Favourite all time Cov Chants (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
"Cheryl Coles a slapper she's got a hairy Box.When she's shagging Ashley she thinks of Danny Fox"

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
'We throw our cats in bins, we throw our cats in biiiiins, we're all from Coventry, we throw our cats in bins'


Well-Known Member
A tie between

The West End, united, will never be defeated.


Sh-t on the Villa... Sh-t on the Villa tonight.


Well-Known Member
with respect,

"Les Sea-ly is a homo-sexual"

That was a little better than "where's your brother gone" although the to$$er had his own back that day cartwheeling around the pitch.

Remember when he came back on loan? Not only was he unbelievably awesome for those few games, but his entrance for the first game back where he came out last stood on the edge of the 18 yard box and just lapped up all the abuse. One of my favourite ever moments from HR.


Well-Known Member
That was a little better than "where's your brother gone" although the to$$er had his own back that day cartwheeling around the pitch.

Remember when he came back on loan? Not only was he unbelievably awesome for those few games, but his entrance for the first game back where he came out last stood on the edge of the 18 yard box and just lapped up all the abuse. One of my favourite ever moments from HR.

fair play to him. Footballers had broader shoulders back then


New Member
Bertie Mee said to Bill Shankly,
have you heard of the North Bank Highbury?
Shanks said no, I don't think so
but I've heard of the West End Aggro!


New Member
"Are you watching Jimmy Greaves?"

No chance of us winning that FA Cup that year was there Greavsie?


Well-Known Member
That was it just repeat a few times (Chorus from Sham 69 song "If the kids are United)


Well-Known Member
chippo hadji, chippo hadji, chippo hadji, keano keano keano (something like that)

I always thought that was Gary Breeno as opposed to Keano? Could be wrong as I was a non singer in the West Stand by then :)


Well-Known Member
I've heard that a few times now. Barely audible but it's to the Lily the pink tune I think.


New Member
Who ate all the pies. Who are all the pies. ....

Just after half time highfield road. Loved that big lady she always smiled it off

Good old days huh !


New Member
We'll drink a drink, a drink to
Lily the pink, the pink, the pink
The saviour of the human race
Because she invented
The Coventry City and we're the greatest in the land

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'llllllllllllllll drink a drink, a drink etc..


Well-Known Member
We'll drink a drink, a drink to
Lily the pink, the pink, the pink
The saviour of the human race
Because she invented
The Coventry City and we're the greatest in the land

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'llllllllllllllll drink a drink, a drink etc..

We're on the brink, the brink, the brink
Of becoming extinct, extinct, we're skint
Our only saviour is Hoffman's ma-a-ate
Or we'll be liquidated
We're Coventry City, we were the greatest team in the land ...


Well-Known Member
Save all your bottles for me
Save all your bottles for me
Bye bye Villa, bye bye
Don't cry, Villa, dot cry
We'll be thinking of you
When you're in Division Two


Well-Known Member

Echoed from under the west terrace. My fav funny songs have to be When we beat United (the huckerby goal) we sang, "Can we play you every week", then week after we beat Liverpool at Anfield and sang "Worse than United, your even worse than United" lol
to the tune of never walk alone (to liverpool fans at highfield road) can use for tranmere next year lol

sign on , sign on , with hope in your heart but you’ll never get a job


theres only one carlton palmer , walking along , smoking a bong walking in palmers wonderland


Well-Known Member
My old man said be a villa fan I said fuck off bollox your a c**t
Im not daft and im not illy i got cov city tattooed on my willie
dont dilly dont dally we all love kevin gally

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