This certainly seems absolutely ridiculous but Joe Elliott said AT flipped his lid at after the Bury game as the club refused to pay for the traditional post match drinks for Peter Shirtliff and the visiting coaches and he had to send someone to Tesco to buy the drinks himself. Apparently it's symptomatic of the way they are running the club but on this occasion he was so embarrassed by the lack of respect this showen for the visiting back room staff he had a go...
It's a pretty entertaining (depressing) suggestion, anyway!

Good old Tescos, never fails to get a mention in the rumours !!!!
The fact is in isolation 3 games doesnt appear long enough to give a manager but coupled with the same issues of not holding onto a lead and
possibly what they were seeing on the training pitch to address these issue, possibly it was.
As Ive said on other posts I liked AT as a bloke; decent and commited enough, working in extremely difficult circumstances last season. Having said that most managers in his shoes wouldve gone either before the end, or at the end, of last season. Maybe SISU shouldve appointed someone new in the summer but they gave AT a chance to get off to a flyer and he didnt. not only that but they were seeing the same mistakes and issues as last season, not changing tactics/personel before its too late.
Someone mentioned no football expertise at board level. Thats why Waggotts was brought in and to be fair since he and Fisher (whatever you think of him) have come in the club appears to be run a little bit better (cant get any worse than Ken the Tw*t !)