FANS going sixfields (5 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
I have read thorugh all of this with a certain amount of dismay at the way CCFC supporters, whether Pro/Anti SISU/ACL are personal thoughts are that I cannot criticise anyone who makes their own choice to follow their team (not SISU, not Fisher, etc etc), because the last time I looked, we were in a democracy where people are (usually) able to make their minds up for themselves.
I won't be going to Northampton, unless its to see CCFC play away against Northampton, and I will show my syupport for my team by attending as many away matches as I can. Those who go to Sixfields will be doing so for their own reasons, and whilst I don't agree with them, there is no way I am more right than them. Some say they are deluded, others might say they were just doing what they have always done, which is to support their team.
Has anyone answered the question as to whether there was a protest by those who did go today/


Well-Known Member
Report coming up on SSN showing city fans arguing. That's the worst thing about all this. You can only hope this nonsense ends soon.


New Member
Lets get behind the boys not arguing among ourselves.PUSB:claping hands::claping hands::claping hands:


Well-Known Member
Lets get behind the boys not arguing among ourselves.PUSB:claping hands::claping hands::claping hands:
you'll always have arguements when you've got dickheads like sky blue kid spouting off about 'real fans'


Well-Known Member
I have noticed you on here a great deal and you can be very controversial but your a bit of a knob head really aren't you?

I know I'm only a bit. I have a long way to go the achieve the level you have reached.


Well-Known Member
I have read thorugh all of this with a certain amount of dismay at the way CCFC supporters, whether Pro/Anti SISU/ACL are personal thoughts are that I cannot criticise anyone who makes their own choice to follow their team (not SISU, not Fisher, etc etc), because the last time I looked, we were in a democracy where people are (usually) able to make their minds up for themselves.
I won't be going to Northampton, unless its to see CCFC play away against Northampton, and I will show my syupport for my team by attending as many away matches as I can. Those who go to Sixfields will be doing so for their own reasons, and whilst I don't agree with them, there is no way I am more right than them. Some say they are deluded, others might say they were just doing what they have always done, which is to support their team.
Has anyone answered the question as to whether there was a protest by those who did go today/

Very well said that man.

Just seen that old geezer outside sixfields on sky sports news, ranting and raving at a fellow cov supporter. What a disgrace. hat does NOTHING for our cause. Next thing they'll be showing punch ups between our fans on tv.

Get a grip everyone. Stay united, but respect others choices. Together we are a formidable force. That was evident to anyone who was at the Ricoh today.


New Member
To the man who said WE are a formidable force, perhaps you should have joined US (COVENTRY CITY SUPPORTERS) at our first home game regardless of where it was ! ! ! !

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New Member
As a lot of us expected the sheep that went that went yesterday were happy clappy yes men,a load of selfish one eyed me me me types.No chanting,no banners,nothing. Lazy spineless sods that want the majority to boycott and try to get the scum out of the club while they sit on the fat lazy arses clapping like seals.


New Member
To the man who said WE are a formidable force, perhaps you should have joined US (COVENTRY CITY SUPPORTERS) at our first home game regardless of where it was ! ! ! !

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It wasn't a home game.908 sheep at shitfields 8 THOUSAND at the ricoh.Thank god prats like you are in the minority.


New Member
Like i said the other day, wait till the rains pouring down and blowing a gale and lets see how die hard these sixfields fans are

Sterling Archer

Well-Known Member
The ill informed opinions and stupidity of some on this site is actually making me want to go to Northampton.

I hope anyone who does go to Northampton and gets an earful from their "fellow Coventry City" fans, tells them to f**k off.


Well-Known Member
Up until yesterday I was ok with the people who said they just wanted to go and see a game of football. That's changed, as far as I'm concerned anyone who goes to Sixfields is siding with SISU, you can't bury your head in the sand when you hear things like Fishers interview this morning or the old chap sat behind me at the Rioch yesterday in tears because he'll be dead before he can see the club play again. Then to top it all you find out there was no protests, no SISU out chants and people were even chatting with Fisher and shaking his hand at Sixfields.

There seems to be people who still blame this on the council / ACL, I can't understand this viewpoint but if you're siding with SISU be clear about it and stop hiding behind other excuses for going to Sixfields.

Sterling Archer

Well-Known Member
Why do you have to be one side or the other though? Why can't people see that its a complete clusterf*ck that SISU, ACL, Coventry City Council and the Football League have all contributed to? All parties are accountable for this mess.

I'm not going to Northampton but I am certainly starting to question the reasons as to why I have come to that conclusion. I'll be brutally honest, if I didn't read SkyBluesTalk, I would actually be 100% happy with my choice of not going.

Who is anyone in this world to tell people they can or cannot go and do what they want on a Saturday? I saw that video of the old feller having a go at another fan who was going to the game at Sixfields on Sky Sports and I cringed, it was awful. Why wasn't he watching the legends game at the Ricoh?


Well-Known Member
The ill informed opinions and stupidity of some on this site is actually making me want to go to Northampton.

I hope anyone who does go to Northampton and gets an earful from their "fellow Coventry City" fans, tells them to f**k off.

Totally agree. I was all against the idea of going, but the more people carry on with the name calling, character assassinations and old ladies being mugged analogies, the more tempted I am to say fuck it and go.


Well-Known Member
Neil, as I said above, I won't criticise you for exercising your legitimate right to support our club, but you should not criticise those of us who exercise OUR right by choosing not to travel to Northampton.
We are all supporters of CCFC, and we all hope that one day this whole sorry situation will be resolved. You are no more right or wrong than everyone else. I'm glad you saw such a great game, but I sincerely hope that you don't think you are any more of a supporter than the rest of us.....


Well-Known Member
Why do you have to be one side or the other though? Why can't people see that its a complete clusterf*ck that SISU, ACL, Coventry City Council and the Football League have all contributed to? All parties are accountable for this mess.

I'm not going to Northampton but I am certainly starting to question the reasons as to why I have come to that conclusion. I'll be brutally honest, if I didn't read SkyBluesTalk, I would actually be 100% happy with my choice of not going.

Who is anyone in this world to tell people they can or cannot go and do what they want on a Saturday? I saw that video of the old feller having a go at another fan who was going to the game at Sixfields on Sky Sports and I cringed, it was awful. Why wasn't he watching the legends game at the Ricoh?

SISU have moved our "home" games to a Sunday as well !

Sterling Archer

Well-Known Member
The thing is, I haven't actually seen any people who ARE going to Sixfields criticise those who DON'T go to Sixfields.

Neither group of fans should be criticised for making their choice between the two, but the vocal majority on here seem to relish in calling those who do go "SCABS" or "SHITSU FC" fans and holding them culpable to their downfall of our club and its all rather immature and pathetic. Maybe thats just a reflection on a group of some of the posters on here?

Deleted member 5849

Totally agree. I was all against the idea of going, but the more people carry on with the name calling, character assassinations and old ladies being mugged analogies, the more tempted I am to say fuck it and go.

Is the irony of the berating.


Well I'm not.


But I'm really not.


The Penguin

Well-Known Member
The thing is, I haven't actually seen any people who ARE going to Sixfields criticise those who DON'T go to Sixfields.

Neither group of fans should be criticised for making their choice between the two, but the vocal majority on here seem to relish in calling those who do go "SCABS" or "SHITSU FC" fans and holding them culpable to their downfall of our club and its all rather immature and pathetic. Maybe thats just a reflection on a group of some of the posters on here?

I haven't seen that either, to be fair. I have however seen plenty of snide comments about them being "true" and "LOYAL" fans.

If that's a reaction to all the 'scab' crap though I can't say I blame them.


Well-Known Member
The thing is, I haven't actually seen any people who ARE going to Sixfields criticise those who DON'T go to Sixfields.

Neither group of fans should be criticised for making their choice between the two, but the vocal majority on here seem to relish in calling those who do go "SCABS" or "SHITSU FC" fans and holding them culpable to their downfall of our club and its all rather immature and pathetic. Maybe thats just a reflection on a group of some of the posters on here?

you need to get on twitter, there was a lot of tweets from people at Sixfields yesterday about how they were real fans and better than everyone else, if you were a true fan you'd be here etc.


Well-Known Member
I just saw a right dick in a cafe in Leamington. He saw me reading the CT match report as I was waiting for my baked potato and when I was done with it grabbed it and showed the waitress where he was in the crowd. "Oh, that's you! There's not many there, are there?" she said. "No, because it's in Northampton, but that won't put the proper fans off. It was a brilliant day."

My first real-life attendee from yesterday in the flesh..he didn't disappoint :jerkit:

The Penguin

Well-Known Member
Northampton attendees who drop that "proper fan me" bullshit are just as bad as the "YOU ARE SISU SCABS" brigade, in my view.

Both seek to create and maintain division in the fanbase.

And I'm sick of this true/loyal/proper fan shit. We all care about the club and want it to succeed, but current events mean there are many different paths we've chosen to express that.

And anyway, I follow the club from thousands of miles away, with no press coverage, and just listening (no chance to watch) to the games requires immense amounts of sleep if anything I'm the most proper fan here :D


Well-Known Member
Both sides of the 'I'm a real fan, you're shit' argument should fight to the death. Fight only finishes when all are dead. Throw jelly on them.


New Member
I just saw a right dick in a cafe in Leamington. He saw me reading the CT match report as I was waiting for my baked potato and when I was done with it grabbed it and showed the waitress where he was in the crowd. "Oh, that's you! There's not many there, are there?" she said. "No, because it's in Northampton, but that won't put the proper fans off. It was a brilliant day."

My first real-life attendee from yesterday in the flesh..he didn't disappoint :jerkit:

There is only so much that you can do though my friend. I'm pleased to say most of the guys I know were at the Ricoh. a couple are desperate to get out on a Saturday and were swaying but held fast and came to the alternative match in Cov. I do know two other guys who were at that match at Sixfields though, both really nice guys, both live nearer to Northampton than Cov. I'm sad that they couldn't have resisted but I've seen their photo's in the press. Truth is, they are still in a terrible minority and I hope always will be, SISU will not survive when crowds continue to fall away.

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