EFL to end season this week - City likely to be promoted (4 Viewers)

Frank Sidebottom

Well-Known Member
exactly allowed to start "pre-season"which needs to be at least 4 weeks. Then you've got at least 5-6 weeks of games including play-offs. Takes everyone past normal start of next season. So you've got EFL clubs going into a ridiculously long season as won't be time for a break between 2 seasons.
Add to that the fact that on July 1st we will only have 16 fit first team players contracted to us.

steve cooper

Well-Known Member
The 20/21 season for the premier league start date is at the moment pencilled in for 8th August. That is 10 weeks from this coming Saturday. The EFL usually start a week earlier. So the likely time frame is, the end on next week for the votes to be completed, a week to get testing organised, 4 weeks pre-season, 5 weeks to finish the season, 1 week for the playoffs. By my maths that's 12 weeks when we only have 9 if we keep to the scheduled start date for the new season.
So if we vote to play there are only 2 options, a shorter pre-season, or extend the start date of the 20/21 season. Some would argue that it's not much point in scheduling next season at this time, but this is the dilemma.


Well-Known Member
The 20/21 season for the premier league start date is at the moment pencilled in for 8th August. That is 10 weeks from this coming Saturday. The EFL usually start a week earlier. So the likely time frame is, the end on next week for the votes to be completed, a week to get testing organised, 4 weeks pre-season, 5 weeks to finish the season, 1 week for the playoffs. By my maths that's 12 weeks when we only have 9 if we keep to the scheduled start date for the new season.
So if we vote to play there are only 2 options, a shorter pre-season, or extend the start date of the 20/21 season. Some would argue that it's not much point in scheduling next season at this time, but this is the dilemma.

2020/21 will be pushed back to Sept I reckon.


Well-Known Member
You’ve got some cheek to be posting this, whilst in the background your board of directors - in breach of their fiduciary duties - are trying to force through a retrospective rule change (which is prohibited under article 14.5 of the EFL articles of association in any event) which will forcibly relegate Tranmere Rovers, despite there being 10 games left to play, oh, and the EFL are trying to do it by ordinary resolution (51%) rather than by special resolution (>75%) as is required by article 13, and without having given the requisite notice to member clubs in accordance with that same article 13. Shame on you.
Now that win9nut has located the articles we can look at what they are actually claiming.

The whole of article 14 relates to fixture regulation, 14.4 defines that as 'regulations or rules of the league relating to International call-ups, substitutes and the numbers on players shirts and other matters agreed with the board'. Pretty obvious there that whole section has nothing to do with the votes taking place.

Onto article 13, regulations of the league. This requires 21 days notice of any resolution to change the regulations; no obligation to include any proposal made by a member club; the resolution to change the regulations shall not be carried unless it has passed by the majority of the votes cast by all members clubs.

So in summary they're talking complete bollocks. Nothing in the articles to prevent a change being made and it only requires a majority.


Well-Known Member
Now that win9nut has located the articles we can look at what they are actually claiming.

The whole of article 14 relates to fixture regulation, 14.4 defines that as 'regulations or rules of the league relating to International call-ups, substitutes and the numbers on players shirts and other matters agreed with the board'. Pretty obvious there that whole section has nothing to do with the votes taking place.

Onto article 13, regulations of the league. This requires 21 days notice of any resolution to change the regulations; no obligation to include any proposal made by a member club; the resolution to change the regulations shall not be carried unless it has passed by the majority of the votes cast by all members clubs.

So in summary they're talking complete bollocks. Nothing in the articles to prevent a change being made and it only requires a majority.
I’m struggling to take it all in!!!! I’ve got Sky Blue hair dye, a smoke bomb and I’ve had the garden decked out in Sky Blue lighting. I can’t hold all this party planning together endlessly ....somebody in power please make a fecking decision before I spontaneously combust in a puff of Sky Blue smoke!!!


Well-Known Member
I’m struggling to take it all in!!!! I’ve got Sky Blue hair dye, a smoke bomb and I’ve had the garden decked out in Sky Blue lighting. I can’t hold all this party planning together endlessly ....somebody in power please make a fecking decision before I spontaneously combust in a puff of Sky Blue smoke!!!
That’s what I’m talking about !!!! 8A4D9986-2485-4C11-A805-BDBEDAD5B29D.jpeg


Well-Known Member
You could've got a Sky Blue Superlambanana.
I tried.... but it got voted down as I was reminded of my tantrum I had back in December when it was suggested that it was to be painted Royal Blue this year if Liverpool won the league


Well-Known Member
I’m struggling to take it all in!!!! I’ve got Sky Blue hair dye, a smoke bomb and I’ve had the garden decked out in Sky Blue lighting. I can’t hold all this party planning together endlessly ....somebody in power please make a fecking decision before I spontaneously combust in a puff of Sky Blue smoke!!!

That’s what I’m talking about !!!!View attachment 15178

Cov Kid 1968# where do you live, asking for a friend .


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
North Leics... about as close as you can get to being in Derbyshire.... but still being in Leics

Do you get any stick from the neighbours for not being a Foxes fan or a Rams fan?


Well-Known Member
Anyone seen the Tranmere proposal and care to explain the average error bit to me? Feeling stupid. Bamboozled.


Well-Known Member
Ridiculous. Can we have a go and put forward a proposal that would see us awarded the champions league winner. Why the fuck not.

I have asked her for a League table as they appear to have missed that important thing of the statement. Of course Tranmere avoid relegation


Well-Known Member
I'd like to understand it before I poo-poo it. I know it's bollocks but it's annoying me I can't get my head around it.


Well-Known Member

I have not got a clue what the hell is going on with this. apart form I guess it means Tranmere would not be relegated

Could the fact they are suggesting increasingly mental things indicate they know the vote isn't going to go the way they want it to.

This is an absolutely mental proposal which would mean next season, which may well be shorter than usual, will need more games to be played.

I'm going to take a wild guess that if you apply their method they don't get relegated.

Their fans seem keen to quote the articles of association so how about 13.3.3 "the board is not obliged to include any resolution to change the regulations which may have been proposed by a member club".


Well-Known Member
So what they’re saying is “How accurate would a PPG calculation taken at this stage of the season have been in the past?”

You take the average of the difference between the PPG calculation after game 34/35 and the final points tally for the last few seasons. This gives you a margin of error, any team that is promoted/playoffs/relegated by more than that margin would get that. Everyone within the margin of the playoffs goes into a tournament. Everyone within the margin of safety (Tranmere) stays up.

City would go up under it. You can’t produce a table because there’s no final places, everyone has an error bar that could move them up/down. Well you could say it’s the PPG table, but with different cut off points for promotion/relegation that depend on the PPG of teams around you.

City would be promoted, 2 to where ever would Play a tournament for the last two places. Southend and Bolton go down.


Well-Known Member
So what they’re saying is “How accurate would a PPG calculation taken at this stage of the season have been in the past?”

You take the average of the difference between the PPG calculation after game 34/35 and the final points tally for the last few seasons. This gives you a margin of error, any team that is promoted/playoffs/relegated by more than that margin would get that. Everyone within the margin of the playoffs goes into a tournament. Everyone within the margin of safety (Tranmere) stays up.

City would go up under it. You can’t produce a table because there’s no final places, everyone has an error bar that could move them up/down. Well you could say it’s the PPG table, but with different cut off points for promotion/relegation that depend on the PPG of teams around you.

City would be promoted, 2 to where ever would Play a tournament for the last two places. Southend and Bolton go down.
Why the last 3 seasons, why not 5 or 10? You'd end up with a huge tournament replacing the play offs followed by a season with extra teams in some divisions when you're likely to have less time to play it!

Problem is if you start going down this road every club will put up different ways of calculating things that suit them best, no chance of everyone agreeing.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 15190
That's how it would look(ish) if that makes sense.
Couldn't be bothered to do the whole league.

Edit - Obviously it's complete nonsense, But I like to give the old brain a bit of exercise every now and again.
Play offs would go down as far as Bristol Rovers in 14th! So when we're short on time to finish the season we'd have a 12 team tournament for the play offs.

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