Fisher on new stadium (3 Viewers)

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
Is this from the same people who said that they would need to rebuild trust with ccFC before looking at ownership while at the same time having already sold up? They don't tell the truth do they? So if a murderer pleads innocent he walks does he? Oh dear.
Hows this for "HARD FACT" Grendel...... For all the fucking shit SISU have put people of Coventry, and fans of CCFC through for 7 years with their lies and fucking bullshit.....They DON'T own the Ricoh(Leasehold)....Wasps do. As I said, not one of your Estimated facts, but..........FACT!

James Smith

Well-Known Member
No, actually we don't know. All we have is an opinion.

There are not enough figures available for anyone to make a qualified guess whether it makes financial sense for investors to engage. We don't know if it's possible - in theory almost everything is possible.
Yes, the club would pay rent - as we have done all the time at the Ricoh. And as Wasps does even if they own ACL.

Until we get a sugar daddy who spend money for fun, all we will ever have is owners who want to make money. The previous owners also wanted to make money - they even went so far as to set up CCFC ltd for third party ownership of players (until that became illegal).
Everything in the capitalistic world is driven by money - football being absolutely no exception.

We had someone who spent money (though not his) for fun His name was Richardson and he's partly to blame for Sisu being here.


Well-Known Member
Hows this for "HARD FACT" Grendel...... For all the fucking shit SISU have put people of Coventry, and fans of CCFC through for 7 years with their lies and fucking bullshit.....They DON'T own the Ricoh(Leasehold)....Wasps do. As I said, not one of your Estimated facts, but..........FACT!

The only fact here is that when you get angry you manage to use quotations - that's a fact.

The Gentleman

Well-Known Member
I know they are. My son has done many football courses with them. However, they are affiliated with the football club and are the community face of the club. and for someone to suggest that Wasps have done more for the community than CCFC is absolute rubbish. Obviously, I don't expect you to agree.

I know a lot of people ignore stuff on the website (the CT rarely report on "good news") but over the last few months there have been many examples of CCFC (not just SBitC so we're not hair splitting) visiting primary schools, visiting University hospital, organising health checks, etc. It's not difficult for Shmmeee or anyone else to check these things out. I think he and many others just like to forget that. They forget the good work done by the Club. It's easier just to shout (and type) SISU OUT, etc.

So, again. Wasps done more for the community? Bull. Shit.

Fucking hell, shock and horror. Local footballers go into schools and a hospital. The cynics among us might say that CCFC need to drum up business due to tumbling attendances. What would be good is footballers and owners giving up their time to create footballing clinics for inner city areas and deprived kids. Footballers just visiting places after they've just played a round of golf is hardly something to wank yourself over.


Well-Known Member
Fucking hell, shock and horror. Local footballers go into schools and a hospital. The cynics among us might say that CCFC need to drum up business due to tumbling attendances. What would be good is footballers and owners giving up their time to create footballing clinics for inner city areas and deprived kids. Footballers just visiting places after they've just played a round of golf is hardly something to wank yourself over.

There just examples disproving the lies posted earlier, no one is wanking over it as that would be odd.


Well-Known Member
Fucking hell, shock and horror. Local footballers go into schools and a hospital. The cynics among us might say that CCFC need to drum up business due to tumbling attendances. What would be good is footballers and owners giving up their time to create footballing clinics for inner city areas and deprived kids. Footballers just visiting places after they've just played a round of golf is hardly something to wank yourself over.

Fucking hell indeed.

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
The only fact here is that when you get angry you manage to use quotations - that's a fact.
Here's a fact for you Grendel. I'm far from being angry, a little pissed off replying to wankers like you maybe, but not angry. Dongo is correct when saying you turn to personal abuse when you are losing debates. You've proved that today with your attacks(Personal) on a few posters. You throw shit at people and when they throw some back you get personal. I've said it before, I've got broad shoulders and can take all you give and give it back ten fold. You know what? It's such a shame about you being a twatish wanker. You can make some incredible posts(I actually liked one from the other day) Pity you couldn't keep it up eh? :)


Well-Known Member
Here's a fact for you Grendel. I'm far from being angry, a little pissed off replying to wankers like you maybe, but not angry. Dongo is correct when saying you turn to personal abuse when you are losing debates. You've proved that today with your attacks(Personal) on a few posters. You throw shit at people and when they throw some back you get personal. I've said it before, I've got broad shoulders and can take all you give and give it back ten fold. You know what? It's such a shame about you being a twatish wanker. You can make some incredible posts(I actually liked one from the other day) Pity you couldn't keep it up eh? :)

Slightly ironic, coming from the shoutiest idiot on the forum.

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
Slightly ironic, coming from the shoutiest idiot on the forum.
Hahahaha...This coming from a Nomark, that hasn't made a post of any worth since he's been signed up to Sky Blues Talk to date. Someone that only makes sarcastic remarks to all and sundry


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha...This coming from a Nomark, that hasn't made a post of any worth since he's been signed up to Sky Blues Talk to date. Someone that only makes sarcastic remarks to all and sundry

Yep ok pal. All you bring to this forum are rants when posters disagree with you, wild stories of mensa memberships and phantom football match streaming, and the inability to use the quote function.

Deleted member 5849

They paid what was the "Going price"

Given the lack of an open bidding process, we have no clue if that is right or not.

According to many here after all, the going rate was at least £20mil and a 45 year lease...

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
Yep ok pal. All you bring to this forum are rants when posters disagree with you, wild stories of mensa memberships and phantom football match streaming, and the inability to use the quote function.
What is this function I'm doing here? oh yes...replying with the Quote function. Haven't got a problem with anyone that disagrees with me. I have, however got a problem with sarcastic c**ts such as yourself. I've had posts between me and Torchy tonight(Who everyone knows that we don't like each other) that have been very straight forward and to the point without any slanging match. Is that not right Torchy? The only wild stories of Mensa memberships are all in that tiny mind of yours pal. What I did say was that I'd taken a Mensa test and came out with a above average IQ. Nothing more, nothing less. Grendel started attacking one of my posts with pure sarcasm...He got it back in abundance. If you don't like what I have to say in my posts...Hit the ingore button, there's a good lad.


Well-Known Member
I know they are. My son has done many football courses with them. However, they are affiliated with the football club and are the community face of the club. and for someone to suggest that Wasps have done more for the community than CCFC is absolute rubbish. Obviously, I don't expect you to agree.

I know a lot of people ignore stuff on the website (the CT rarely report on "good news") but over the last few months there have been many examples of CCFC (not just SBitC so we're not hair splitting) visiting primary schools, visiting University hospital, organising health checks, etc. It's not difficult for Shmmeee or anyone else to check these things out. I think he and many others just like to forget that. They forget the good work done by the Club. It's easier just to shout (and type) SISU OUT, etc.

So, again. Wasps done more for the community? Bull. Shit.

I never mentioned Wasps. I was questioning how much input SISU have in SBintC. Do you remember when they put in a hamstrung bid for the other half of ACL, they concocted a letter about Waggotts community work at Charlton and how they were going to do all sorts of things. I remember questioning why they hadn't done it already. I now question why they haven't done it since? And I will repeat according to Dave Busst who runs SBintC he gets all his own funding for it, it is independant of SISU....they just get reflected glory. Let's give credit to the right people.

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
Whilst were on about paying for things and people whingeing that SISU made a higher offer for ACL/Higgs share. Wasn't there a higher bid than Otium's for CCFC. but in his infinite wisdom, Paul Appleton said Otium should have the Football Club. I maybe wrong but at the back of my mind seem to recollect this being the case. As I said I might be wrong.


Well-Known Member
I never mentioned Wasps. I was questioning how much input SISU have in SBintC. Do you remember when they put in a hamstrung bid for the other half of ACL, they concocted a letter about Waggotts community work at Charlton and how they were going to do all sorts of things. I remember questioning why they hadn't done it already. I now question why they haven't done it since? And I will repeat according to Dave Busst who runs SBintC he gets all his own funding for it, it is independant of SISU....they just get reflected glory. Let's give credit to the right people.
It wasn't you who mentioned Wasps, it was Shmmee who said Wasps have done more for the community than CCFC which he was initially responding too and people took issue with.

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
Why the f**k so many of you lot have got your noses stuck up SISU's arse for I just don't know. Stop making out that SISU are "Doing this" and "Doing that" in the Coventry Community for f**ks sake I'm 62 and went to the "Pop and Crisps event at HR" as a young lad. Footballers such as George Curtis, Ernie Machin, etc, were always going to schools and deprived areas, hospitals, and the like. Non more so than JH. Football academies during the summer holidays was always full of our hero's coaching us youngsters for 2 weeks every year. So get it right out of your heads thinking SISU are the messiahs. (Yes Torchy, I mean you) These community do's have been going on since before I was born. All I can say to you is give your f**king heads a wobble for f**ks sake. If you think this is a rant NOMARK....Your f**king right for once.


Well-Known Member
Why the f**k so many of you lot have got your noses stuck up SISU's arse for I just don't know. Stop making out that SISU are "Doing this" and "Doing that" in the Coventry Community for f**ks sake I'm 62 and went to the "Pop and Crisps event at HR" as a young lad. Footballers such as George Curtis, Ernie Machin, etc, were always going to schools and deprived areas, hospitals, and the like. Non more so than JH. Football academies during the summer holidays was always full of our hero's coaching us youngsters for 2 weeks every year. So get it right out of your heads thinking SISU are the messiahs. (Yes Torchy, I mean you) These community do's have been going on since before I was born. All I can say to you is give your f**king heads a wobble for f**ks sake. If you think this is a rant NOMARK....Your f**king right for once.

It was only a reaction to someone saying Wasps do more in the community than CCFC, otherwise it wouldn't have been mentioned. If you want to rant then aim it at Shmmee


Well-Known Member
You're a little odd.

I was responding to shmmeee who said that Wasps have done more for the community than our club. I was saying it wasn't true.

i think you need to read what ive written properly and then take a break.

Why the f**k so many of you lot have got your noses stuck up SISU's arse for I just don't know. Stop making out that SISU are "Doing this" and "Doing that" in the Coventry Community for f**ks sake I'm 62 and went to the "Pop and Crisps event at HR" as a young lad. Footballers such as George Curtis, Ernie Machin, etc, were always going to schools and deprived areas, hospitals, and the like. Non more so than JH. Football academies during the summer holidays was always full of our hero's coaching us youngsters for 2 weeks every year. So get it right out of your heads thinking SISU are the messiahs. (Yes Torchy, I mean you) These community do's have been going on since before I was born. All I can say to you is give your f**king heads a wobble for f**ks sake. If you think this is a rant NOMARK....Your f**king right for once.


Well-Known Member
I haven't particularly seen much from Wasps in doing things to directly help the community.

However lets not kid ourselves regarding CCFC. CCFC's presence in the city and county has always been minuscule. They don't involve themselves with local people whatsoever. They do nothing to connect to their city.


Not to mention the stuff with the JSBs. I am not saying Joy Seppala is personally babysitting, but the people who do it do a great job but that seems to get overlooked. There were a couple of threads about the Christmas party and how good it was for the kids and that there were a fair few kids there having the time of their lives. I noticed that the people who give it the "Killing the next generation", "why would my kids support ccfc" lines didn't post about it.


Well-Known Member
Given the lack of an open bidding process, we have no clue if that is right or not.

According to many here after all, the going rate was at least £20mil and a 45 year lease...

Would you like to name a few of the many? It is only used by those CCC or Higgs bashing with nothing to back it. 5.5m is the most agreed on. And that was before our Northampton move.

Does that mean that the Ricoh is now worth a lot more than Wasps paid as two clubs play there now?


They don't involve themselves with local people whatsoever. They do nothing to connect to their city.


They do, people just seem to turn a blind eye. I don't doubt they could do a lot more and also market / promote things a lot better, which I have said for months.


Well-Known Member
Actually they do. You, like others are just not big enough to admit it.

I haven't particularly seen much from Wasps in doing things to directly help the community.

However lets not kid ourselves regarding CCFC. CCFC's presence in the city and county has always been minuscule. They don't involve themselves with local people whatsoever. They do nothing to connect to their city.


Well-Known Member
Photoshopped. That is really Richardson, Eastwood, Goode...


They do, people just seem to turn a blind eye. I don't doubt they could do a lot more and also market / promote things a lot better, which I have said for months.


Well-Known Member

They do, people just seem to turn a blind eye. I don't doubt they could do a lot more and also market / promote things a lot better, which I have said for months.

Thats my point.

Go around Coventry and you wouldnt even know we have a football team. Where's the adverts? Where's the fan interaction? Where's the presence in the city?

What do they do to make themselves part of the community? Visiting sick children in hospital is all good, but that isn't involving themselves in the community at large. The football club has almost made itself as something separate to the rest of the city.


Thats my point.

Go around Coventry and you wouldnt even know we have a football team. Where's the adverts? Where's the fan interaction? Where's the presence in the city?

What do they do to make themselves part of the community? Visiting sick children in hospital is all good, but that isn't involving themselves in the community at large. The football club has almost made itself as something separate to the rest of the city.

No, your point was they do nothing, nothing whatsoever.

My point was that they do, they just don't market it very well. No doubt if they did, you would be on here saying it was spin and it was trying to cover something up or some sort of agenda behind it.

I have seen 2 young kids become city fans recently because of the JSB stuff.

An example was somebody on here saying how it was so good Wasps had local kids rugby teams there and it was great to see their colours around the stadium. CCFC had loads of youth football teams at the ground also walking around the pitch, flag bearing, reading the team out but that went un-noticed.


Well-Known Member
No, your point was they do nothing, nothing whatsoever.

My point was that they do, they just don't market it very well. No doubt if they did, you would be on here saying it was spin and it was trying to cover something up or some sort of agenda behind it.

I have seen 2 young kids become city fans recently because of the JSB stuff.

Was it? Ok thanks for clearing that up for me. I'm glad you know what I am thinking.

When was the last time the football club showcased the city?


Was it? Ok thanks for clearing that up for me. I'm glad you know what I am thinking.

When was the last time the football club showcased the city?

Well I do know what you are thinking, because you typed it:

They don't involve themselves with local people whatsoever. They do nothing to connect to their city.

Maybe you forgot that within the few minutes since you posted it?

When was the last time the city showcased the football club????


Well-Known Member
Well I do know what you are thinking, because you typed it:

Maybe you forgot that within the few minutes since you posted it?

When was the last time the city showcased the football club????

You still haven't told me what they do to connect to their city.


New Member
I find it odd we seem to have a " pick one or the other"

why can't we be glad to have both wasps and CCFC. It is possible to enjoy both sports, I played quite high level Rugby until I was badly injured at 27 (got paid £75 a game in 1995), but I also love footy as a supporter but not a player.

personally I think Coventry will benefit from wasps, and perhaps it will inspire CCFC to up their game.

Wasps will pull supporters from Bham and warwickshire all spending money in Coventry, whereas CCFC support is most likely to be from CV1-7

Deleted member 5849

Would you like to name a few of the many? It is only used by those CCC or Higgs bashing with nothing to back it. 5.5m is the most agreed on.

Search the forum yourself, don't be lazy.

Also, the second sentence there is a pile of absolute bollocks.

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