Favourite all time Cov Chants (4 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
After another lengthy lay off Keith O'Neill played and the West Terrace began a chorus of "Who the f***ing hell are you" - made me smile ... for about five minutes until he disappeared down teh tunnel holding his back and never to be seen again!


New Member
That was a little better than "where's your brother gone" although the to$$er had his own back that day cartwheeling around the pitch.

Remember when he came back on loan? Not only was he unbelievably awesome for those few games, but his entrance for the first game back where he came out last stood on the edge of the 18 yard box and just lapped up all the abuse. One of my favourite ever moments from HR.

I remember when he came back, I loved it as much as he did.

I assume his brother died because I heard Gary Hoffman's brother Martin shout it at Sealey once.

I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?qkmoui

Echoed from under the west terrace. My fav funny songs have to be When we beat United (the huckerby goal) we sang, "Can we play you every week", then week after we beat Liverpool at Anfield and sang "Worse than United, your even worse than United" lol

As a kid with my mates right behind the goal in the West Terrace, the old fella stood behind us would relentlessly try to get that CCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVENTRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY going. Ta for the memories, they were the days.


Well-Known Member
Wem-ber-ley, wem-ber-ley, and wer'e all pissed up and wer'e going to wem-ber-ley. :D

Walking Bird

New Member
Cyrille Regis Hallelujah Hallelujah !


New Member
"we all dream of a team of Gary Breens, a team of Gary Breens, a team of Gary Breens"


New Member
Johny Williams hes so fast its unbelievable

Mohamed whooa, he comes from bosnia, hi is a big fucker, mohamed...

main stand, giz a song, main stand main stan giz a song
After another lengthy lay off Keith O'Neill played and the West Terrace began a chorus of "Who the f***ing hell are you" - made me smile ... for about five minutes until he disappeared down teh tunnel holding his back and never to be seen again!

I was in main stand when he went off sitting near his father I think....very funny indeed. I think he had one touch did he not! He was one of the best dressed footballers to hardly play for us though!


He's fat, he's round,He scores on every ground Micky Quinn,Micky Quinn.
Oh Dion Dublin,He went to Aston Villa and he broke his neck!!!


New Member
Cheer up Gregory,
Oh what can it mean
To a sad brummy bastard and a
Shit football team.

Who needs Cantona when you've got Wergele


Well-Known Member
Oh me lads
You should have them coming
Running down the Highfield Road
Just as they were coming
Men with axes picks and chains
And boys from other places
Running down the Highfield Road

To see Joe Mercers Aces

West End 1972


Well-Known Member
Wisey, oh wisey he is only 5 foot 4 he'll break you fcuking jaw classic


Active Member
To Gordon Strachan....You don't know what your doing! Copied by other premier league teams soon after wasn't it?

Remember as a kid in my 1st season following City:

6 feet 2 eyes of blue big Jim Holton's after you

Ian Wallace walks on water...


Well-Known Member
We all agree that Coventry City are magic
We all agree that [team name] are tragic


This old man he had an horse
he said goodbye to his horse
and when he said goodbye to his horse
he said goodbye to his horse.....ooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

and repeat x 10


Well-Known Member
Who's that twat?
Who's that twat?
Who's that twat in the dungarees?

(answer - he was a Sunderland fan)

I wonder if that was the same match as this beauty:

Who's the gayboy
Who's the gayboy
Who's the gayboy in the pink
Whooo's the gayboy in the pink

Again, a Sunderland fan!


At Anfield in the cup the week after the 3-2 Man Poo game.....

worse than United
your even worse than United!
worse than United!


New Member
(Oki Kokie tune)

You put your left fist in,
Your right fist out,
In out in out you shake it all about

You do the Marlon King and you knock her out,
That's what it's all about.

Wooahhhh Marlon you're a rapist,
Wooahhhh Marlon you're a rapist,
Wooahhhh Marlon you're a rapist,
Nose broke jaw broke Ra Ra Ra


Robert Rossario
never a yard to slow
just watch him turn and show


Well-Known Member
he had a wheelbarrow and the wheel fell off

(repeat a further 3 times...no me neither)

I quoted that one higher up the thread. I don't know where it originated from but was definitely ours. I looked on some site for obscure chants and some Notts County fans were laying claim to that one.


Greggy Downs
Greggy Downs
Greggy Eggy Downs
He's got no hair
But we dont care
Greggy Eggy Downs


I quoted that one higher up the thread. I don't know where it originated from but was definitely ours. I looked on some site for obscure chants and some Notts County fans were laying claim to that one.

It was started on the Kop by the group of about 50 of us who all met in the front left hand corner....I believe that one was a Marcus "PREWYBOY" Prewitt special


Give me a D
Give me a I
Give me a S
Give me a C
Give me a O

Lets all have a disco, Lets all have a disco


New Member
I remember starting a Dave Jones is a peado chant in the west terrace back in 99 I was 15 makes me smile to this day thinking I started a chant in the west terrace

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