EA online (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Does anyone actually pay for this? i think it is disgusting that you have to pay for this alongside xbox gold.

Coventry La La La

New Member
All EA games come with an EA pass to play online, if you buy the game 2nd hand and the code has been used you will have to buy a code from EA.


Well-Known Member
The EA codes are a joke and don't get me started on the EA season ticket bullshit. They are just trying to squeeze every last penny they can from gamers. EA are single handedly destorying the second hand game market.


New Member
The EA codes are a joke and don't get me started on the EA season ticket bullshit. They are just trying to squeeze every last penny they can from gamers. EA are single handedly destorying the second hand game market.

Do you blame them for trying? Say you run a company that sells a product to a distributor for £20 each time. If they sell 100 that's £2,000. However, if 50 of those are then sold on second hand, that's a potential extra £1,000 lost for good because they gain nothing in terms of revenue for second hand products being sold on. If you make those 50 buy it new instead of picking it up second hand, you earn £3,000 instead of £2,000. I know which amount I'd rather have if I was a businessman.


New Member
Gouldberg whenever I see you're Avatar I think it looks like Bell calling Wood a wanker/ dickhead behind his back.
Sorry to go off topic :)


Well-Known Member
Do you blame them for trying? Say you run a company that sells a product to a distributor for £20 each time. If they sell 100 that's £2,000. However, if 50 of those are then sold on second hand, that's a potential extra £1,000 lost for good because they gain nothing in terms of revenue for second hand products being sold on. If you make those 50 buy it new instead of picking it up second hand, you earn £3,000 instead of £2,000. I know which amount I'd rather have if I was a businessman.

It's making gaming a two teir system, haves and have nots, I can afford to buy brand new games, but what about somebody who can't afford to buy them brand new, so he needs to go into the second hand market, which is now being destroyed as stores haven't lowered their second hand game prices. by the time someone has got the game from the store and paid for the code, may as well just of brought it brand new, and now that person is priced out of the gaming market once more, If somebody has two accounts on 1 console, it means that they must have to buy a code if they wish to play it on the second account.

Whens the time going to come when EA don't give codes away with games and you're forced to pay extra to go online to start with? Because trust me, when they see the bitches laping up the EA season ticket bullshit they will charge you for everything.

EA also fail to produce full games, which means they can sell game content which should have been in the game to start with, now an an exclusive to DLC, which means your paying £40 for a game that isn't complete.

Glenn Storer

New Member
It's making gaming a two teir system, haves and have nots, I can afford to buy brand new games, but what about somebody who can't afford to buy them brand new, so he needs to go into the second hand market, which is now being destroyed as stores haven't lowered their second hand game prices. by the time someone has got the game from the store and paid for the code, may as well just of brought it brand new, and now that person is priced out of the gaming market once more, If somebody has two accounts on 1 console, it means that they must have to buy a code if they wish to play it on the second account.

Whens the time going to come when EA don't give codes away with games and you're forced to pay extra to go online to start with? Because trust me, when they see the bitches laping up the EA season ticket bullshit they will charge you for everything.

EA also fail to produce full games, which means they can sell game content which should have been in the game to start with, now an an exclusive to DLC, which means your paying £40 for a game that isn't complete.

I've never, ever trusted EA. Not as far as I can throw the thieving little..such and such.

They put an incredible amount of pressure on developers to rush games out, which they leave unfinished and then push DLC on you. Dragon Age 2 could have been something special, instead we were left with recycled enviroments and diluted DLC to get extra cash out of die hard fans.

As for the Sport passes for FIFA and NFS and the like it's just another way of kicking gamers in the place it hurts most, their wallet.


New Member
It's making gaming a two teir system, haves and have nots, I can afford to buy brand new games, but what about somebody who can't afford to buy them brand new, so he needs to go into the second hand market, which is now being destroyed as stores haven't lowered their second hand game prices. by the time someone has got the game from the store and paid for the code, may as well just of brought it brand new, and now that person is priced out of the gaming market once more, If somebody has two accounts on 1 console, it means that they must have to buy a code if they wish to play it on the second account.

Whens the time going to come when EA don't give codes away with games and you're forced to pay extra to go online to start with? Because trust me, when they see the bitches laping up the EA season ticket bullshit they will charge you for everything.

EA also fail to produce full games, which means they can sell game content which should have been in the game to start with, now an an exclusive to DLC, which means your paying £40 for a game that isn't complete.

So you think someone that buys second hand for £15 should be entitled to the same full gaming package as someone who paid £40+ on release day? Don't agree with that for one second, sorry. If you pay less you should expect a lower quality package. If you buy a new Ferrari you get the new car smell, the shiny exterior and the super comfy interior. Oh, and you get the warranty and gaurentees etc etc.. Buy it with 75,000 miles on the clock and you don't get that. Same applies for gaming, if you buy it second hand you shouldn't get the full package.

The Fifa 11 licences grant the purchaser an online code valid on 1 system. It certainly wasn't one account for me, it worked on all of my PSN accounts. Second hand markets are bad for businesses so organisations like EA are trying to stamp it out. It makes complete sense and I agree with them on it to be honest.

With regards to the product not being complete etc, that's what happens when you release a yearly game. It has been discussed time and time again that Fifa should be every 2 years to make the game better but the buyers say no. A high amount want the game yearly so therefore EA are stuck. Developing a game, a code as complex as that on Fifa and getting it through testing within 12 months is an uphill struggle at the best of times and when the gaming community expect new and better features each and every edition you will always get bugs and parts of the game that need to be patched/added at a later date. Coding for games is one of the most complex things I have ever seen in my life, if not THE most complex. I'm not surprised that with their deadlines and sheer level of coding needed that there is the odd mistake in the code. It's human error and it will forever happen because us humans are not perfect and therefore cannot create a perfect product. I don't think there has ever been a game perfectly coded in the history of technology.


Well-Known Member
So you think someone that buys second hand for £15 should be entitled to the same full gaming package as someone who paid £40+ on release day? Don't agree with that for one second, sorry. If you pay less you should expect a lower quality package. If you buy a new Ferrari you get the new car smell, the shiny exterior and the super comfy interior. Oh, and you get the warranty and gaurentees etc etc.. Buy it with 75,000 miles on the clock and you don't get that. Same applies for gaming, if you buy it second hand you shouldn't get the full package.

The Fifa 11 licences grant the purchaser an online code valid on 1 system. It certainly wasn't one account for me, it worked on all of my PSN accounts. Second hand markets are bad for businesses so organisations like EA are trying to stamp it out. It makes complete sense and I agree with them on it to be honest.

With regards to the product not being complete etc, that's what happens when you release a yearly game. It has been discussed time and time again that Fifa should be every 2 years to make the game better but the buyers say no. A high amount want the game yearly so therefore EA are stuck. Developing a game, a code as complex as that on Fifa and getting it through testing within 12 months is an uphill struggle at the best of times and when the gaming community expect new and better features each and every edition you will always get bugs and parts of the game that need to be patched/added at a later date. Coding for games is one of the most complex things I have ever seen in my life, if not THE most complex. I'm not surprised that with their deadlines and sheer level of coding needed that there is the odd mistake in the code. It's human error and it will forever happen because us humans are not perfect and therefore cannot create a perfect product. I don't think there has ever been a game perfectly coded in the history of technology.

So by your Logic if i was to buy a DVD second hand, I would only get half the film and have to buy the rest from the developer?? Again your example is floored. If i were to buy a ferrari brand new i would expect everything to be perfect on it, If i got it after 70,000 i would still expect the engine to be in it, or the wheels left on, it's the same thing as buying a game, if buying second hand i fully expect the game to have scratches on it the instruction manual to be flicked through, but i expect the content to be in working order and able to use it all without buying extras.

The codes they supply you with are for a one time use only, so you must of got lucky being able to use it on different accounts.

The problems with the games on release are just unexcatable, espically since last year they made record profits ripping off the gamers. If they are making mistakes due to the codes being complex, then hire more people.

EA are currently lubbing up the gamers waiting to stick there big fat cocks in, they are just pushing the boundaries to see how far they can go and see how much they can extort. I hope your happy when soon your paying £100 for games. Because trust me, it will happen.


Facebook User
Here's an interesting link to this, a view from a developer for Heavy Rain:

I very rarely buy second hand games because I can normally find them for the same price (or cheaper!) brand new online. This is especially true since I moved to Italy, the price of games over here is a complete joke! Anyway, the article is below as well:
The Real Cost of The Used Market

Heavy Rain cost developers between "between €5 and €10 million".

UK, September 12, 2011

Publishers have, of late, taken various measures to regain some of the money lost to the growing used-game market - initiatives like EA's Project Ten Dollar or Ubisoft's Uplay.

Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz (via Eurogamer), Guillaume de Fondaumiere co-founder of Quantic Dream said, "We basically sold to date approximately two million units. We know from the Trophy system that probably more than three million people bought this game and played it.

"On my small level it's a million people playing my game without giving me one cent. And my calculation is, as Quantic Dream, I lost between €5 and €10 million worth of royalties because of second-hand gaming."

But he goes on to cite not only the global economic downturn as a possible factor in the growth of the pre-owned market but the high price of video games in general.

"I've always said that games are probably too expensive, so there's probably a right level here to find," he said. "We need to discuss this all together and try to find a way to reconcile consumer expectations, retail expectations and also the expectations of the publisher and the developers to make this business a worthwhile business."

Because at the moment, "We're basically all shooting ourselves in the foot," he declared. "Because when developers and publishers alike are going to see that they can't make a living out of producing games that are sold through retail channels, because of second-hand gaming, they will simply stop making these games."

Do you agree with de Fondaumiere? Are games too expensive? Is that the main reason why you buy second-hand games? Let us know in the comments below.

To read IGN's thoughts on the pre-owned market, check out Keza's editorial on the subject.


Well-Known Member
I begrudge buying games at the moment ever since i brought the last installment of Halo ands realised it was a pile of monkey spank and walked through it in two days. I subsequently traded it in for £25 and brought FIFA 11. I vowed at that point to never buy ad hoc games and hire them instead, i know get them through Lovefilm and you can keep them as long as you want/need. The onyl games i will buy are the likes of FIFA, Tiger woods, Elder scrolls etc, the ones i know i will get value out of.

If developers keep making easy games or part games (where you then have to wait for the add on) people will sell the games and move onto the next. Developers are gearing people up to play online particularly with games like FIFA and COD but are missing the average gamer who just likes to pick up and play on occasions without having to continually download shot they do not want and pay for the previlage.


Facebook User
I begrudge buying games at the moment ever since i brought the last installment of Halo ands realised it was a pile of monkey spank and walked through it in two days. I subsequently traded it in for £25 and brought FIFA 11. I vowed at that point to never buy ad hoc games and hire them instead, i know get them through Lovefilm and you can keep them as long as you want/need. The onyl games i will buy are the likes of FIFA, Tiger woods, Elder scrolls etc, the ones i know i will get value out of.

If developers keep making easy games or part games (where you then have to wait for the add on) people will sell the games and move onto the next. Developers are gearing people up to play online particularly with games like FIFA and COD but are missing the average gamer who just likes to pick up and play on occasions without having to continually download shot they do not want and pay for the previlage.

Halo's been crap since the second instalment, that's way they're releasing a 'HD' version of the original, in my opinion, the only good one in the whole series. I don't know about everyone else on here but I'm really selective with my games, I buy about 6 new games a year because I know most are just not worth the money. And out of those 6, maybe one will be a release day buy, the rest will be 6-12 months later for upto £15.

Online isn't a big thing for me and this is why I have a ps3, so that I can have the odd bash online without having to pay some stupid annual subscription for the privilege.


Well-Known Member
Halo's been crap since the second instalment, that's way they're releasing a 'HD' version of the original, in my opinion, the only good one in the whole series. I don't know about everyone else on here but I'm really selective with my games, I buy about 6 new games a year because I know most are just not worth the money. And out of those 6, maybe one will be a release day buy, the rest will be 6-12 months later for upto £15.

Online isn't a big thing for me and this is why I have a ps3, so that I can have the odd bash online without having to pay some stupid annual subscription for the privilege.

I love COD online and the other services you get off xbox gold is worth the money particularly sky but i dont play online constantly. There are going to be some great up and coming games which will need to be brought immediately but i agree others can wait for a few months or get rented.


New Member
That guy talking about heavy rain talking about missing out on royalties may have over embellished to me. Now I have always ALWAYS bought games new and instead of selling them I have offered to swap them with mates. I swapped Uncharted 2 (one of the best games ever) for Heavy Rain. I completed both of these games winning numerous trophies along the way. I can't be the only one who does this so the developer only sees the number people that play it and assumes the extra ones paid for it cheaper when we didn't we share the love (and our own property with friends). I know this doesn't lend itself to the argument of should you pay more to the developer when you buy a game but this is something I don't do anyway.

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