what is a normal year ? apart from saying CCFC will make a loss in a year nothing ever seems "normal"
ARVO & the SISU funds are charging interest though and in order to pay down the ACL loan there is likely to have to be some owner capital provided (ie more debt) so not sure you are right to say ignore the interest and we nearly break even. Interest payment is a key payment for both groups and wont just disappear
As for breaking even then I think the player sales and other salers need to be taken in to account - the other sales are the disposal of Prozone (2012) and the benefit of reorganisation of the loan for ACL in 2013 - those are simply not going to happen every year. Player sales - are we going to get those kinds of sums in each year ? with the exception of Wilson for example who else in our squad would have a market value close to £1m let alone more.
I might take at face value the ACL claims regarding the turnovers being achieved but I know others don't, in which case doesn't that make things worse if the turnover levels are not achieved?
Like I said those the figures are only a rudimentary illustration of what might have been if the two groups had been combined 2012 and 2013. The actual combination might well be different. But I think you have to stand back and look at the whole picture as to how it changes/benefits CCFC not focus on individual figures.
- There wont be Olympics every year but even a combined Turnover of 19m doesn't produce positive results without major changes to costs and other incomes elsewhere
- The club without major player sales falls well short of breakeven. Are there major sales to be made each year?
- Is there room for major overhead reduction?
- The amount of interest paid on debt is a major issue? We can assume none for ACL and/or none for CCFC but is that likely or realistic?
- The group will not be able to sell other assets each year- there are none to sell (except perhaps land deals :thinking about

- Given the Group looks to be running at losses then that means further debt is being incurred doesn't it? and that debt increase would seem to relate to CCFC
- If SMCP is 60% then relevant player budget would be 11.4m but the group couldn't spend it because it wouldn't have the cashflow to do it. Would new monies be put in or would the club need to operate at a much lower cost level to balance the books (ie not have the quantity or quality of players some here expect by joining the two groups)
- Getting promotion to the Championship does not necessarily solve this. Apparently worth approx. £6m to the club (TF said when we got relegated) but to stay there I suspect that would all need to be spent on players and is not going to go that far. Promotion to Premiership is different but for the foreseeable future pie in the sky looking as things stand today.
I think the broad picture raises questions and concerns even if the two groups were combined based on 2012& 2013 figures. Real progress on the pitch is going to require further and significant investment by the owners in the team not just covering losses - is that likely? I don't know not sure I have seen that kind of commitment so far. To me this all just reinforces the notion that CCFC remains a tool in a different game being played but that's just an opinion