’s deal would be immediate if (and it’s now a big IF) court sanctions administration/sale today
Alright, let's go back to the Doug King's offer reduced to £10mil after due dilligence ;)


Well-Known Member
I think this could be the 2nd offer to the bondholders. Can't see any reason why ACL should be put into liquidation.

Trustee has enough time now to arrange a proper sale of ACL being the secured creditor over everyone else.

I believe that's correct.


Well-Known Member
I also don't want to point out the painful obvious as it's probably not the best time , but I'm going to .

This proves the new stadium was a load of shit , which we all knew

We all knew, and were all delighted



Well-Known Member
Super super
Maybe he's trying to get a song going

Super, super doug
Super, super, super Doug
You'll be first to pull the rug
You say you've the money, oh King of Shaves
You must think we live in caves

Super, super, super Doug
We roll our eyes and give a shrug
Sounds more like you're a SISU puppet
So go jog on, you super f*cking super Muppet. 🤪

Something like that?

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