Fans forum to discuss finances (1 Viewer)


New Member
Don, appreciate your persistence. All valid questions/suggestions.
But we know who we are dealing with here. Slippery as eels. They are simply not to be trusted.
It is a puzzle why posters on here even think we should be keeping channels of communication with them open.
Have we not learnt?
It has got to the point where it will only be resolved if the Football League finally assert their authority. I know, I know, laughter all around.
Yet with MP Damian Collins turning the screw a little, more adverse publicity for Sisu, the League will be acutely aware of this.
& Sisu's investors will not like losing money as they are.
To even think that Sisu will behave honourably, to appeal to their better nature - forget it. They don't have a better nature.
Think of all those bankers taking home big bonuses, while pension funds are raided. That's Sisu. Dreadful people.


Well-Known Member
From the SCG minutes dated 04/12/13

What is Mark Labovitch’s role, title and does he get paid?

Tim Fisher – With regard to Mark Labovitch, from a governance perspective he provides an

independent view for the board. He’s paid a nominal Non Executive Directors fee.

Thank you

In that case if he told SISU he thinks their plan is a bad one and not the right way to go, like he said he did with Ken.

They will either just ignore him or get rid of him.

He is paid by SISU Si as far as I am concerned he is not independent

Who was he doing all this protesting to when Ken was damaging our club?
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CCFC Finance Director
In law this is the case

A board of directors acts as a whole and although some of its members may be given additional powers by the articles or by resolution, the general duties and responsibilities are the same for each director. There is no distinction between the position of executive and non executive directors.

if ML is there as an independent voice, and he has himself said I believe he doesn't always agree with the rest of the board or the owner apparently, then why is he in the media making all the statements?
How can we know if he is giving his or the Boards view and when?
To be truly independent does he have to "wear different hats" at different times (something he has said in the past he doesn't understand how that works.) ie for SBS&L or OEG or CCFCH?
If the statements made are on behalf of the Board on a wide range of things other than governance does that make him more executive than non executive ?
How did he get the role who else was considered?
why was he chosen and what particular skills did he add to the Board?
Was there any previous relationship with any of the other directors or "owners"?
Does he understand he has the same duties and liabilities as any director?

Nothing more than questions but it would be good if he could make that all clear, because I sometimes get a little confused as to his responsibilities in the set up.

On a more general note - have any of the directors got any funds/capital invested directly or indirectly in the SBS&L group? I have no idea but would be interested to know
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Well-Known Member
Thank you

In that case if he told SISU he thinks their plan is a bad one and not the right way to go, like he said he did with Ken.

They will either just ignore him or get rid of him.

He is paid by SISU Si as far as I am concerned he is not independent

Who was he doing all this protesting to when Ken was damaging our club?

So in effect no Non-Executive Director is independent?

And Paul Harris is a council employee?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - so please excuse any spelling or grammar errors :)
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Well-Known Member
So in effect no Non-Executive Director is independent?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - so please excuse any spelling or grammar errors :)

To me yes

Unless the are paid by a different source or voluntary

It seems part of the role of a NED is to ensure the plans if the board have sound financial footing.

If he was here during Ken's period, how long has he been here?

Does the current plan to build a stadium have sound financial footing.

Why did he say he does not know how JS intends to recoup the investment. He must know that in order to fulfil his own role?


Well-Known Member
To me yes

Unless the are paid by a different source or voluntary

It seems part of the role of a NED is to ensure the plans if the board have sound financial footing.

If he was here during Ken's period, how long has he been here?

Does the current plan to build a stadium have sound financial footing.

Why did he say he does not know how JS intends to recoup the investment. He must know that in order to fulfil his own role?

Not sure he was here In KD era ??

James Smith

Well-Known Member
Why is he backtracking on the very good idea for a forum with the fans and representatives from the club. This was the most sensible thing he said in the whole programme and going back on it makes him seem indecisive to me.

Is he now saying we should involve ACL/CCC because he thinks/knows that they won't be able to say yes and the club can then pull out with less loss of face? Was he told off for suggesting this forum by someone after the broadcast? In the back of my mind I have a vision of the Yes Minister episode where Humphrey attacks the minister over his public announcement of an independent enquiry.


Well-Known Member
To me yes

Unless the are paid by a different source or voluntary

It seems part of the role of a NED is to ensure the plans if the board have sound financial footing.

If he was here during Ken's period, how long has he been here?

Does the current plan to build a stadium have sound financial footing.

Why did he say he does not know how JS intends to recoup the investment. He must know that in order to fulfil his own role?

He's been here since August 2011. His role is about how the football club is governed not about how investors are going to make money. Surely that's sisu's role in managing the funds.

He his NED to the club not to Sisu Capital. He is not an employee of the club or by sisu or by Otium.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - so please excuse any spelling or grammar errors :)


Well-Known Member
Some people sometimes when faced with tricky questions that they know the answers to but do not want to answer go on the attack instead.

I don't know for definite but is there a pattern every time ML comes up a simple question he should be able to answer but doesn't. Does he then attack ACL, Council, SBT, Higgs?

I think it maybe call a deflection theory ?

I think top politicians are trained in it in their media training.

Alex Ferguson used to do a form if it as well.

Personally I agree with you Janes if SISU's plan like they maintain is financially viable, they need to explain it to the fans. If they are correct they will convince the fans who need hope of a return.

If they are correct I do not understand why they are not doing it today.

This should not be dropped
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Well-Known Member
Some people sometimes when faced with tricky questions that they know the answers to but do not want to answer go on the attack instead.

I don't know for definite but is there a pattern every time ML comes up a simple question he should be able to answer but doesn't. Does he then attack ACL, Council, SBT, Higgs?

e call a deflection theory ?

I think top politicians are trained in it in their media training.

Alex Ferguson used to do a form if it as well.

Personally I agree with you Janes if SISU's plan like they maintain is financially viable, they need to explain it to the fans. If they are correct they will convince the fans who need hope of a return.

If they are correct I do not understand why they are not doing it today.

This should not be dropped

Sisu have proven time and time again to have no thought of anything other than their own interests and as owners that is their right. No deflection, no conspiracies, just plain old dont a shit. Cotton on to that and we might start looking in a direction that may get us somewhere.


Well-Known Member

Does the current plan to build a stadium have sound financial footing.

Does anything to do with our club have sound financial footing ?

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