Fans forum to discuss finances (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Since Mr Labovitch ( live on radio ) has offered to sort fans forum consisting of Mr Waggot (not sure why) and Steve Brookfield to discuss the finances.

We have had

No arrangement made.

A different public statement asking the council to be involved but it has to be before the JR
( despite them saying they won't speak till after it)

A no to a fans group who asked to sort the original offer out.

A what seemed like very childish attack on said fans group.

The revamped offer was to go ahead even if the council say no. ( which is a given)

So when is it going to be explained how (even in theory) we can build this new stadium and cope with the interest rates.

How can we suddenly compete under FFP rules with it.

How will the investors get their money back.

Etc etc


Well-Known Member
To be honest Dong, I sent a letter to CCFC almost three weeks ago and I have still not had a response, I am not holding my breath on the matter to be honest.


Well-Known Member
Send it to the CET and point out you sent it to the club 3 weeks ago

I wouldn't do that Dong, that's not me, I will give it a week and if I still haven't had a response I will send it recorded delivery.


Well-Known Member
It'll come back with "Not known at this address" if you forgot not to send it to The Ricoh.

I sent it to Citibase on Lockhurst Lane, obviously addressed to the Football Club, I think that's right.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Is Labovitch still a Non-Executive Director?

In most businesses NEDs are present on a companies board to make sure that the Executive Directors are doing their job properly, they are not there to do it for them.

Is that why Fisher has taken a back seat in the apparent SISU strategy to offend as many customers as possible?

I really don't understand the management of CCFC at the moment...


Well-Known Member
I really don't understand the management of CCFC at the moment...

Let me help you out: the management of CCFC have one aim: help Joy make money.

Currently they are trying a tactic that revolves around a conspiracy theory they've cooked up that CCC and the SBT were plotting to overthrow them as owners. As such they need to paint a certain picture in the media before it goes to court. Hence the Labovitch email. Hence Labovitch refusing to answer a question about CCFC without bringing up ACL.

All their eggs are in this basket. If they lose the JR, expect them to drop us like we're hot. If they win expect another court battle over how much money they've lost.


Well-Known Member
Let me help you out: the management of CCFC have one aim: help Joy make money.

Currently they are trying a tactic that revolves around a conspiracy theory they've cooked up that CCC and the SBT were plotting to overthrow them as owners. As such they need to paint a certain picture in the media before it goes to court. Hence the Labovitch email. Hence Labovitch refusing to answer a question about CCFC without bringing up ACL.

You know when the film of this comes out, can Simon pegg play Jan ?



Well-Known Member
Is Labovitch still a Non-Executive Director?

In most businesses NEDs are present on a companies board to make sure that the Executive Directors are doing their job properly, they are not there to do it for them.

Is that why Fisher has taken a back seat in the apparent SISU strategy to offend as many customers as possible?

I really don't understand the management of CCFC at the moment...

An NED isn't normally considered a spokesperson though, are they?


Well-Known Member
Is Labovitch still a Non-Executive Director?

In most businesses NEDs are present on a companies board to make sure that the Executive Directors are doing their job properly, they are not there to do it for them.

Is that why Fisher has taken a back seat in the apparent SISU strategy to offend as many customers as possible?

I really don't understand the management of CCFC at the moment...

Is he paid by SISU?


Well-Known Member
Is he paid by SISU?

No, he's paid for his time and expenses by the club. He's not employed by the club directly, he's CEO of another company GEMS Venture(?) I think.

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Jack Griffin

Not according to the official Website, that is the information I went by.

Write all correspondence to the registered office of Sky Blue Sports & Holdings Ltd. See Companies house website for details.


Well-Known Member
No, he's paid for his time and expenses by the club. He's not employed by the club directly, he's CEO of another company GEMS Venture(?) I think.

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Sorry. If your time is paid for by someone, how are you not employed by them? Isn't that the dictionary definition?


Well-Known Member
Sorry. If your time is paid for by someone, how are you not employed by them? Isn't that the dictionary definition?

Suppose it depends on how you define employed. Maybe he runs a company who's services are paid for by the club, but he is paid as a director of that company? A bit like "employing" a builder to sort out your new kitchen. While you don't directly pay his stamp or tax, or give him paid time away from your kitchen to go on holiday, or look after his new born ... you bung him some money for his time actually doing the job.


New Member
He will probably discuss at the SCG tonight, with all the sixfield sheep in attendance

We have had

No arrangement made.

A different public statement asking the council to be involved but it has to be before the JR
( despite them saying they won't speak till after it)

A no to a fans group who asked to sort the original offer out.

A what seemed like very childish attack on said fans group.

The revamped offer was to go ahead even if the council say no. ( which is a given)

So when is it going to be explained how (even in theory) we can build this new stadium and cope with the interest rates.

How can we suddenly compete under FFP rules with it.

How will the investors get their money back.

Etc etc[/QUOTE]


Well-Known Member
Sorry. If your time is paid for by someone, how are you not employed by them? Isn't that the dictionary definition?

A non-executive director (abbreviated to non-exec, NED or NXD) or outside director is a member of the board of directors of a company who does not form part of the executive management team. They are not employees of the company or affiliated with it in any other way and are differentiated from inside directors, who are members of the board who also serve or previously served as executive managers of the company (most often as corporate officers).

Non-executive directors are sometimes considered the same as an independent director,[1][2] while other sources distinguish them from independent directors saying non-executive directors are allowed to hold shares in the company while independent directors are not.[citation needed]

Non-executive directors have responsibilities in the following areas, according to the Higgs Report published by the British government in 2003:[3][4]

Strategy: Non-executive directors should constructively challenge and contribute to the development of strategy.
Performance: Non-executive directors should scrutinise the performance of management in meeting agreed goals and objectives and monitoring and where necessary removing senior management, and in succession planning.
Risk: Non-executive directors should satisfy themselves that financial information is accurate and that financial controls and systems of risk management are robust and defensible.
People: Non-executive directors are responsible for determining appropriate levels of remuneration of executive directors and have a prime role in appointing and where necessary removing senior management, and in succession planning.
NEDs should also provide independent views on:

Standards of conduct
Non-executive directors are the custodians of the governance process. They are not involved in the day-to-day running of business but monitor the executive activity and contribute to the development of strategy.

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Well-Known Member
A non-executive director (abbreviated to non-exec, NED or NXD) or outside director is a member of the board of directors of a company who does not form part of the executive management team. They are not employees of the company or affiliated with it in any other way and are differentiated from inside directors, who are members of the board who also serve or previously served as executive managers of the company (most often as corporate officers).

Non-executive directors are sometimes considered the same as an independent director,[1][2] while other sources distinguish them from independent directors saying non-executive directors are allowed to hold shares in the company while independent directors are not.[citation needed]

Non-executive directors have responsibilities in the following areas, according to the Higgs Report published by the British government in 2003:[3][4]

Strategy: Non-executive directors should constructively challenge and contribute to the development of strategy.
Performance: Non-executive directors should scrutinise the performance of management in meeting agreed goals and objectives and monitoring and where necessary removing senior management, and in succession planning.
Risk: Non-executive directors should satisfy themselves that financial information is accurate and that financial controls and systems of risk management are robust and defensible.
People: Non-executive directors are responsible for determining appropriate levels of remuneration of executive directors and have a prime role in appointing and where necessary removing senior management, and in succession planning.
NEDs should also provide independent views on:

Standards of conduct
Non-executive directors are the custodians of the governance process. They are not involved in the day-to-day running of business but monitor the executive activity and contribute to the development of strategy.

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Doesn't clarify who is paying his wages unfortunately


Well-Known Member
Doesn't clarify who is paying his wages unfortunately

According to Linked in he is CEO of GEMS Ventures, this is his day job and who pays his wages. As well as being a non-executive director (description above) he is also a Senior Advisor for the The Club of Three (Institute for Strategic Dialogue).

He is not an employee off either the club or sisu.

ACL have a Non Executive Director on their board - Paul Harris, who's real job is Director of Property for Virgin Media.

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CCFC Finance Director
From the SCG minutes dated 04/12/13

What is Mark Labovitch’s role, title and does he get paid?

Tim Fisher – With regard to Mark Labovitch, from a governance perspective he provides an

independent view for the board. He’s paid a nominal Non Executive Directors fee.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand this independent bit. How is he anymore independent than Fisher?

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