Downtown in Cov (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member

Just seen the other thread but just wondering whats Cov centre like nowadays at night? A few friends went to the skydome area on a sunday and they said it was all vertually shutdown!? where do people go now, i know earlsdon is more popular!?

shit i am getting old!

Walking Bird

New Member
Spon Street was good a couple of years ago but now it's all gone to Rat shit sadly!

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
The Locarno, Mr Georges, 40 Thieves, the Beir Keller..... are they still going?? :D

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
Tudor Rose!!!!!

I think that used to be the "Tally Ho!" back in the REAL good old days Nick! (Used to have a "cellar bar" where you could go downstairs and have a good piss-head session way back when I used to go out on a Friday and Saturday night - around 1969 - 1970 era!)

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
The Silver Sword, The Alhambra ......

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
I've only been left a couple of years Dutch, but I never went into town much in the last 5 or 6 years I was still in Cov anyway. I knew about the Locarno and Market Tavern, but there were loads of good pubs in town when I was a bad 'un in my yooff! .....innit!
By the way, you should put a link on here to your Coventry History site. It's brilliant.


Active Member
Top Spot !, Turks head , Penny Black The Thistle , Studio 21 and my favorite The Peacock for the stay backs

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
Had my first Wedding Reception in the Penny Black! There was me and the first missus, her mum and dad, and the two witnesses! Way back in 1971! Nearly 41 years ago! (Can't you tell I never wanted to get married! Didn't tell anyone in my family!) Quick pint or two then went home!

Hugh Jarse

Well-Known Member
Sadly, my hometown is turning into an even bigger shithole than it had become.

I was there a couple of weeks ago and felt like a foreigner in my own country (let alone city). All the dregs of society seem to gather in the area around Carphone Warehouse and M&S. I wish I had a pound for every smoking, swearing single mother (£2 if the baby was mixed race), I could retire a happy man. The boys all walk around with their trousers round their thighs showing everyone they wear CK boxers, the girls all dress like slags and play up to the groups of boys, white youths talking like black gangsters, all sentences punctuated by 'like' and 'innit'......the list is endless.

All you youts out there are probably thinking "If you don't like it, don't come" but sadly if I want to see my relatives, I have to visit. Of all the places I have visited recently, Cov isn't the worst but it's right up there with them.

Moan over!


Well-Known Member
Sadly, my hometown is turning into an even bigger shithole than it had become.

I was there a couple of weeks ago and felt like a foreigner in my own country (let alone city). All the dregs of society seem to gather in the area around Carphone Warehouse and M&S. I wish I had a pound for every smoking, swearing single mother (£2 if the baby was mixed race), I could retire a happy man. The boys all walk around with their trousers round their thighs showing everyone they wear CK boxers, the girls all dress like slags and play up to the groups of boys, white youths talking like black gangsters, all sentences punctuated by 'like' and 'innit'......the list is endless.

All you youts out there are probably thinking "If you don't like it, don't come" but sadly if I want to see my relatives, I have to visit. Of all the places I have visited recently, Cov isn't the worst but it's right up there with them.

Moan over!

Out of interest why do you make a point of getting more money if the baby is mixed race? Are you trying to say it's a bad thing? Or that half caste babies are worth more than whites?


Well-Known Member
Been announced this week that the area around Shelton Square opposits the Quadrant is going to be redeveloped losing the THree Tunsand possibly the newer pub where Benly's used to be,IS it the LItten Tree.

Hugh Jarse

Well-Known Member
Out of interest why do you make a point of getting more money if the baby is mixed race?

There are more single Mums with mixed race babies than white babies so I would 'earn' more money (points) that way. They are only worth more in the context of the 'game'.

Can't believe I had to spell this out!!


Well-Known Member
There are more single Mums with mixed race babies than white babies so I would 'earn' more money (points) that way. They are only worth more in the context of the 'game'.

Can't believe I had to spell this out!!

Do you have statistics to prove this?


Well-Known Member
What do you mean? Every City there is more half caste babies than white? Is that what you're both now saying? And why is that an issue?


Well-Known Member
As the old Blue mink song from the 70s went,"What we need is a great big melting pot ,ther'd be coffee coloured people by the score",thats the way its going ,its only natural ,been going on for eons in one form or another ,will carry on doing so long after we're all gone ,and no doubt ultimately will be the majority if not total of this planets population ,its not the end of the world ,scientifically proven to aid mans survival in the genetic sense.Change ,we all resist it but we can't stop it,if its a problem we're just going to have to get over it,which we will of course ,given time
Sermon over


Well-Known Member
Three Tuns , Tally Ho , Bug and Black bat , Busters and The Pink Parrot .
That's where it's at

I moved out of Cov about 20 years ago. Some of my old watering holes still exist by the sound of it

The Pink Parrot used to be good for fit women. They were select on who they let in. Not too select though as even I got in half the time. If I was too mashed or not dressed right I would end up in Reflections. Jeans and trainers would not even stop you getting in there. Them days dressed like that you struggled to get into some pubs in the centre. Now you can get into just about anywhere dressed much less than before.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean? Every City there is more half caste babies than white? Is that what you're both now saying? And why is that an issue?

get a fucking grip, i was saying about all town centres being rough not that they have HC babies!


Active Member
What Hugh Jarse is saying is correct , while I am proud of the city I have spent all my forty years of my life in ( and don't like outsiders slagging it off ) I think it is becoming a shit ole .
We seem to be overrun by fuckwits


Well-Known Member
Sad to say, but the city centre is a shit hole. The Burges looks absolutely awful, really tatty. It's such a shame, it could be so much better. It looks like a street that the council has forgotten all about. Remember how it was in the 70's and 80's, a lot nicer than it is now. Very upsetting!!


Well-Known Member
Smallish good pubs / social clubs have been run out of existence by the larger chanins of pubs who with massive buying power can bring on stock at a much lower cost, thus ensuring pubs and social clubs which were often part of communities are no longer able to compete. There are no longer any communities, as there isnt a place where people congregate and get to know each other.

Town centres all around are now littered with chain pubs, who pump out cheap beer, near its end of shelflife to the masses who all converge on the same one or two places and then people wonder why there is much trouble in City Centres during the weekends up and down the country.

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