Fans Forum Updates (10 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Some people ask questions in complete ignorance and then when they get an answer instantly dismiss it as lies. Personally i think Fisher and Waggot are decent and are trying their best for the club.

Well for sure they answered questions as openly as they realistically could. It wasn't that staged either - questions came from the floor. The problem is some people will not ever believe anything they say.

When people start saying we need to spend £35 million on new players and that brand identity is not important you just want to give up. If I was Fisher and someone asked me why my loss making business was not finding £35 million to spend on new players I'd have told him to book into the local sanitarium. So he was pretty diplomatic all things considered.


Well-Known Member
Sisu invested to get the team to the premiership.

Didn't happen.... 35m euros to do that has gone.

Sisu are here for the journey.

Sisu are not going to go broke.

"They accept that the 35m euros has gone", they way he put it was thats history and they write that off, I don't buy that bit. It would be interesting to see just how much they would be prepared to sell the club for, if someone came along with an offer.
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CUS Wyken

New Member
The word gullible comes to mind... Yes they answered questions well BUT that's there job!!! There spin doctors and good ones at that.

It's one thing saying, it's another thing actually doing it...

Only time will tell eh at that starts with who is bought in as manager


Well-Known Member
If thy got nothing out of tonight apart from "communicate", then it was worth it. All the speculation about sh1te or bust this year and they come up with "3 year plan",

They should do these at least once every 2 months I think.

it was a bit like that when he just dropped the 3 year committment in like we all knew about it!


Well-Known Member
So 35 million euro's have been removed from our liabilities and converted into "equity"? Hmmmm......

Diehard Si

New Member
I missed the start of it having to bath the baby, but caught it from the point they said Onwe had left.

Overall I found it very interesting and thought they answered the questions very well, didn't shy away from any really and shared our dis-appointment. It was very interesting to hear that SISU have transformed £35million from debt to equity. This is very big news and stabalises the balance sheet somewhat. Losses have decreased and the club have a loss making budget for the year with the intention of promotion.

The former shareholder who was asking questions didn't appear to understand basic accountancy which was annoying as he kept banging out questions when he didn't understand the response.

I think they gave some good corporate answers, the truth as always might be slightly different but I felt on the whole they handed it well. Neither of them really burst with charisma but that kind of makes you feel less like you are being bullshitted.

Overall a thumbs up from me.


Well-Known Member
So new manager before Carlisle game

If we lose to Tranmere and Shrewsbury a new man could be looking at 10 points off the play offs already which could be nearly the end of our season already

Diehard Si

New Member
The word gullible comes to mind... Yes they answered questions well BUT that's there job!!! There spin doctors and good ones at that.

It's one thing saying, it's another thing actually doing it...

Only time will tell eh at that starts with who is bought in as manager

Quite the opposite I think, I don't think they have those skills so much. I've encountered much better, but you are right in actions speaking louder than words.


Well-Known Member
Lionel Bird was angry that he was kept waiting 20 minutes and they didn't get round to him. Ignoring that his first question ended up taking 15 minutes and there were other people asking their first question while he had his hand up for another round, of course.


New Member
Didn't go and didn't listen, but have read these 16 pages. There seems to be a different mood/attitude running through a lot of the posts. Does this indicate a turning point in the relationship between the fans and the owners, even just a little? Or is the mood still that they are shysters? Waggot & Fisher seem to have changed minds? Comments?


Well-Known Member
Didn't go and didn't listen, but have read these 16 pages. There seems to be a different mood/attitude running through a lot of the posts. Does this indicate a turning point in the relationship between the fans and the owners, even just a little? Or is the mood still that they are shysters? Waggot & Fisher seem to have changed minds? Comments?

personally i thought they did hold themselves well, fans got to start being real, sisu r not out to get us, without sisu we wouldnt exist. we need to stop being aggressive and negative, and start thinking postive and get behind the players we've got. on a postive note glad to hear that the new man can bring in loans... eieiei o :pimp:


CCFC Finance Director
just a question or two

if the loan is now equity (or shares) why doesn't it show at company house. ? Strange they should say they have written off the 35m euros ...... says to anyone interested that there is now a big reduction in the debt making ccfc more tempting and weakens the owners position in negotiation but debt conversion is something i have wanted for a long time and have said before

secondly the charge to ARVO still exists .... would have to check but thought it listed Ryton as one of the assets charged (mortgaged)..... again no evidence at company house that the charge has gone or the one before it..... so which is it ? Or is it that the mortgage doesnt exist in their speak because it is charged to the owners

4.2m player budget is high for League 1 and it is right to expect promotion on that figure...... puts turnover at £6.5m (including player sales)

Think they understood what some of us were only guessing at in respect of Thorn. The pressure is on to achieve this year because failure will mean financial melt down....... they couldnt afford to be indecisive

3 year plan means they have set out a plan for 3 years I do not think it is a guarantee of anything. My guess it will be reviewed each year to see if the targets are met or exceeded........... if they are not well the future isnt as rosey

Didnt hear the show (will check the recording of it) and some of it seems pretty positive ....... but.......
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Diehard Si

New Member
just a question or two

if the loan is now equity (or shares) why doesn't it show at company house. ? Strange they should say they have written off the 35m euros ...... says to anyone interested that there is now a big reduction in the debt making ccfc more tempting and weakens the owners position in negotiation but debt conversion is something i have wanted for a long time and have said before

secondly the charge to ARVO still exists .... would have to check but thought it listed Ryton as one of the assets charged (mortgaged)..... again no evidence at company house that the charge has gone or the one before it..... so which is it ? Or is it that the mortgage doesnt exist in their speak because it is charged to the owners

4.2m player budget is high for League 1 and it is right to expect promotion on that figure...... puts turnover at £6.5m (including player sales)

Think they understood what some of us were only guessing at in respect of Thorn. The pressure is on to achieve this year because failure will mean financial melt down....... they couldnt afford to be indecisive

3 year plan means they have set out a plan for 3 years I do not think it is a guarantee of anything. My guess it will be reviewed each year to see if the targets are met or exceeded........... if they are not well the future isnt as rosey

Didnt hear the show (will check the recording of it) and some of it seems pretty positive ....... but.......
If they are anything like the companies I've come accross, updating companies house is the last priority and a chore usually completed at the last possible moment. Infact they may well just wait till the next AR is filed.
So new manager before Carlisle game

If we lose to Tranmere and Shrewsbury a new man could be looking at 10 points off the play offs already which could be nearly the end of our season already

This is my big problem was hoping for a new manager before Saturday to be honest, another 2 defeats and the gap is already to big! We are in the relegation zone after tonights game


Well-Known Member
was there, & listened to what was splurged, noticed an obvious avoidance of pointed questions,
zero reply to where do you see yourselves (T&F), in 3 yrs time,
& followed by diatribe of a 3 yr plan, have i heard that before ?
why was it not til tonite that we learnt of igwe exit,
crass talk about 'euros' 35m = £28m, figures dont equate,
academy only useful for sales,
dampened talk re skybluetrust,
talked down to city fans,
so, marks out of 10, waggott 4/10, fisher 2/10,
& if you tolerate this then your children will be next,
i just don't feel any depth of substance/truth/reality in F & W,
but remain SKY BLUE


New Member
In other words, we got the same fans forum as we got in 2007. Oh happy days, it never ends does it? We're gluttons for punishment but it would be weird to have it any other way!


Chief Commentator!
Lionel Bird was angry that he was kept waiting 20 minutes and they didn't get round to him. Ignoring that his first question ended up taking 15 minutes and there were other people asking their first question while he had his hand up for another round, of course.

Was he the person (former shareholder) mentioned in the previous post? His old shares (or share as it probably was) usually gets a mention at these events :)


Chief Commentator!
OSB it's a shame you couldn't have attended! Bamboozle them with your in depth (but always useful) thoughts and ooze difficult questions to them, rather than the 'when is Messi arriving' type questions someone appears to have asked :)

Tbf to Fisher and Waggott, I think they've always represented themselves very well and professionally. I would be pleased for them to be around Long term.

Was it mentioned why it's taken this long for Joy to get more involved? And how long have these meetings with the players been going on?


Well-Known Member
I didn't like the sound of her telling the players what she expects from them, it doesn't sound too far removed from Ken on the bench.


Well-Known Member
I didn't like the sound of her telling the players what she expects from them, it doesn't sound too far removed from Ken on the bench.
Yea same complete undermining of the manager, wouldn't surprise me if she starts going in the dressing rooms at HT


Well-Known Member
Only heard a bit of it on my way into work, but was it Barry who seemd to be blaming Sisu for us getting relegated from The Premiership, and then going on about selling both Dann and Scott!

Good work if we got paid for two players instead of just one mind.

To be fair it sounded like Fisher and Waggot got an easy ride by being asked such moronic questions. Spluttering and pointless emoting won't get you anywhere against anybody with half a brain.

Were there lots of people from here asking the questions??


Well-Known Member
Only heard a bit of it on my way into work, but was it Barry who seemd to be blaming Sisu for us getting relegated from The Premiership, and then going on about selling both Dann and Scott!

Good work if we got paid for two players instead of just one mind.

To be fair it sounded like Fisher and Waggot got an easy ride by being asked such moronic questions. Spluttering and pointless emoting won't get you anywhere against anybody with half a brain.

Were there lots of people from here asking the questions??

You know they were all posted on GMk,don't you???;):eek:


Well-Known Member
there was a lot of heckling in the room - lynell kept saying you cant be heard on the radio . Fisher's body language was poor, and the filthy looks he gave when he got a question he didnt like, and the way he brushed aside a couple including Jan - wouldnt trust him as far as i could throw him (and by the size of him, thats not far)


New Member
So it seems the fan camp is still very much split, but with a few moving to a slightly more hopeful stance on SISU by the looks of comments on here. Wonder what the views of the thousands who never come on here would be? Not sure SBT is reflective of the fanbase in any way.
Liked comment from one on here - fundamental mistake of moving from Highfield Road. - Think that fact is growing bigger with every day.
But this definitely more proactive stance from the board gives just a little hope?

Jack Griffin

Igwe has left

Onye is still a director of Otium Entertainment Group, SKY BLUE SPORTS & LEISURE LIMITED & Coventry City Football Club

Just looked it up on Companies house site..
Last entries were change of particulars for him on 18/05/2011 & 25/05/2011, 24/11/2011 (depending on which company) no appointment terminated records..

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Diehard Si

New Member
Companies house might not have been updated. They might have done it internally and not completed the forms to send. They did say it was recent and I don't think anyone in private business views companies house as their first priority.

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