fisher on CWR now (1 Viewer)


New Member
Worrying if true they showed the football league proof they are gonna finance it for next 3 years this could be the start of a very long road I'm afraid it sounds like their in for the long haul
showing and doing are two different things. sisu out.


Well-Known Member
Surely any local council that already has a football club should deny planning permission due to clash of interest ,It would be amazing if Nuneaton and Bedworth gave permission given that there are 2 clubs in the area and Nuneaton Town not being to far away from CCFC in league standings ,and given the trouble Nuneaton Town had trying to get a new ground through planning.
So that leaves Rugby Leamington Warwick or maybe Hinkley as possible places

If SISUs plan is presented with many riches for the taxes, car-park fees part of a deal, then amateur & semi-pro clubs will not stand in their way.

Deleted member 5849

I'd love to agree with you dear chap; but if SISU were going to play the sacrificial fool card, surely they should have done it after Ken Dulieu, Leonard Brody or Onye Igwe?

And that they have.

I'd argue he's been brought in for this very reason, his remit is to make the club saleable if remotely possible. This is him clearing up, as the carnage is so great the demolition order's been served, and he just has to see if the period features are worth restoring or not.

Once he puts the club in a position to be sold or otherwise, he'll be off. If he doesn't do that, bye bye club, rather than buy buy.


Well-Known Member
And what better way than soften it all up, move the rules of engagement a little, and then there's an easy and obvious way to unite fans after the fallout concludes. Next person can make a big thing of mistakes of the past, learn from them, determined to get fans onside etc... we've seen it often enough with the shift from Richardson to McGinnity to Robinson after all!

This would make sense if it was anyone but SISU. It does seem that Fisher is going out of his way to piss off as many people as possible and things could be easily improved by giving him the push and saying 'we weren't happy with his public statements, here's a new chap', new chap comes in 'I'd be more than happy to speak with ACL and do a deal'. Puts the pressure back on ACL to get a deal done. However this is SISU we're talking about and I suspect Tim and Joy are thick as thieves and none of this is being said without her knowledge.

Deleted member 5849

It does seem that Fisher is going out of his way to piss off as many people as possible

Follow the conspiracy theory through and this would be the exact tactic.

Then someone else comes in, everybody thinks 'thank God' and generic CEO #6 is hailed as conquering hero as he agrees deals that would have been shouted down but a short while earlier.


The points I found interesting in what he said were

- that they are not going to come back to the Ricoh to do a rent deal
- that they had provided proof of funds to the FL for the next 3 to 5 years
- that last friday the club was recapitalised
- the squad on Saturday was costing £1m pa for FFP

so wont rent but does that point to the real SISU ambition in this
how can you have proof of funds for 3 to 5 years when it is based on projections that right now appear flawed in terms of income or is it just another promise the FL have accepted?
what does he mean recapitalised or is that similar to the 32m euro one he came up with this time last year and never seems to have happened
the reason we have a young squad is their salaries do not count in the FFP calculation. So the actual wage bill total does not bear resemblance to 65% of turnover then. So what happens as the squad gets older? What happens to young lads in a tough physical division when the pitches deteriorate

just thoughts
I can only presume that they have sold part of the business structure (perhaps CCFC H or SBSL to Otium/SISU) and used this to generate the funds to keep on running the club while its so heavily loss making.

What worries me is of course that you can just as easily recapitalis with debt so its quite possible that the debts of SISU from the collapse of Ltd have just been dropped into CCFC H or SBSL and this taking on of debt used to offset the cash being injected. A far as I understand it as long as Otium reinvest the generated funds into CCHC H as part of its new ownership it has broken no law in doing so.


Well-Known Member
If SISUs plan is presented with many riches for the taxes, car-park fees part of a deal, then amateur & semi-pro clubs will not stand in their way.

what makes you think that? surely supporters of those clubs would stay loyal to them and not want another club dropped on their doorstep and there would likely be opposition from Coventry fans who live in those areas. That's before you even get to objections on the practical side like infrastructure and people not wanting a stadium built by their house.


Well-Known Member
The flaw in the plan to make Fisher look the biggest wanker in the world was that he was already was.


Well-Known Member
It is easy to know where to begin with any forum or reported statements/interviews, I have the following rules (bought about by past experience only to be left feeling deflated): -
1. listen for yourself before commenting
2. as far as is practicable, listen for yourself before reading or listening to anyone else's comments...thus resisting the urge to break rule "1."
3. Spend some time thinking carefully about what has been said before commenting

Fact is TF did not mention ACL when referring to getting the 10pts back. He used the word "they"...Now think!!! This could mean ACL, the Courts (legal action/veiled threat to FL?), the FL...etc. Knee-jerk thoughts & reactions of people on here is looking for half (or even less) of a reason to throw some flack his way...which is exactly what he could be after - to draw the spotlight back to him & away from JS. He is at worst a semi-skilled operator at this but with professional PR people feeding him threads of where & how to steer the debate to where they want it to go. Yes he will make some cock-ups along the way - he's human after-all!
Interestingly he did mention emotion as one reason for fans not attending in Northampton, & respecting not be fooled! He is deliberately trying to provoke your emotions...he added stuff about great performances/games like the one yesterday almost in the same sentence - he might as well have said "Look what you missed you fools".

Stay strong...stay away.

I'll always fail your first 2 rules as I simply can't bear to hear him talk again. I'm imposing my own media blackout (in coming), although as you point out, relying solely on here for my "facts" does have it's pitfalls..


Well-Known Member
O'Connor: I've had a text here this morning from Steve, who says 'why don't you do a short term deal with ACL for 3 years until you've built your new stadium?' And that way the fans get what they want, and you kind of get what you want, don't you?

Fisher: Yeah well if they can give us our ten points back, then we might sit down and have a chat.

O'Connor: Y-y-you're not going to entertain that at all?

Fisher: Huh, not at all Shane. We set out with a very clear vision for 3 years, and we've committed to 3 years financially, up to 5 with slippage on the new stadium, and we'll, you know, stick to that.

This is a very childish, unprofessional and unhelpful statement and though some have said there's nothing new, last week he said he was willing to talk to ACL and now this week he is pretty much shutting the door on us ever returning to the Ricoh.

The bloke needs to go. He's helping no-one and doing no favours even for his own side. No-one can defend him when he says stuff like this surely?

Depends, has RFC been on yet?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
what makes you think that? surely supporters of those clubs would stay loyal to them and not want another club dropped on their doorstep and there would likely be opposition from Coventry fans who live in those areas. That's before you even get to objections on the practical side like infrastructure and people not wanting a stadium built by their house.

Any proposal will surely be nowhere near those built up areas being referred to (it will be on the edge of the Coventry administrative boundary). For example, build a stadium next to the A46 in an area covered by Rugby District Council (say at Ansty Park), a location just yards from the edge of Coventry but miles from Rugby, and thus it would have zero impact on Rugby itself or the people living there (or in any of the villages that lie in between Rugby and Coventry such is its location and the ease of access). It's all about location, and while that particular location has been ruled out, it is very hard to see on what grounds planning permission would have been refused had Ansty Park been selected (other than change of use, but I doubt that would have been a show stopper). People who suggest planning permission for a new ground is impossible are being a tad naive.

The Penguin

Well-Known Member
I don't think everyone is suggesting that planning permission will be impossible, just that it will probably take longer than the magic three years that Timbo is counting on (oh sorry, five years for 'slippage').


Well-Known Member
People who suggest SISU have the money for a new ground are being a bit more than a tad naive.

Who said they have?

I don't think a new ground is feasible because I don't think they can sustain the club in exile for the length of time it would take to build it - as suggested by TP above. I was just making a point about planning on its own.

Bring the club back to the Ricoh temporarily while building a new home is a good deal more feasible, but still fraught with problems clearly.


Well-Known Member
Any proposal will surely be nowhere near those built up areas being referred to (it will be on the edge of the Coventry administrative boundary). For example, build a stadium next to the A46 in an area covered by Rugby District Council (say at Ansty Park), a location just yards from the edge of Coventry but miles from Rugby, and thus it would have zero impact on Rugby itself or the people living there (or in any of the villages that lie in between Rugby and Coventry such is its location and the ease of access). It's all about location, and while that particular location has been ruled out, it is very hard to see on what grounds planning permission would have been refused had Ansty Park been selected (other than change of use, but I doubt that would have been a show stopper). People who suggest planning permission for a new ground is impossible are being a tad naive.

Well its not ansty, apparently its not Ryton, so that's the Brownfield sites gone, Greenfield sites they haven't a chance of getting planning permission for.

So where else can it be?


Well-Known Member
If they did agree to return to the Ricoh on a temporary basis I'd be more inclined to believe they are building a new stadium. As they flat refuse it all just stinks of brinkmanship.


Well-Known Member
People who suggest SISU have the money for a new ground are being a bit more than a tad naive.

People who think in 5 years CCFC (and not SISU themselves) will own their own stadium after all this are being a bit more than a tad naive
Is it me or has it all gone quiet from the pro Sisu gang? How on earth this lot past the 'fit and proper' test is beyond me, it's like saying Stuart Hall is fit and proper to be a childminder!


Well-Known Member
Well its not ansty, apparently its not Ryton, so that's the Brownfield sites gone, Greenfield sites they haven't a chance of getting planning permission for.

So where else can it be?

No idea. Wasn't there some talk of an area of land close to Pro Logis that was part brownfield?

Greenfield is highly unlikely, but again, not impossible.

Either way, they surely need to state their intentions on this issue sooner rather than later. Then again, perhaps it is all just brinkmanship.


People who think in 5 years CCFC (and not SISU themselves) will own their own stadium after all this are being a bit more than a tad naive

And people who think that the fans will ever forgive SISU for what they have done to our club and flock to the new stadium instead of just the away games are also being naive. There will be a lost generation of fans from which this club will never recover, I fear.


Well-Known Member
There is no 'pro sisu' gang.

There are those who don't take as harsh a stance in judging their actions as might be expected given their track record in charge. Threatened liquidation, unnecessary move out of the City, habitual and incessant economies of truth.

Why would people not greet such with the indignation it deserves? Surely it has to show some sympathy of ambition? And is not such leaning - either large or small - 'pro'?


Well-Known Member
There are those who don't take as harsh a stance in judging their actions as might be expected given their track record in charge. Threatened liquidation, unnecessary move out of the City, habitual and incessant economies of truth.

Why would people not greet such with the indignation it deserves? Surely it has to show some sympathy of ambition? And is not such leaning - either large or small - 'pro'?

In that case the majority of posters are 'pro' ACL...


Well-Known Member
Ahh I've woken one up, so tell me how you again how Sisu have the best interests of Coventry City at heart..........................well I'm waiting.............:thinking about:



Well-Known Member



here we come to save the dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.....your in ADMIN.......SHIT NOW YOUR IN LIQUADATION

there is no pro sisu gang,but appears could be a pro council one which is just dumb

you should hate both sides.

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
Right can we get one thing straight and that is Sisu are extremely unlikely to go running back to the Ricoh !!!!
Once everyone gets there heads around this we will be able to move forward unite as fans with a plan of action!!!
The only foreseeable action then as fans are to unite and do whatever we have to do to get rid of Sisu !!!

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