Well-Known Member
Andy Thorn and Clouting are attending a fans forum on 11th August at the Kenilworth Wardens - there are 150 places available and to apply for a tickets you have to register, state your question if you have one. So all questions will be censored and thereby answers sanitised - freedom of speech is alive and well.
Have applied for a ticket and my question to Clouting is "With losses running at an alleged 500k a month the stated aim of the board is to get us to break even - how? There cannot be many more cuts to be made on the playing staff (being generous maybe £100k a month) or behind the scenes and with no investment in the team no success will mean crowds will dwindle further cutting revenue - how are you going to achieve this seemingly impossible book balancing act? If there is a plan why not be open and let the supporters in on it."
Seems a fair question - wonder if I will get a ticket and an answer?
Have applied for a ticket and my question to Clouting is "With losses running at an alleged 500k a month the stated aim of the board is to get us to break even - how? There cannot be many more cuts to be made on the playing staff (being generous maybe £100k a month) or behind the scenes and with no investment in the team no success will mean crowds will dwindle further cutting revenue - how are you going to achieve this seemingly impossible book balancing act? If there is a plan why not be open and let the supporters in on it."
Seems a fair question - wonder if I will get a ticket and an answer?