European championships 2020 thread (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
After muamba every professional sport person started to have a check on their hearts it’s why the young cricketer had to stop james someone or other. It may just be hugely bad luck.

I guess you are correct , if he had a defect you'd expect it to flag up somewhere .

Or it literally just happened from nothing .



Well-Known Member
Be a powerful statement of what’s important to call it off if he dies. Can’t see it though. Next game kicks off at 8.

Pretty impossible to play the game again or change the schedule.

No idea what the right thing to do is, I imagine Boris will have something constructive to say

If he passes I’d be amazed if the 8 game goes ahead. It certainly shouldn’t.


Well-Known Member
He's had a serious cardiac arrest. You could see his face go after the sprint before he collapsed.

The medical teams will do what they can and they won't give up quickly, but this is some really serious shit.

As LG said, I'm only writing on here to distract me. It is completely shocking and I don't know what to say.


Well-Known Member
Though I can't trust Twitter and wouldn't put it past anyone to post up an old photo of him on a stretcher

Paul Anthony

Well-Known Member
Do these athletes train too hard these days ?
Did this used to happen 30 years ago

Sometimes you can have a heart condition and not know about it until it hits you, doesn't matter how fit you are. I can speak from sad experience, I lost a dear friend at 18 to exactly that kind of thing, no-one even knew she had a heart condition until she'd passed away. Never had any symptoms or problems until that day.


Well-Known Member
Is it legit though. A current photo. It does have the Finland flag in the background.

Sky Blue Harry H

Well-Known Member
Do these athletes train too hard these days ?
Did this used to happen 30 years ago

The human body is complicated. I grew up with a girl who was a sporty P.E. teacher who had an aneurysm in her 40s. yet have a mate who must have averaged 30 plus pints/100 fags a week for 40 years (whose dad passed away with a heart condition) yet is somehow still going strong. That saying about 'man makes plans and god laughs' comes to mind. Anyway, fingers crossed for CE.


Well-Known Member
When all is said and done , if that's legitimate he's a very lucky boy and the medical staff have done a wonderful job

I wish him well , and hope he makes full recovery


Well-Known Member
View attachment 20421not appropriate but in a good way hopefully appropriate

Putting a heart like up seems wrong, I’m trying to say fantastic that it looks like it might not be the worst case scenario.

I didn’t see anything building up to it, turned TV on to see him convulsing and the CPR happening, truly haunting scenes.

don’t know how it works but should they really have been streaming that into everyone’s homes? Seemed a bit sick tbh

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
Yep that is great news. When muamba had a heart attack did they postpone a number of their games for a few weeks? Some really difficult decisions for a lot of people coming up


Well-Known Member
Not sure who it is. But one of the Denmark players moved his tongue. That guys a hero.

Looks like it was Kjaer

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