Don, appreciate your persistence. All valid questions/suggestions.
But we know who we are dealing with here. Slippery as eels. They are simply not to be trusted.
It is a puzzle why posters on here even think we should be keeping channels of communication with them open.
Have we not learnt?
It has got to the point where it will only be resolved if the Football League finally assert their authority. I know, I know, laughter all around.
Yet with MP Damian Collins turning the screw a little, more adverse publicity for Sisu, the League will be acutely aware of this.
& Sisu's investors will not like losing money as they are.
To even think that Sisu will behave honourably, to appeal to their better nature - forget it. They don't have a better nature.
Think of all those bankers taking home big bonuses, while pension funds are raided. That's Sisu. Dreadful people.
But we know who we are dealing with here. Slippery as eels. They are simply not to be trusted.
It is a puzzle why posters on here even think we should be keeping channels of communication with them open.
Have we not learnt?
It has got to the point where it will only be resolved if the Football League finally assert their authority. I know, I know, laughter all around.
Yet with MP Damian Collins turning the screw a little, more adverse publicity for Sisu, the League will be acutely aware of this.
& Sisu's investors will not like losing money as they are.
To even think that Sisu will behave honourably, to appeal to their better nature - forget it. They don't have a better nature.
Think of all those bankers taking home big bonuses, while pension funds are raided. That's Sisu. Dreadful people.