Well-Known Member
I hope it wasn't his back doors they smashed in.
People keep saying Ricoh open there doors but I don't see what that will achieve
You can all have a nice jolly rumble with the Northampton Affray Team.Theyre gonna be looking for it.
It would get more media coverage at Sixfields (I think) as cameras will already be there for FL show - I think everyone will get behind whatever is 'decided' once tomorrow is out of the way and we (perhaps) know what the next step will be in this saga.
No the cameras won't be there cos the FL show is on Saturday night and the game is on Sunday!!
Personally I wound say unless you are one of the few planning to actual go to the game don't bother. It would be far better the Ricoh opened its doors and there was some sort of protest there.
Get Real!
There is no way in the world that the Ricoh could relay the match.
The Club have rights to even radio broadcasts!
I am going to go to Northampton on the 11th, want to sit on Jimmy's Hill for the first game, it will be the one and only time I will go to Six-fields.
I know it will not change anything but it will make me feel better and my own personal choice. My protest will be peaceful and although I do not agree with any Coventry fans going, I am not going to abuse anyone.
I am going to go to Northampton on the 11th, want to sit on Jimmy's Hill for the first game, it will be the one and only time I will go to Six-fields.
I know it will not change anything but it will make me feel better and my own personal choice. My protest will be peaceful and although I do not agree with any Coventry fans going, I am not going to abuse anyone.
Lets Face it, if you turn up they will probably ask you in for free - like they did at the first forum.
If they don't you will feel like a right spare part sitting outside listening to the away fans having a right larf at us!
Personally I can't see the justification for turning our backs on our own team.
SISU get vilified but they haven;t created this situation out of thin air everybody knows it was a mess before they came!
The main issue is the non-ownership of the arena, and that's all down to the council 'avin a larf' in the first place!
good luck to ya mate, but don't stay out, out of some misplaced sense of allegiance, or hope that it will bring in new owners
you'd only give them as much stick as SISU after two weeks!
Get in there PUSB!